Reputation: 687
I am looking to use multiple (5) checkboxes to filter a single column in an excel table. The column to be filtered contains several markers namely
My aim is to tick several boxes and include all the columns with said marker. Using straightforward methods results in the previous filter being cleared instead of being "added".
Here a picture of my (now two) tracking columns, one containing the identifier and another hidden converting that too the checkbox captions using ifs
statements so @zac's solution works.
I have a looked around a lot and found a thread on MrExcel where some code was provided however I was unable to adapt it to my exact needs. Sadly whichever button I press it keeps defaulting to the blank ("") marker.
Below is my code for a sub that should be called by each checkbox.
Background info:
The identifier value are defined in a table and assigned a dynamic named range "tracking"
The column to be filtered is called ("Project Flag")
The code is contained in a seperate module
Sub Project_Filter()
Dim objcBox As Object
Dim cBox As Variant
Set Dbtbl = Sheets("Database").ListObjects("Entire")
ReDim cBox(0)
Dim trackers() As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim x As Variant
i = -1
For Each x In Range("Tracking").Cells 'reading named range into array
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve trackers(i) As String
trackers(i) = x.Value
Next x
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With Sheets("Database")
For Each objcBox In .OLEObjects
If TypeName(objcBox.Object) = "CheckBox" Then 'looking for checkboxes
If objcBox.Object.Value = True Then
cBox(UBound(cBox)) = trackers(i) 'setting cbox array as nth trackers value
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve cBox(UBound(cBox) + 1)
End If
End If
If IsError(Application.Match((cBox), 0)) Then
MsgBox "Nothing Selected"
Exit Sub
End If
ReDim Preserve cBox(UBound(cBox))
If Not .AutoFilterMode Then
Dbtbl.Range.AutoFilter Field:=Dbtbl.HeaderRowRange.Find("Project Flag").Column, Criteria1:=Array(cBox)
End If
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
So after some trial and error i found out that the array cbox() only contains the first value of my trackers array, hence it only filtering the blank entries. No idea what causes that but thought it might be noteworthy
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Views: 1355
Reputation: 1942
Based on our conversation and the picture of your checkboxes in your description, we can get the filter text from the caption:
Option Explicit
Sub Project_Filter()
Dim oOLE As Object
Dim oWS As Worksheet: Set oWS = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1") ' <--- Remeber to change this
Dim aFilter As Variant
Dim sFilterChar As String
' Referenc the sheet
With oWS
' If 'All Projects' checkbox is selected, unselect all other checkboxes
If .OLEObjects("chkAll").Object.Value Then
End If
' Loop to capture all selected check boxes
For Each oOLE In .OLEObjects
If TypeName(oOLE.Object) = "CheckBox" And oOLE.Object.Value And oOLE.Object.Caption <> "All Projects" Then
If Not IsArray(aFilter) Then
ReDim aFilter(0)
ReDim Preserve aFilter(UBound(aFilter) + 1)
End If
sFilterChar = Mid(oOLE.Object.Caption, 2, 1)
If sFilterChar = "]" Then
aFilter(UBound(aFilter)) = ""
aFilter(UBound(aFilter)) = sFilterChar
End If
End If
' Set the filter based on selection
If IsArray(aFilter) Then
.ListObjects("Table1").Range.AutoFilter field:=2, Criteria1:=aFilter, Operator:=xlFilterValues
End If
End With
' Clear Object
Set oWS = Nothing
End Sub
' Clear all checkboxes other than 'All Projects' checkbox
Private Sub ClearCheckboxes()
Dim oOLE As Object
Dim oWS As Worksheet: Set oWS = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1") ' <--- Remeber to change this
With oWS
' Clear checkboxes
For Each oOLE In .OLEObjects
If TypeName(oOLE.Object) = "CheckBox" And oOLE.Object.Caption <> "All Projects" Then
If oOLE.Object.Value Then
oOLE.Object.Value = False
End If
End If
End With
' Clear object
Set oWS = Nothing
End Sub
NOTE: I have All Projects
as a checkbox as well
Upvotes: 1