Reputation: 39
My JSON looks like this:
"data": [
"name": "engagement",
"period": "lifetime",
"values": [
"value": 52
"title": "Engagement",
"description": "Total number of likes and comments on the media object",
"id": "1798601712/insights/engagement/lifetime"
"name": "impressions",
"period": "lifetime",
"values": [
"value": 796
"title": "Impressions",
"description": "Total number of times the media object has been seen",
"id": "1798601712/insights/impressions/lifetime"
What I managed to achieve at this moment:
"1798601712/insights/engagement/lifetime","engagement","52" "1798601712/insights/impressions/lifetime","impressions","796" "1798601712/insights/reach/lifetime","reach","422"
Using the following code:
$Ident = Import-Csv -Path ".\src\Process.txt" -Header $Header |
Select-Object -Skip 2
foreach ($idka in $ident) {
$sid = $
$request_n = "https://api/"+ $sid +"/data=20190101&file=json"
foreach($dane1 in $request_n) {
Invoke-WebRequest $dane1 |
ConvertFrom-Json |
Select -ExpandProperty data |
Select id, name, @{label = "values";Expression ={$_.values.value}} |
Export-Csv $filename -NoTypeInformation -Append
I need my csv to look like this:
id engagement impressions reach 1798601712 52 796 422 1786717942 34 428 346 1787997335 29 376 281 1788199840 30 532 439 1788311007 48 1053 867 1788353947 28 609 497 1788403484 43 809 460
Upvotes: 0
Views: 3263
Reputation: 200473
After expanding the data
array group the nested objects by the ID you extract from the id
field. For each group build a hashtable in which you map the values from each nested object to their name property. Create a custom object from the hashtable, then export the result to the output CSV.
Select-Object -Expand data |
Group-Object { $'/')[0] } |
ForEach-Object {
$prop = @{
'id' = $_.Name
$_.Group | ForEach-Object {
$prop[$] = $_.values.value
New-Object -Type PSObject -Property $prop
} |
Select-Object id, engagement, impressions, reach |
Export-Csv $filename -NoType -Append
Note that with PowerShell v3 or newer you can use an ordered hashtable and the [PSCustomObject]
type accelerator instead of New-Object
, which would allow you to omit the last Select-Object
(whose sole purpose is getting the output fields in the desired order).
Upvotes: 1