Reputation: 111
I am testing my iOS app on my phone and when I try opening it, it instantly exits. App builds and works in simulator. Does anyone know what could be the cause?
I verified and checked that my provisioning profile + certificates are all valid and they are. Nothing has expired.
I believe the error may be coming from this step from the console logs:
error 13:45:10.855026 -0400 symptomsd Can't get most elevated app state from dictionary {
BKSApplicationStateExtensionKey = 0;
SBApplicationStateDisplayIDKey = "";
SBApplicationStateKey = 0;
SBApplicationStateProcessIDKey = 991;
SBApplicationStateRunningReasonsKey = (
SBApplicationStateRunningReasonAssertionIdentifierKey = Resume;
SBApplicationStateRunningReasonAssertionReasonKey = 10000;
SBApplicationStateRunningReasonAssertionIdentifierKey = UIApplicationLaunch;
SBApplicationStateRunningReasonAssertionReasonKey = 10000;
Full logs below.
Here are the logs from xcode:
default 13:45:10.348434 -0400 SpringBoard Bootstrapping com.My.Bundle.Id with intent foreground-interactive
default 13:45:10.348590 -0400 assertiond Submitting new job for "com.My.Bundle.Id" on behalf of <BKProcess: 0x101c03a60; SpringBoard;; pid: 52; agency: SystemShell; visibility: foreground; task: running>
default 13:45:10.349683 -0400 assertiond Submitted job with label: UIKitApplication:com.My.Bundle.Id[0xe595][62]
default 13:45:10.382109 -0400 SpringBoard [com.My.Bundle.Id] Bootstrap complete with label: UIKitApplication:com.My.Bundle.Id[0xe595][62]
default 13:45:10.382495 -0400 SpringBoard Adding: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x146b73c10; Jupiter (com.My.Bundle.Id); pid: 991>
default 13:45:10.384602 -0400 assertiond Now tracking process <BKProcess: 0x101b07760; Jupiter; com.My.Bundle.Id; pid: 991; agency: Application; visibility: none; task: running; hostpid: 52> with host <BKProcess: 0x101c03a60; SpringBoard;; pid: 52; agency: SystemShell; visibility: foreground; task: running>
default 13:45:10.396434 -0400 mediaserverd -CMSessionMgr- CMSessionMgrHandleApplicationStateChange: CMSession: Client com.My.Bundle.Id with pid '991' is now Foreground Running. Background entitlement: NO
default 13:45:10.401556 -0400 SpringBoard [com.My.Bundle.Id] Setting deactivation reasons to: 'systemAnimation' for reason: scene settings update - settings are eligible for deactivation reasons.
default 13:45:10.415638 -0400 SpringBoard Application process state changed for com.My.Bundle.Id: <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x28130de40; pid: 991; taskState: Running; visibility: Unknown>
default 13:45:10.433713 -0400 SpringBoard WIFI PICKER [com.My.Bundle.Id]: isProcessLaunch: 1, isForegroundActivation: 1, isForegroundDeactivation: 0
default 13:45:10.434940 -0400 symptomsd 991 com.My.Bundle.Id: ForegroundRunning (most elevated: ForegroundRunning)
default 13:45:10.435072 -0400 symptomsd Entry, display name com.My.Bundle.Id uuid 5DF98506-8B88-381F-8E79-82FB0DA768FC pid 991 isFront 1
default 13:45:10.435420 -0400 symptomsd Continue with bundle name com.My.Bundle.Id, is front 1
default 13:45:10.435464 -0400 symptomsd com.My.Bundle.Id: Foreground: true
default 13:45:10.435746 -0400 symptomsd Failed to find process for com.My.Bundle.Id
default 13:45:10.641383 -0400 SpringBoard [com.My.Bundle.Id] Setting deactivation reasons to: '(none)' for reason: updateAllScenesForBand - Assertion removed.
