Reputation: 31
I am trying to investigate my model with R with machine learning. Training model in general works not well.
# # Logistic regression multiclass
for (i in 1:30) {
# split data into training/test
trainPhyIndex <- createDataPartition(subs_phy$Methane, p=10/17,list = FALSE)
trainingPhy <- subs_phy[trainPhyIndex,]
testingPhy <- subs_phy[-trainPhyIndex,]
# Pre-process predictor values
trainXphy <- trainingPhy[,names(trainingPhy)!= "Methane"]
preProcValuesPhy <- preProcess(x= trainXphy,method = c("center","scale"))
# using boot to avoid over-fitting
fitControlPhyGLMNET <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv",
number = 10,
repeats = 4,
classProbs = TRUE
fit_glmnet_phy <- train (Methane~.,
method = "glmnet",
tuneGrid = expand.grid(
.alpha =0.1,
.lambda = 0.00023),
metric = "Accuracy",
trControl = fitControlPhyGLMNET)
pred_glmnet_phy <- predict(fit_glmnet_phy, testingPhy)
# Get the confusion matrix to see accuracy value
u <- union(pred_glmnet_phy,testingPhy$Methane)
t <- table(factor(pred_glmnet_phy, u), factor(testingPhy$Methane, u))
accu_glmnet_phy <- confusionMatrix(t)
# accu_glmnet_phy<-confusionMatrix(pred_glmnet_phy,testingPhy$Methane)
glmnetstatsPhy[(nrow(glmnetstatsPhy)+1),] = accu_glmnet_phy$overall
The program always stopped on fit_glmnet_phy <- train (Methane~., .. this command and shows
Metric Accuracy not applicable for regression models
I have no idea about this error I also attached the type of mathane enter image description here
Upvotes: 3
Views: 6904
Reputation: 31
Try normalizing the input columns and mapping the output column as factors. This helped me resolve an issue similar to it.
Upvotes: 3