Reputation: 31
I'm fitting a power model to a dataset by applying a simple linear model with the R function lm
after log-log transformation, as in the example below (instead of fitting directly the power model, for example by applying the nls
I could use the function predict.lm
to apply the model on new data and calculate prediction intervals.
data(stackloss); dat <- stackloss[c(2, 4)]; colnames(dat) <- c("x","y")
dat.lm <- lm(log(y) ~ log(x), data = dat)
new <- data.frame(x = seq(0, 30, 1))
pred <- predict.lm(dat.lm, new, interval = "prediction", level = 0.95)
matplot(new$x, exp(pred), type = "l", col = 1, lty = c(1, 2, 2)); points(dat$x, dat$y)
Now, I need to sum n predicted values (which is straightforward, after applying the 'exp' function) and also to calculate the aggregated variance and prediction intervals.
The latter has been described for a simple linear model in the following Q&A: linear model with `lm`: how to get prediction variance of sum of predicted values.
In that interesting answer, the following functions lm_predict
(that allows to compute complete variance-covariance matrix of predicted values) and agg_pred
were introduced for the simple linear model.
lm_predict <- function (lmObject, newdata, diag = TRUE) {
## input checking
if (!inherits(lmObject, "lm")) stop("'lmObject' is not a valid 'lm' object!")
## extract "terms" object from the fitted model, but delete response variable
tm <- delete.response(terms(lmObject))
## linear predictor matrix
Xp <- model.matrix(tm, newdata)
## predicted values by direct matrix-vector multiplication
pred <- c(Xp %*% coef(lmObject))
## efficiently form the complete variance-covariance matrix
QR <- lmObject$qr ## qr object of fitted model
piv <- QR$pivot ## pivoting index
r <- QR$rank ## model rank / numeric rank
if (is.unsorted(piv)) {
## pivoting has been done
B <- forwardsolve(t(QR$qr), t(Xp[, piv]), r)
} else {
## no pivoting is done
B <- forwardsolve(t(QR$qr), t(Xp), r)
## residual variance
sig2 <- c(crossprod(residuals(lmObject))) / df.residual(lmObject)
if (diag) {
## return point-wise prediction variance
VCOV <- colSums(B ^ 2) * sig2
} else {
## return full variance-covariance matrix of predicted values
VCOV <- crossprod(B) * sig2
list(fit = pred, = VCOV, df = lmObject$df.residual, residual.var = sig2)
agg_pred <- function (w, predObject, alpha = 0.95) {
## input checing
if (length(w) != length(predObject$fit)) stop("'w' has wrong length!")
if (!is.matrix(predObject$ stop("'predObject' has no variance-covariance matrix!")
## mean of the aggregation
agg_mean <- c(crossprod(predObject$fit, w))
## variance of the aggregation
agg_variance <- c(crossprod(w, predObject$ %*% w))
## adjusted variance-covariance matrix
VCOV_adj <- with(predObject, + diag(residual.var, nrow(
## adjusted variance of the aggregation
agg_variance_adj <- c(crossprod(w, VCOV_adj %*% w))
## t-distribution quantiles
Qt <- c(-1, 1) * qt((1 - alpha) / 2, predObject$df, lower.tail = FALSE)
## names of CI and PI
NAME <- c("lower", "upper")
## CI
CI <- setNames(agg_mean + Qt * sqrt(agg_variance), NAME)
## PI
PI <- setNames(agg_mean + Qt * sqrt(agg_variance_adj), NAME)
## return
list(mean = agg_mean, var = agg_variance, CI = CI, PI = PI)
However, these cannot be applied directly to properly aggregate variance in the case of log-log regression. Maybe I should transform the variance in the output of lm_predict
, but I couldn't figure how to proceed.
Thank'you in advance for any help.
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