
Reputation: 1

The kubernetes "AVAILABLE" column indicates "0", but the former steps(in Kubernetes guide) are OK

I need to deploy some docker images, and manage them with the Kubernetes.

I followed the tutorial"Interactive Tutorial - Deploying an App"(

But after I typing the command kuberctl get deployments, in the result table, the deployment column shows 0 instead of 1, it's confusing me.

If there is anyone kindly guides me what's going wrong and what shall I do?

The OS is Ubuntu16.04;

The kuberctl version command shows the server and client version informations well.

The docker image is tagged already(a mysql:5.7 image).

devserver:~$ kubectl version    

Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"13", GitVersion:"v1.13.0", GitCommit:"ddf47ac13c1a9483ea035a79cd7c10005ff21a6d", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2018-12-03T21:04:45Z", GoVersion:"go1.11.2", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}  
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"10", GitVersion:"v1.10.0", GitCommit:"fc32d2f3698e36b93322a3465f63a14e9f0eaead", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2018-03-26T16:44:10Z", GoVersion:"go1.9.3", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}

devserver:~$ kubectl get deployments

ap-mysql    1    1    1       0        1
hello-node  1    1    1       0        1

I expect the answer about the phenomenon and the resolution. And I need to deploy my image on the minikube.

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Views: 1061

Answers (1)


Reputation: 1320

Katacoda uses hosted VM's so sometimes it may be slow to respond to the terminal input.

To verify if any deployment is present you may run kubectl get deployments --all-namespaces.
To see what's going on with your deployment you can run kubectl describe DEPLOYMENT_NAME -n NAMESPACE.
To inspect a pod you can do the same kubectl describe POD_NAME -n NAMESPACE.

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