Reputation: 31
all my JSON data contains status(int), msg(String), and data(any Type). Because I'm come from java ,I want use generics。I'm writing a deserialize for a top generics with built_value, but failed.
I have try this
But do not really understand.
There follows my code:
abstract class GenericValue<T>
implements Built<GenericValue<T>, GenericValueBuilder<T>> {
T get data;
int get status;
String get msg;
static Serializer<GenericValue> get serializer => _$genericValueSerializer;
factory GenericValue([updates(GenericValueBuilder<T> b)]) =
abstract class UserInfo implements Built<UserInfo, UserInfoBuilder> {
static Serializer<UserInfo> get serializer => _$userInfoSerializer;
String get id;
String get email;
factory UserInfo([updates(UserInfoBuilder b)]) = _$UserInfo;
GenericValue<UserInfo> parseUserInfo(String jsonStr) {
final parsed = json.jsonDecode(jsonStr);
final specifiedType = const FullType(GenericValue, [FullType(UserInfo)]);
final serializersWithBuilder = (standardSerializers.toBuilder()
..addBuilderFac`enter code here`tory(specifiedType, () => GenericValueBuilder<UserInfo>
Response<UserInfo> response = serializersWithBuilder.deserialize(parsed,
specifiedType: specifiedType);
return response;
but result is: Invalid argument(s): Unknown type on deserialization. Need either specifiedType or discriminator field.
how can it do it in right way, to deserialize JSON data like this.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 4084
Reputation: 31
String toJsonUserInfo() {
final specifiedType = const FullType(GenericValue, [FullType(UserInfo)]);
final serializersWithBuilder = (standardSerializers.toBuilder()
specifiedType, () => GenericValueBuilder<UserInfo>()))
return json.encode(
serializersWithBuilder.serialize(this, specifiedType: specifiedType));
static GenericValue<UserInfo> fromJsonUserInfo(String jsonString) {
final specifiedType = const FullType(GenericValue, [FullType(UserInfo)]);
final serializersWithBuilder = (standardSerializers.toBuilder()
specifiedType, () => GenericValueBuilder<UserInfo>()))
return serializersWithBuilder.deserialize(json.decode(jsonString),
specifiedType: specifiedType);
it works.
Upvotes: 2