default 13:45:10.775095 -0400 backboardd Connection added: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:960FB53D-5C0A-47D5-8260-BB2E2A63D61B pid:991 process:Jupiter type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:BackBoardServices: <redacted> + 368 attributes:<CFBasicHash 0x10bd00b70 [0x102f00010]>{type = immutable dict, count = 3,
entries =>
0 : <CFString 0x102b799f0 [0x20baeba30]>{contents = "pid"} = <CFNumber 0xc45bcab69880bc04 [0x20baeba30]>{value = +991, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
1 : <CFString 0x102b48c20 [0x20baeba30]>{contents = "bundleID"} = <CFString 0x102b6c3f0 [0x20baeba30]>{contents = "com.My.Bundle.Id"}
2 : <CFString 0x102b065e0 [0x20baeba30]>{contents = "HighFrequency"} = <CFBoolean 0x20baf1a10 [0x20baeba30]>{value = true}
default 13:45:10.789855 -0400 backboardd Connection removed: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:960FB53D-5C0A-47D5-8260-BB2E2A63D61B pid:991 process:Jupiter type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:BackBoardServices: <redacted> + 368 attributes:<CFBasicHash 0x10bd00b70 [0x102f00010]>{type = immutable dict, count = 3,
entries =>
0 : <CFString 0x102b799f0 [0x20baeba30]>{contents = "pid"} = <CFNumber 0xc45bcab69880bc04 [0x20baeba30]>{value = +991, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
1 : <CFString 0x102b48c20 [0x20baeba30]>{contents = "bundleID"} = <CFString 0x102b6c3f0 [0x20baeba30]>{contents = "com.My.Bundle.Id"}
2 : <CFString 0x102b065e0 [0x20baeba30]>{contents = "HighFrequency"} = <CFBoolean 0x20baf1a10 [0x20baeba30]>{value = true}
default 13:45:10.791946 -0400 SpringBoard [com.My.Bundle.Id] Sending scene action [Logical Activate] through WorkspaceServer: 0x283139630
default 13:45:10.797970 -0400 SpringBoard [com.My.Bundle.Id] Sending scene action [SceneLifecycleEventOnly] through WorkspaceServer: 0x283139630
default 13:45:10.798522 -0400 SpringBoard [com.My.Bundle.Id] Sending scene action [SceneLifecycleEventOnly] through WorkspaceServer: 0x283139630
default 13:45:10.800563 -0400 SpringBoard Application process state changed for com.My.Bundle.Id: <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x281252bc0; pid: 991; taskState: Not Running; visibility: Unknown>
default 13:45:10.803944 -0400 SpringBoard Application process state changed for com.My.Bundle.Id: <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x2812536a0; pid: 991; taskState: Running; visibility: Foreground>
default 13:45:10.807589 -0400 backboardd [BKEventFocusManager] Setting foreground application to: com.My.Bundle.Id (991)
default 13:45:10.854839 -0400 SpringBoard WIFI PICKER [com.My.Bundle.Id]: isProcessLaunch: 0, isForegroundActivation: 0, isForegroundDeactivation: 1
error 13:45:10.855026 -0400 symptomsd Can't get most elevated app state from dictionary {
BKSApplicationStateExtensionKey = 0;
SBApplicationStateDisplayIDKey = "com.My.Bundle.Id";
SBApplicationStateKey = 0;
SBApplicationStateProcessIDKey = 991;
SBApplicationStateRunningReasonsKey = (
SBApplicationStateRunningReasonAssertionIdentifierKey = Resume;
SBApplicationStateRunningReasonAssertionReasonKey = 10000;
SBApplicationStateRunningReasonAssertionIdentifierKey = UIApplicationLaunch;
SBApplicationStateRunningReasonAssertionReasonKey = 10000;
default 13:45:10.855086 -0400 symptomsd 991 com.My.Bundle.Id: Unknown (most elevated: Unknown)
default 13:45:10.855150 -0400 symptomsd Entry, display name com.My.Bundle.Id uuid (null) pid 991 isFront 0
default 13:45:10.855393 -0400 symptomsd Continue with bundle name com.My.Bundle.Id, is front 0
default 13:45:10.855456 -0400 symptomsd com.My.Bundle.Id: Foreground: false
default 13:45:10.855519 -0400 symptomsd Failed to find process for com.My.Bundle.Id
default 13:45:10.970118 -0400 SpringBoard Front display did change: <SBApplication: 0x282df9a40; com.My.Bundle.Id>
default 13:45:10.995763 -0400 SpringBoard [com.My.Bundle.Id] Will update scene - foregroundness changed to: Background
default 13:45:11.999866 -0400 assertiond [SpringBoard:52] Attempting to acquire assertion for Jupiter:991: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x100d12ba0; "FBSceneSnapshotAction:com.My.Bundle.Id" (finishTask:180s); id:…FE83F1033A36>
