Reputation: 31
I'm using CFML for my application. I need help with developing a logout operation that destroys a session. For now, on the logout link I'm calling the login page but when the BACK Button on the browser is clicked the user is still logged in.
<!---Handle the logout--->
<cfif structKeyExists(URL,'logout')>
<cfset createObject("component",'authenticationService').doLogout() />
<!---Form processing begins here--->
<cfif structkeyExists(form,'submitLogin')>
<!---Create an instane of the authenticate service component--->
<cfset authenticationService=createObject("component",'authenticationService') />
<!---Server side data validation--->
<cfset aErrorMessages=authenticationService.validateUser(form.userEmail,form.userPassword)>
<cfif ArrayisEmpty(aErrorMessages)>
<!---Proceed to the login procedure --->
<cfset isUserLoggedIn=authenticationService.doLogin(form.userEmail,form.userPassword) >
<!---Form processing ends here--->
<cfif structKeyExists(variables,'aErrorMessages') AND NOT ArrayIsEmpty(aErrorMessages)>
<cfloop array="#aErrorMessages#" index="message" >
<p >#message#</p>
<cfif structKeyExists(variables,'isUserLoggedIn') AND isUserLoggedIn EQ false>
<p class="errorMessage">User not found.Please try again!</p>
<cfif structKeyExists(session,'stLoggedInUser')>
<!---display a welcome message--->
<p><cfoutput>Welcome #session.stLoggedInUser.userFirstName# </cfoutput>
<p><a href='#'>My profile</a><a href="LoginForm.cfm?logout">Logout</a></p>
<label for="userEmail">Email address</label>
<cfinput type="email" name="userEmail" required="true" >
<label for="userEmail">Password</label>
<cfinput type="password" name="userPassword" required="true" >
<cfinput type="submit" name="submitLogin" value="Login" />
<cfdump var="#session#">
<cffunction name="validateUser" access="public" output="false" returntype="array">
<cfargument name="userEmail" type="string" required="true" />
<cfargument name="userPassword" type="string" required="true" />
<cfset var aErrorMessages=ArrayNew(1) />
<!---Validate the email--->
<cfif NOT isValid('email',arguments.userEmail)>
<cfset arrayAppend(aErrorMessages,'Please,provide a valid email address') />
<!---Validating the Password--->
<cfif arguments.userPassword EQ ''>
<cfset arrayAppend(aErrorMessages,'Please, provide a password') />
<cfreturn aErrorMessages />
<!---doLogin() Method--->
<cffunction name="doLogin" access="public" output="false" returntype="boolean">
<cfargument name="userEmail" type="string" required="true" />
<cfargument name="userPassword" type="string" required="true" />
<!---create the isUserLoggedIn variable--->
<cfset var isUserLoggedIn=false />
<!---get the user data from the database--->
<cfquery datasource="myapp" name="getInfo">
select * from Info
where emailid='#form.userEmail#' and password='#form.userPassword#'
<!---Check if the query returns one and only one user--->
<cfif getInfo.recordcount eq 1 >
<!--- log the user in --->
<cfloginuser name="#getInfo.username#" password="#getInfo.password#" roles="#getInfo.role#">
<!--- save user data in session scope --->
<cfset session.stLoggedInUser={'userFirstName'=getInfo.username} />
<!---change the isUserLoggedIn variable to true--->
<cfset var isUserLoggedIn=true />
<!---return the isUserLoggedIn variable --->
<cfreturn isUserLoggedIn />
<!---doLogout() Method--->
<cffunction name="doLogout" access="public" output="false" returntype="any">
<!---delete user from session scope--->
<cfset structDelete(session,'stLoggedInUser') />
<!---log the user out--->
<cflogout />
Upvotes: 1
Views: 752
Reputation: 14859
Regarding the back button after logout, the situation being that someone could log off and walk away from their computer without closing the browser or locking it. Then anyone else could go back on their browser and view the data they had been viewing before logging out.
We solved this for a financial application by implementing a Pragma: no-cache
header on every page request. This forces requests to the page to reload from the server, not just load what's in the browser's cache. This means the back button will request the previous URL from the server, which will check session and kick you to your logged out landing page.
It will throw off some users who are used to navigating your site a certain way, but it will make it much more secure.
Upvotes: 0