Reputation: 43
I am trying to insert data into local dynamoDB through a endpoint I created but it is not working. There were no error log in the promise itself and it seems like the function is being ignored.
This is a helper function that will assist in inserting the data
const DynamoDB = require('aws-sdk/clients/dynamodb');
const options = {
apiVersion: '2012-08-10',
region: 'ap-southeast-1',
endpoint: 'http://localhost:8000/',
const dynamoDBDoc = new DynamoDB.DocumentClient(options);
async function putData(tableName,insertValue) {
const param = {
TableName: tableName,
ReturnConsumedCapacity: 'TOTAL',
// Mock data
// const param = {
// TableName: 'user',
// Item:{
// 'user_id':'1234',
// 'email':'memelorde'
// },
// ReturnConsumedCapacity: 'TOTAL',
// };
try {
const data = await dynamoDBDoc.put(param).promise();
console.log("Data successfully entered", data)
return data;
} catch (e) {
console.log(`failed ${e.message}`);
return false;
This is the part where I call the above function and provide it with the table name to insert into
async function createUser(data){
const tableName = "user"
data["user_id"]= uuidv4()
await dynamoDB.putData("user",data);
return await dynamoDB.putData(tableName, data);
This is the endpoint I created to pass in user information
if (event.httpMethod === 'POST') {
dataset = JSON.parse(event.body)
console.log('/signup POST req =>', dataset)
let res = await user.createUser(dataset)
Expected: If the put function executed, there will be a console log that logs the success and the data will be inserted to the table, if there is an error the error will be logged too
Actual: No error code was produced at all
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1534
Reputation: 31
I was facing the same issue. I solved it by adding accessKeyId and secretAccessKey to the configuration option of "AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient"
const options = {
accessKeyId: "aaa",
secretAccessKey: "bbb",
apiVersion: '2012-08-10',
region: 'ap-southeast-1',
endpoint: 'http://localhost:8000/',
Upvotes: 1