default 13:45:11.000082 -0400 assertiond [Jupiter:991] Add assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x100d12ba0; id: 52-341DA9E7-EC57-4850-8882-FE83F1033A36; name: FBSceneSnapshotAction:com.My.Bundle.Id; state: active; reason: finishTask; duration: 180.0s> {
owner = <BSProcessHandle: 0x101a0a550; SpringBoard:52; valid: YES>;
flags = preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownUI, preventThrottleDownCPU, preventIdleSleep, preventSuspendOnSleep;
default 13:45:11.000215 -0400 assertiond [Jupiter:991] Activate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x100d12ba0; "FBSceneSnapshotAction:com.My.Bundle.Id" (finishTask:180s); id:…FE83F1033A36>
default 13:45:11.015843 -0400 powerd Process assertiond.62 Created SystemIsActive "Jupiter:991:52-341DA9E7-EC57-4850-8882-FE83F1033A36 [FBSceneSnapshotAction:com.My.Bundle.Id] [0x100d12ba0]" age:00:00:00 id:51539642211 [System: SysAct]
default 13:45:11.187081 -0400 assertiond Server invalidated <BKProcessAssertion: 0x100d12ba0; "FBSceneSnapshotAction:com.My.Bundle.Id" (finishTask:180s); id:…FE83F1033A36>
default 13:45:11.187457 -0400 assertiond Client relinquished <BKProcessAssertion: 0x100d12ba0; "FBSceneSnapshotAction:com.My.Bundle.Id" (finishTask:180s); id:…FE83F1033A36>
default 13:45:11.187934 -0400 assertiond Process exited: <BKProcess: 0x101b07760; Jupiter; com.My.Bundle.Id; pid: 991; agency: Application; visibility: none; task: none; hostpid: 52>
default 13:45:11.188564 -0400 powerd Process assertiond.62 Released SystemIsActive "Jupiter:991:52-341DA9E7-EC57-4850-8882-FE83F1033A36 [FBSceneSnapshotAction:com.My.Bundle.Id] [0x100d12ba0]" age:00:00:00 id:51539642211 [System: SysAct]
default 13:45:11.355578 -0400 SpringBoard <FBApplicationProcess: 0x146b73c10; Jupiter (com.My.Bundle.Id); pid: 991> assertiond says the process actually exited with context: <BKSProcessExitContext: 0x2810cbfc0; reason: crash>
default 13:45:11.356682 -0400 SpringBoard <FBApplicationProcess: 0x146b73c10; Jupiter (com.My.Bundle.Id); pid: 991> crashed.
default 13:45:11.357390 -0400 SpringBoard Removing: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x146b73c10; Jupiter (com.My.Bundle.Id); pid: 991>
default 13:45:11.358054 -0400 SpringBoard Process exited: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x146b73c10; Jupiter (com.My.Bundle.Id); pid: -1> -> <FBApplicationProcessExitContext: 0x281cffbd0; exitReason: crash; terminationReason: (none)> {
stateAtExit = <FBProcessState: 0x281307fe0; pid: 991; taskState: Not Running; visibility: Unknown>;
default 13:45:11.359464 -0400 SpringBoard Application process state changed for com.My.Bundle.Id: (null)
default 13:45:11.375592 -0400 assertiond Deleted job with label: UIKitApplication:com.My.Bundle.Id[0xe595][62]
default 13:45:11.375852 -0400 assertiond [Jupiter:991] Deleted launchd job with label: UIKitApplication:com.My.Bundle.Id[0xe595][62]
default 13:45:11.377370 -0400 assertiond Checking for deferred bootstrap request for com.My.Bundle.Id
default 13:45:11.394094 -0400 mediaserverd -CMSessionMgr- CMSessionMgrHandleApplicationStateChange: CMSession: Client com.My.Bundle.Id with pid '991' is now Terminated. Background entitlement: NO
default 13:45:11.395671 -0400 SpringBoard WIFI PICKER [com.My.Bundle.Id]: isProcessLaunch: 0, isForegroundActivation: 0, isForegroundDeactivation: 0
default 13:45:11.397915 -0400 symptomsd 991 com.My.Bundle.Id: Terminated (most elevated: Terminated)
default 13:45:11.398135 -0400 symptomsd Entry, display name com.My.Bundle.Id uuid (null) pid 991 isFront 0
Upvotes: 7
Views: 7698
Reputation: 3850
If you are using a developer profile.
it seems some issue with bundle id and profile you are trying to run on device. A distribution profile is still a valid profile but it would launch the app. and close it out immediately.
default 13:45:10.855519 -0400 symptomsd Failed to find process for com.My.Bundle.Id
1) Go to Target -> Build Settings -> Code Signing Identity. Make sure it's set to Developer.
2) Change code signing Style to Manual (I recommend this step so as to make sure you manually specify the correct profile to be used in. You can keep automatic and it should select the profile for your bundle id)
3) Go to Target -> General. Manually select your right profile. Clean and Run after that.
Upvotes: 2