Reputation: 2338
I want to implement the google cloud vision textDetection using a google cloud vision.
I have install the composer from google cloud vision to the thirdparty vendor in codeignier.
What my setup in construct is :
include APPPATH . 'third_party/vendor/autoload.php';
require_once APPPATH.'third_party/vendor/google/cloud-vision/src/V1/ImageAnnotatorClient.php';
and my function to call the OCR is :
function upload_ocr_image()
if (count($_FILES) === 0) { echo 'no image received from unity'; }
$phone_code = $this->input->post('phone_code', true);
$phone_number = $this->input->post('phone_number', true);
$imgType = exif_imagetype($_FILES['ocr_image']['tmp_name']);
echo "Images Type Error. Images Type Only : GIF , JPEG, PNG";
//upload original size front end slider
$config['upload_path'] = './assets/ocr_image/';
$config['allowed_types'] = '*';
$config['file_name'] = $phone_code.$phone_number.".jpg";
$config['overwrite'] = TRUE;
$config['max_size'] = '8096';
$config['max_width'] = '8000';
$config['max_height'] = '8000';
$this->load->library('upload', $config);
echo "Maximum File Size Only 2 Mb Or Max Width = 2000 , Height = 2000";
$img_data = $this->upload->data();
// Authenticating with a keyfile path.
$imageAnnotator = new ImageAnnotatorClient([
'credentials' => base_url().'assets/google_cloud_vision/keyfile.json'
# annotate the image
$response = $imageAnnotator->textDetection($img_data['full_path']);
$texts = $response->getTextAnnotations();
printf('%d texts found:' . PHP_EOL, count($texts));
foreach ($texts as $text) {
print($text->getDescription() . PHP_EOL);
# get bounds
$vertices = $text->getBoundingPoly()->getVertices();
$bounds = [];
foreach ($vertices as $vertex) {
$bounds[] = sprintf('(%d,%d)', $vertex->getX(), $vertex->getY());
print('Bounds: ' . join(', ',$bounds) . PHP_EOL);
But before process the text detection i have run into an error :
Fatal error: Class 'ImageAnnotatorClient' not found
Which is this line :
$imageAnnotator = new ImageAnnotatorClient([
What could possible cause the error ? From the construct above i already include or require_once the Path to the Class.
Is there something that i have missed in here ?
Thank You
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Views: 696
Reputation: 2338
This is the answer.
Check this post : Namespace in PHP CodeIgniter Framework
Just add the code to detect the namespace in the bottom of the config.php
Upvotes: 0