
Reputation: 3

tkinter Attribute error - Object has no attribute. I don't understand why it can't find the attribute of this object

I am creating a rouge-like text based adventure game in python using tkinter and I am trying to set up the GUI. I want the menu bar to appear after I enter the main game screen (so after the player clicks 'start game'). For some reason python can't find the menubar that I have defined when I call the function for it and I'm can't understand why.

I have been trying different methods and doing research on other forums for a few days now but I have yet to find an answer. I have tried: - Creating a function - trying to call it the variable from another class - renaming the object - checked the indentation - As far as I can see, it is fine

I have also tried creating the menubar normally and having it load when the program runs. (i.e. not in a function but in the 'init' part of the class.) This works but I want the menu bar to appear later and not at the start.

##Importing modules-------------------------------------------------------
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import messagebox

#Setting up GUI ---------------------------------------------------------
class FireofStromwarld(tk.Tk):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        tk.Tk.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

        self.title("The Fire of Stromwarld")
        self.config(bg = 'grey')

        #Centering Window
        WindowWidth = 900
        WindowHeight = 600
        ScreenWidth = self.winfo_screenwidth()
        ScreenHeight = self.winfo_screenheight()
        xCoordinate = int((ScreenWidth / 2) - (WindowWidth / 2))
        yCoordinate = int((ScreenHeight / 2) - (WindowHeight / 2))

        self.geometry('{}x{}+{}+{}'.format(WindowWidth, WindowHeight, xCoordinate, yCoordinate))
        self.resizable(width = False, height = False)

        #Setting up container to hold all frames
        frmContainer = tk.Frame(self)
        frmContainer.config(width = 750,
                            height = 450,
                            bg = 'grey')

        frmContainer.grid(row = 0, column = 0, padx = 75, pady = 75)

        #Listing avaliable frames
        self.frames = ['MainMenu', 'GameMenu']
        self.frames[0] = MainMenu(parent = frmContainer, controller = self)
        self.frames[1] = GameMenu(parent = frmContainer, controller = self)

        self.frames[0].grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = 'nsew')
        self.frames[1].grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = 'nsew')


        #Menubar(The Problem Part)
        self.menuBar = tk.Menu(self)
        self.GameMenu = tk.Menu(self.menuBar, tearoff = 0)
        self.GameMenu.add_command(label = 'Exit',
                                  font = ('arial', 9),
                                  command = self.quit)

        self.menuBar.add_cascade(label = 'Game',
                                 menu = self.GameMenu)


    def ShowFrame(self, pagename):
        frame = self.frames[pagename]

    def CreateMenu(self):
        NewMenu = self.menuBar
        self.configure(menu = NewMenu)

    def RemoveFunc(self):
        emptyMenu = tk.Menu(self)
        self.configure(menu = emptyMenu)

class MainMenu(tk.Frame):
    def __init__(self, parent, controller):
        tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent)

        self.controller = controller

        self.config(bg = 'grey')

        #Objects on Main Menu
        lblTitle = tk.Label(self,
                            text = "The Fire of Stromwarld",
                            font = ('Arial', 28, 'bold'),
                            fg = 'brown',
                            bg = 'grey',
                            justify = 'center')

        btnStart = tk.Button(self,
                             text = "Start Game",
                             font = ('Arial',16),
                             bg = 'grey',
                             relief = 'flat',
                             command = lambda: controller.ShowFrame(1))

        btnExit = tk.Button(self,
                            text = "Exit",
                            font = ('Arial',16),
                            bg = 'grey',
                            relief = 'flat',
                            width = 9,
                            command = self.quit)

        #Positioning of Main Window Objects
        lblTitle.grid(row = 0, column = 0, padx = 178, pady = 75)
        btnStart.grid(row = 1, column = 0, pady = (50,20))
        btnExit.grid(row = 2, column = 0)

class GameMenu(tk.Frame):
    def __init__(self, parent, controller):
        tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent)

        self.controller = controller

        self.config(bg = 'grey')

        #Creating Menu Base

        #Objects on Game Menu
        #Player and Monster Stat boxes
        frmPlayerStats = tk.Frame(self,
                                  width = 180,
                                  height = 150,
                                  borderwidth = 2,
                                  relief = 'ridge')

        frmMonStats = tk.Frame(self,
                            width = 180,
                            height = 80,
                            borderwidth = 2,
                            relief = 'groove')

