Reputation: 563
I am totally new to stored procedures. I have a query and I wanna use it for a web service. I am going to use Nhibernate. I have tried couple of procedures and worked well. But this one giving me problems. I tried to compile the stored procedure but giving me errors.
create or replace
PROCEDURE GET_RSM_LIFE_AGENT_DUES (p_recordset OUT SYS_REFCURSOR, :Year IN number, :Month IN number, :Branch IN number, :Agency IN number) AS
OPEN p_recordset for
select :Year as required_year, :Month as required_month,
case when pmagt = 0 then D.branch_code else E.branch_code end as branch_code,
case when pmagt = 0 then D.branch_name else E.branch_name end as branch_name,
case when pmagt = 0 then D.region else E.region end as region,
pmagt as agency,
status || ' ' || int || ' ' || name as agent_name,
pmpol as policy_no,
pmcom as commence_date,
pmtrm as term,
pmmod as policy_mode,
case WHEN pmtbl not in (51,22,74,75,76) and ((:Year - SUBSTR (pmcom,1,4)) * 12 + to_number(:Month) - SUBSTR (pmcom,-4,2)) < 12 then 'FYR'
WHEN pmtbl not in (51,22,74,75,76) and ((:Year - SUBSTR (pmcom,1,4)) * 12 + to_number(:Month) - SUBSTR (pmcom,-4,2)) >= 12 then 'Renewal' else '' end as premium_type,
case when llprm is not null and pmprm < llprm then llprm else pmprm end as due_Premium,
case when llprm is not null then llprm else 0 end as due_paid_premium
FROM lphs.premast A left outer join lclm.ledger B on (A.pmpol = B.llpol) and (to_number(:Year || :Month) = lldue)
left outer join agent.agent C on (A.pmagt =
left outer join BAU.SLIC_BRANCH_LIST D on (A.pmobr = D.csp_code)
left outer join BAU.SLIC_BRANCH_LIST E on (C.branch = E.csp_code)
WHERE add_months(to_date(PMCOM,'YYYYMMDD'),PMTRM*12) >= add_months( to_date(:Year || :Month || 01 ,'YYYYMMDD'),1)
and to_date(pmcom,'yyyymmdd') < to_date(:Year || :Month || 01 ,'YYYYMMDD')
and pmmod <> 5
and stid in ('Ag' , 'ME', 'Or')
and case when to_date(pmcom,'yyyymmdd') >= to_date(:Year || :Month || 01 ,'YYYYMMDD') then 'N'
when pmmod = 4 then 'Y'
when pmmod = 3 and remainder ( abs( to_number ( substr (pmcom, 5,2) ) - to_number ( :Month ) ) , 3 ) =0 then 'Y'
when pmmod = 2 and remainder ( abs( to_number ( substr (pmcom, 5,2) ) - to_number ( :Month ) ) , 6 ) =0 then 'Y'
when pmmod = 1 and remainder ( abs( to_number ( substr (pmcom, 5,2) ) - to_number ( :Month ) ) , 12 ) =0 then 'Y' else 'N' end = 'Y'
and case when pmagt = 0 then D.branch_code else E.branch_code end = :Branch
and pmagt = :Agency
Error(2,67): PLS-00049: bad bind variable 'YEAR'
Error(2,67): PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "" when expecting one of the following: <an identifier> <a double-quoted delimited-identifier> current delete exists prior
Error(2,84): PLS-00049: bad bind variable 'MONTH'
Upvotes: 1
Views: 762
Reputation: 143143
Remove colons from within the procedure. Those are procedure's parameters, so use them as such. Pass their values as e.g.
l_out sys_refcursor;
GET_RSM_LIFE_AGENT_DUES (l_out, :Year, :Month, :Branch, :Agency);
Upvotes: 2