Reputation: 16865
I have this tlib
sourceSets {
val main by getting
val tlib by creating {
compileClasspath += main.output
runtimeClasspath += main.output
val test by getting {
compileClasspath += tlib.output
runtimeClasspath += tlib.output
configurations {
val tlibCompile by getting {
I am imagining something like this, but this is not complete
publishing {
publications {
val tlibSourcesJar by tasks.registering(Jar::class) {
classifier = "sources"
register("mavenTLib", MavenPublication::class) {
but I get
Could not create domain object 'mavenTLib' (MavenPublication)
> SoftwareComponentInternal with name 'tlib' not found.
How can I publish my test lib separately from my main lib?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1349
Reputation: 16865
this works to an extent but is probably not the best way to do it
sourceSets {
val main by getting
val tlib by creating {
compileClasspath += main.output
runtimeClasspath += main.output
val test by getting {
compileClasspath += tlib.output
runtimeClasspath += tlib.output
configurations {
val tlibCompile by getting {
publishing {
publications {
val tlibJar by tasks.registering(Jar::class) {
val tlibSourcesJar by tasks.registering(Jar::class) {
register("mavenTLib", MavenPublication::class) {
artifactId = "phg-entity-tlib"
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2348
I have an example here, unfortunately it is written in Groovy, and I am not yet familiar with the Kotlin way of doing it.
Maybe it still helps:
The most relevant part is probably this:
outputArchives.each { outputArchive ->
String logicalName = outputArchive.camelCase()
// Add archiving tasks.
// These could be anything with type AbstractArchiveTask (e.g. War, Zip).
task("${logicalName}Jar", type: Jar) { from configurations."${logicalName}Compile" }
task("${logicalName}SourceJar", type: Jar) { from sourceSets."${logicalName}".java }
// Configure the publishing extension added by the 'maven-publish' plugin.
// For every combination of publication and repository, a task with name
// publish<publicationName>PublicationTo<repositoryName>Repository is created.
// The task 'publish' is a shortcut, depending on each one of them.
publishing {
publications {
// Create a publication by calling its name and type.
"${logicalName}"(MavenPublication) {
// Override the artifact id, which defaults to the project name.
artifactId = outputArchive.dashSeparated()
// Publish the artifacts created by the archiving tasks.
artifact tasks."${logicalName}Jar"
artifact(tasks."${logicalName}SourceJar") { classifier 'source' }
I also never figured out how to make use of this SoftwareComponent
concept. I solved this by calling the artifact
method on the archiving tasks that I created, instead of using from(component)
, I would think this could also be done in Kotlin.
Upvotes: 0