
Reputation: 1150

Async loading on recyclerview viewholder not working properly

I'm developing an app that shows sensible information so I have to encrypt all informations stored on Room Database. After a lot of research, I choosed to encypt using AES, generating a random key and storing on KeyStore (minSdk: 24 btw).

private fun encript(plain: String): String? {
    return try {
    } catch (e: Throwable) {
        if (!BuildConfig.DEBUG){

private fun encData(plain: String): String? {
    val sKey = getSecretKey()
    iv = ByteArray(12)
    secRng = SecureRandom()
    val cipher = Cipher.getInstance(AES_MODE)
    val parameterSpec = GCMParameterSpec(128, iv)
    cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, sKey, parameterSpec)
    cipText = cipher.doFinal(plain.toByteArray())
    return encBuffer()

private fun encBuffer(): String? {
    val byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4 + iv.size + cipText.size)
    val cipherMessage = byteBuffer.array()
    return Base64.encodeToString(cipherMessage, Base64.DEFAULT)

So i must show all these informations on a list, so Im decrypting all information on viewholder. the problem is that is too slow when it shows a lot of items, so i decided to try an async descrypt inside the viewholder and for my surprise i got a lot of "Unitialized keystore" exception, letting y data encrypted, it's weird because when i scroll down and up, some viewholders decrypt successfull and others not, it's pretty random, an it seems that viewholder try to decrypt more than once. PS: I can't cache decrypted data on SharedPrerences for security reasons

fun decription(encStr: String): String? {
    return try {
    } catch (e: Throwable) {
        Log.d("cripto", "Here, Trowing Unitialized Keystore")
        if (!BuildConfig.DEBUG){

private fun dec(encStr: String): String {
    val byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(Base64.decode(encStr, Base64.DEFAULT))
    val ivLength =
    if (ivLength < 12 || ivLength >= 16) { // check input parameter
        throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid iv length")
    val iv = ByteArray(ivLength)
    val cipherText = ByteArray(byteBuffer.remaining())
    return callCip(cipherText, iv)


private fun callCip(cipText: ByteArray, iv: ByteArray): String {
    val cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/GCM/NoPadding")
    cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, getSecretKey(), GCMParameterSpec(128, iv))
    val plainText = cipher.doFinal(cipText)
    return String(plainText)

And my viewholder code:

    doAsync {

            var name = ""
            var lname = ""
            var patRecord = ""

            if (value?.patient != null){
                name = PatSecHelper.nToPat(value.patient?.name?.trim() ?: "")
                lname = PatSecHelper.nToPat(value.patient?.lastName?.trim() ?: "")
                patRecord = PatSecHelper.nToPat(value.patient?.patientRecord?.trim() ?: "")


            onComplete {
                if (value?.patient == null){
                    view.textViewPatientId.visibility = View.GONE
                    if (name == "" || lname == "") {
                        view.textViewPatient.text = "Error..."
                        view.textViewPatient.text = "$name $lname"
                    if (patRecord == ""){
                        view.textViewPatientId.text = "Error..."
                        view.textViewPatientId.text = patRecord




Here is the code that i'm using to genarete and get keys

    private fun generateKey(){
    keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(AndroidKeyStore)

    if (!keyStore.containsAlias(KEY_ALIAS)) {
        val keyGenerator = KeyGenerator.getInstance(KeyProperties.KEY_ALGORITHM_AES, AndroidKeyStore)
                        KeyProperties.PURPOSE_ENCRYPT or KeyProperties.PURPOSE_DECRYPT)

private fun getSecretKey(): {
    keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(AndroidKeyStore)
    return keyStore.getKey(KEY_ALIAS, null)

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Views: 130

Answers (1)


Reputation: 1676

Here are the problems I see:

I am not sure what the implementation is of generateKey() but if it does what it says on the tin then don't generate your key every time you encrypt. As I believe you are doing here:

private fun encript(plain: String): String? {
    return try {
        generateKey() // <- why are you doing this every time? are you storing a unique key with everything you encrypt?
    } catch (e: Throwable) {
        if (!BuildConfig.DEBUG) {

This will mean you have a new key every time you encrypt something? Rather, this should be initialized and ready before you try to encrypt/decrypt.

And, if this is the only place you do generate your key, then how do you know that when you call this:

private fun callCip(cipText: ByteArray, iv: ByteArray): String {
    val cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/GCM/NoPadding")
    cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, getSecretKey(), GCMParameterSpec(128, iv)) // <- Are you sure you have called encrypt before callin this?
    val plainText = cipher.doFinal(cipText)
    return String(plainText)

That you have a key generated to be fetched? Pulling out generateKey() and making sure you have called it before you do any encrypt/decrypt actions should fix your problem I think.

Upvotes: 1

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