        #Player Stats
        lblPlayerName = tk.Label(frmPlayerStats,
                                 text = "Player:",
                                 font = ('arial', 13))

        lblPlayerLevel = tk.Label(frmPlayerStats,
                                  text = "Lvl: 1",
                                  font = ('arial', 10))

        lblPlayerHPTitle = tk.Label(frmPlayerStats,
                                    text = "HP: ",
                                    font = ('arial', 10))

        lblPlayerHPStats = tk.Label(frmPlayerStats,
                                    text = "10 / 10",
                                    font = ('arial', 10),
                                    fg = 'green')

        lblPlayerMPTitle = tk.Label(frmPlayerStats,
                                    text = "MP: ",
                                    font = ('arial', 10))

        lblPlayerMPStats = tk.Label(frmPlayerStats,
                                    text = "5 / 5",
                                    font = ('arial', 10),
                                    fg = 'blue')

        lblPlayerBaseAttkTitle = tk.Label(frmPlayerStats,
                                          text = "Attack: ",
                                          font = ('arial', 10))

        lblPlayerBaseAttkStats = tk.Label(frmPlayerStats,
                                          text = "5",
                                          font = ('arial', 10),
                                          fg = 'red')

        lblPlayerWeapTitle = tk.Label(frmPlayerStats,
                                      text = "Weapon: ",
                                      font = ('arial', 10))

        lblPlayerWeapStats = tk.Label(frmPlayerStats,
                                      text = "None | +2",
                                      font = ('arial', 10))

        lblPlayerArmTitle = tk.Label(frmPlayerStats,
                                     text = "Armour: ",
                                     font = ('arial', 10))

        lblPlayerArmStats = tk.Label(frmPlayerStats,
                                     text = "5",
                                     font = ('arial', 10))

        #Monster Stats
        lblMonName = tk.Label(frmMonStats,
                              text = "Monster:",
                              font = ('arial', 11))

        lblMonHPTitle = tk.Label(frmMonStats,
                                 text = "HP: ",
                                 font = ('arial', 9))

        lblMonHPStats = tk.Label(frmMonStats,
                                 text = "10 / 10",
                                 font = ('arial', 9),
                                 fg = 'green')

        lblMonMPTitle = tk.Label(frmMonStats,
                                 text = "MP: ",
                                 font = ('arial', 9))

        lblMonMPStats = tk.Label(frmMonStats,
                                 text = "5 / 5",
                                 font = ('arial', 9),
                                 fg = 'blue')

        #Main Objects
        #Text display
        txtMain = tk.Text(self,
                          width = 78,
                          height = 22,
                          borderwidth = 1,
                          relief = 'solid',
                          wrap = 'word',
                          cursor = 'left_ptr')

        scrlTxtMain = tk.Scrollbar(self)
        txtMain.configure(yscrollcommand = scrlTxtMain.set)
        scrlTxtMain.configure(command = txtMain.yview)

        #User input
        lblentUserInput = tk.Label(self,
                                   text = '>>>',
                                   font = ('arial', 9),
                                   bg = 'white')

        entUserInput = tk.Entry(self,
                                font = ('arial', 9),
                                relief = 'sunken',
                                justify = 'left',
                                width = 69,
                                borderwidth = 2)

        btnUserInput = tk.Button(self,
                                 text = "Enter",
                                 font = ('arial', 7),
                                 relief = 'groove',
                                 width = 7)

        #Action Buttons
        btnAction1 = tk.Button(self,
                               text = "Attack",
                               font = ('arial', 10),
                               relief = 'raised',
                               cursor = 'X_cursor',
                               width = 10,
                               height = 2)

        btnAction2 = tk.Button(self,
                               text = "Special",
                               font = ('arial', 10),
                               relief = 'raised',
                               cursor = 'cross_reverse',
                               width = 10,
                               height = 2,)

        btnAction3 = tk.Button(self,
                               text = "Heal",
                               font = ('arial', 10),
                               relief = 'raised',
                               cursor = 'heart',
                               width = 10,
                               height = 2)

        btnAction4 = tk.Button(self,
                               text = "Run",
                               font = ('arial', 10),
                               relief = 'raised',
                               cursor = 'right_side',
                               width = 10,
                               height = 2)

        lblInventoryTitle = tk.Label(self,
                                     text = 'Inventory:' + ' ' * 27,
                                     font = ('arial',11, 'italic'),
                                     bg = 'white')

        lstbInventory = tk.Listbox(self,
                                   font = ('arial', 9),
                                   width = 23,
                                   height = 11,
                                   cursor = 'hand2')

        scrllstbInventory = tk.Scrollbar(self)
        lstbInventory.configure(yscrollcommand = scrllstbInventory.set)
        scrllstbInventory.configure(command = lstbInventory.yview)

