Reputation: 1753
I am building a Vue JS SPA, and have a Vuetify data-table inside of the v-app. I am trying to set a variable inside the watch object for the filteredItems computed property inside the data-table but I am unsure of how to access the $refs array inside the instance.
I know that the data is accessible within the instance by using:
However the same reference name does not work within the watch object. I have tried:
$refs['prospectsTable'].filteredItems: function(newItems) {
this.$refs['prospectsTable'].filteredItems: function(newItems) {
How can i access the $refs array inside of the watch function?
var p = new Vue({
el: '#prospectsApp',
data: () => ({}),
watch: function() {
// How can i access the $refs array inside of the watch function?
$refs['prospectsTable'].filteredItems: function() {
<div id="prospectsApp">
<v-app id="inspire" v-cloak>
<v-data-table ref="prospectsTable" v-model="selected" :headers="headers" :items="prospects" :pagination.sync="pagination" select-all item-key="id" class="elevation-1" >
<template v-slot:headers="props">
<th><v-checkbox :input-value="props.all" color="#c79121" :indeterminate="props.indeterminate" primary hide-details @click.stop="toggleAllSelected"></v-checkbox></th>
<th v-for="header in props.headers" :key="header.text"
:class="['column sortable', pagination.descending ? 'desc' : 'asc', header.value === pagination.sortBy ? 'active' : '']"
<v-icon small>arrow_upward</v-icon>
@{{ header.text }}
<template v-slot:items="props">
<tr :active="props.selected" @click="props.selected = !props.selected">
<td class="text-center align-middle">
<v-checkbox :input-value="props.selected" primary hide-details color="#c79121"></v-checkbox>
<td class="text-center align-middle">@{{ }}</td>
<div>@{{ }}</div>
<div v-show="props.item.contacted" class="label label-success"><span class="fa fa-check-square-o"></span> Contacted!</div>
<td>@{{ props.item.foodcat.title }}</td>
<td>@{{ props.item.contact_fname }}<span v-if="props.item.contact_lname"> @{{ props.item.contact_lname }}</span><span v-if="props.item.contact_title">, @{{ props.item.contact_title }}</span></td>
<td>@{{ props.item.response_notes }}</td>
<td class="text-right align-middle">
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" @click="updateContacted(" v-show="!props.item.contacted"><span class="fa fa-check-square-o"></span> Mark As Contacted</button>
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" @click="editProspect("><span class="fa fa-edit"></span> Edit Lead</button>
<button class="btn btn-danger btn-sm" @click="removeProspect("><span class="fa fa-trash"></span> Delete Lead</button>
<template slot="no-data">
<p class="text-xs-center">No Data</p>
Upvotes: 1
Views: 9433
Reputation: 5465
It might be sat in $root because of where the component it is declared.
If $refs.prospectsTable
is not working then try $root.$refs.prospectsTable
Perhaps also this should be keys in a watcher as a string like so:
watch: {
'$refs.prospectsTable.filteredItems': function (value) {
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 6978
The best way is to add watcher on the mounted. Try the following code.
() => {
return this.$refs.prospectsTable.filteredItems
(val) => {
alert('App $watch $refs.counter.i: ' + val)
Codepen -
Upvotes: 3