        #Positioning of Game Objects
        #Main object placements
        txtMain.grid(row = 0, column = 0, rowspan = 30, columnspan = 10)
        scrlTxtMain.grid(row = 0, column = 10, rowspan = 30, padx = (0, 1), sticky = 'nsw')

        #Entry line placement
        lblentUserInput.grid(row = 31, column = 0, columnspan = 2)
        entUserInput.grid(row = 31, column = 2, columnspan = 6, sticky = 'w')
        btnUserInput.grid(row = 31, column = 7, columnspan = 4, sticky = 'w')

        #Action buttons placements
        btnAction1.grid(row = 32, column = 3, padx = 15, pady = 20)
        btnAction2.grid(row = 32, column = 4, padx = 15, pady = 20)
        btnAction3.grid(row = 32, column = 5, padx = 15, pady = 20)
        btnAction4.grid(row = 32, column = 6, padx = 15, pady = 20)

        #Stats objects placenments
        frmPlayerStats.grid(row = 0, column = 11, columnspan = 2, padx = 3)
        lblPlayerName.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = 'w')
        lblPlayerLevel.grid(row = 0, column = 1, sticky = 'w')
        lblPlayerHPTitle.grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = 'w')
        lblPlayerHPStats.grid(row = 1, column = 1, sticky = 'w')
        lblPlayerMPTitle.grid(row = 2, column = 0, sticky = 'w')
        lblPlayerMPStats.grid(row = 2, column = 1, sticky = 'w')
        lblPlayerBaseAttkTitle.grid(row = 3, column = 0, sticky = 'w')
        lblPlayerBaseAttkStats.grid(row = 3, column = 1, sticky = 'w')
        lblPlayerWeapTitle.grid(row = 4, column = 0, sticky = 'w')
        lblPlayerWeapStats.grid(row = 4, column = 1, sticky = 'w')
        lblPlayerArmTitle.grid(row = 5, column = 0, sticky = 'w')
        lblPlayerArmStats.grid(row = 5, column = 1, sticky = 'w')

        frmMonStats.grid(row = 1, column = 11, columnspan = 2, padx = 3, pady = 4)
        lblMonName.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = 'w')
        lblMonHPTitle.grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = 'w')
        lblMonHPStats.grid(row = 1, column = 1, sticky = 'w')
        lblMonMPTitle.grid(row = 2, column = 0, sticky = 'w')
        lblMonMPStats.grid(row = 2, column = 1, sticky = 'w')

        #Inventory object placements
        lblInventoryTitle.grid(row = 2, column = 11, columnspan = 2, padx = 3, pady = (4,0), sticky = 'w')
        lstbInventory.grid(row = 3, column = 11, rowspan = 32, padx = (3,0), sticky = 'w')
        scrllstbInventory.grid(row = 3, column = 12, rowspan = 32, sticky = 'nsw')

#Runnning Program -------------------------------------------------------
game = FireofStromwarld()

This is my first post on stackoverflow so I apologise if any of my formatting is a bit off, especially the code that I have shown. I can't seem to get it to highlight the python syntax properly.

I hope that someone can help me. Thank you! >.<

EDIT1 (29/03/2019): Here is the error I am getting:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\***\Documents\Python\Games\FireofStromwarldv2.0\game_Main1.py", line 356, in <module>
    game = FireofStromwarld()
  File "C:\Users\***\Documents\Python\Games\FireofStromwarldv2.0\game_Main1.py", line 50, in __init__
    self.frames[1] = GameMenu(parent = frmContainer, controller = self)
  File "C:\Users\***\Documents\Python\Games\FireofStromwarldv2.0\game_Main1.py", line 130, in __init__
  File "C:\Users\***\Documents\Python\Games\FireofStromwarldv2.0\game_Main1.py", line 74, in CreateMenu
    NewMenu = self.menuBar
  File "C:\Users\***\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\tkinter\__init__.py", line 2098, in __getattr__
    return getattr(self.tk, attr)
AttributeError: '_tkinter.tkapp' object has no attribute 'menuBar'
[Finished in 0.8s]

The *** Are just to censor my User name.

Upvotes: 0

Views: 2042

Answers (1)


Reputation: 47173

It is because you call controller.CreateMenu() when creating GameMenu() and in this moment the self.menuBar used in controller.CreateMenu() does not exist as self.menuBar is created after GameMenu().

Try moving self.menuBar = tkMenu(self) in __init__(...) of class FireofStromwarld somewhere before the statement self.frames[1] = GameMenu(parent = frmContainer, controller = self).

Upvotes: 1

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