
Reputation: 659

Accessing and working with placeholders in tensorflow

I'm very new to tensorflow. Currently, I have a neural network set up to solve an ODE (though the application isn't important). The code looks something like this

# Routine to train the neural network for solving -u'(x) = f(x)
def train_neural_network_batch(x_ph, predict=False):
    prediction = neural_network_model(x_ph)
    dpred = tf.gradients(prediction, x_ph)

    cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square( tf.add(dpred,f_ph) ))

    optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learn_rate).minimize(cost)

I use a batch stochastic gradient descent to train the network like this:

with tf.Session() as sess:

    # Train in each epoch with mini batch
    for epoch in range(hm_epochs):

        epoch_loss = 0
        for step in range(N//batch_size):
            for inputX, inputY in get_batch(x, y, batch_size):
                _, l =[optimizer,cost], feed_dict={x_ph:inputX, y_ph:inputY})
                epoch_loss += l
            if epoch %10 == 0:
                print('Epoch', epoch, 'completed out of', hm_epochs, 'loss:', epoch_loss)

The get_batch function is defined as follows:

# Feed batch data
def get_batch(inputX, inputY, batch_size):
    duration = len(inputX)
    for i in range(0,duration//batch_size):
        returnX = np.random.uniform(0,1,batch_size)

        # some function of x
        returnY = ...

        yield returnX, returnY

However, I am trying to do something quite complicated with my cost function now. In each batch returned by get_batch, I need to sample from an arbitrary number of subdomains, so let's say returnX is partitioned into N parts that will correspond to different parts of my cost function. In particular, I want to do something like this

for i in range(0,N):
    # compute the ith contribution to the cost function using [start:end] indices of the batch data
    cost += tf.reduce_mean( <some function of dpred[start:end]> )

I know that accessing a placeholder the way I have above makes no sense as placeholders are just that -- placeholders. But I hope the idea of what I'm trying to do is clear. The batch data returns a batch in partitions, and each of these partitions needs to be used in a different way to compute the cost function. So in forming my cost function, how can I access these different partitions given that they are just placeholders?

Edit: I've attached the full code below.

# Load modules
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import math, random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import special

# Routine to solve -u''(x) = f(x), u(0)=A, u'(0)=B 

# Create the arrays x and y, where x is a discretization of the domain (a,b) and y is the source term f(x)
N = 100
a = 0.0
b = 1.0
x = np.arange(a, b, (b-a)/N).reshape((N,1))
y = x

# Boundary conditions
A = 0.0
B = 0.0

# Define the number of neurons in each layer
n_nodes_hl1 = 40
n_nodes_hl2 = 40
n_nodes_hl3 = 40
n_nodes_hl4 = 40
n_nodes_hl5 = 40
n_nodes_hl6 = 40
n_nodes_hl7 = 40
n_nodes_hl8 = 40
n_nodes_hl9 = 40
n_nodes_hl10 = 40
n_nodes_hl11 = 40
n_nodes_hl12 = 40
n_nodes_hl13 = 40

# Define the number of outputs and the learning rate
n_classes = 1
learn_rate = 0.00004

# Define input / output placeholders
x_ph = tf.placeholder('float', [None, 1],name='input')
y_ph = tf.placeholder('float')
w_ph = tf.placeholder('float')
phi_ph = tf.placeholder('float')

# Routine to compute the neural network (5 hidden layers)
def neural_network_model(data):
    hidden_1_layer = {'weights': tf.Variable(name='w_h1',initial_value=tf.glorot_uniform_initializer()((1,n_nodes_hl1))),
                      'biases': tf.Variable(name='b_h1',initial_value=0.0)}

    hidden_2_layer = {'weights': tf.Variable(name='w_h2',initial_value=tf.glorot_uniform_initializer()((n_nodes_hl1,n_nodes_hl2))),
                      'biases': tf.Variable(name='b_h2',initial_value=0.0)}

    hidden_3_layer = {'weights': tf.Variable(name='w_h3',initial_value=tf.glorot_uniform_initializer()((n_nodes_hl2,n_nodes_hl3))),
                      'biases': tf.Variable(name='b_h3',initial_value=0.0)}

    hidden_4_layer = {'weights': tf.Variable(name='w_h4',initial_value=tf.glorot_uniform_initializer()((n_nodes_hl3,n_nodes_hl4))),
                      'biases': tf.Variable(name='b_h4',initial_value=0.0)}

    hidden_5_layer = {'weights': tf.Variable(name='w_h5',initial_value=tf.glorot_uniform_initializer()((n_nodes_hl4,n_nodes_hl5))),
                      'biases': tf.Variable(name='b_h5',initial_value=0.0)}

    hidden_6_layer = {'weights': tf.Variable(name='w_h6',initial_value=tf.glorot_uniform_initializer()((n_nodes_hl5,n_nodes_hl6))),
                      'biases': tf.Variable(name='b_h6',initial_value=0.0)}

    hidden_7_layer = {'weights': tf.Variable(name='w_h7',initial_value=tf.glorot_uniform_initializer()((n_nodes_hl6,n_nodes_hl7))),
                      'biases': tf.Variable(name='b_h7',initial_value=0.0)}

    hidden_8_layer = {'weights': tf.Variable(name='w_h8',initial_value=tf.glorot_uniform_initializer()((n_nodes_hl7,n_nodes_hl8))),
                      'biases': tf.Variable(name='b_h8',initial_value=0.0)}

    hidden_9_layer = {'weights': tf.Variable(name='w_h9',initial_value=tf.glorot_uniform_initializer()((n_nodes_hl8,n_nodes_hl9))),
                      'biases': tf.Variable(name='b_h9',initial_value=0.0)}

    hidden_10_layer = {'weights': tf.Variable(name='w_h10',initial_value=tf.glorot_uniform_initializer()((n_nodes_hl9,n_nodes_hl10))),
                      'biases': tf.Variable(name='b_h10',initial_value=0.0)}

    hidden_11_layer = {'weights': tf.Variable(name='w_h11',initial_value=tf.glorot_uniform_initializer()((n_nodes_hl10,n_nodes_hl11))),
                      'biases': tf.Variable(name='b_h11',initial_value=0.0)}

    hidden_12_layer = {'weights': tf.Variable(name='w_h12',initial_value=tf.glorot_uniform_initializer()((n_nodes_hl11,n_nodes_hl12))),
                      'biases': tf.Variable(name='b_h12',initial_value=0.0)}

    hidden_13_layer = {'weights': tf.Variable(name='w_h13',initial_value=tf.glorot_uniform_initializer()((n_nodes_hl12,n_nodes_hl13))),
                      'biases': tf.Variable(name='b_h13',initial_value=0.0)}

    output_layer = {'weights': tf.Variable(name='w_o',initial_value=tf.glorot_uniform_initializer()((n_nodes_hl13,n_classes))),
                      'biases': tf.Variable(name='b_o',initial_value=0.0)}

    # (input_data * weights) + biases
    l1 = tf.add(tf.matmul(data, hidden_1_layer['weights']), hidden_1_layer['biases'])
    l1 = tf.nn.tanh(l1)   

    l2 = tf.add(tf.matmul(l1, hidden_2_layer['weights']), hidden_2_layer['biases'])
    l2 = tf.nn.tanh(l2)

    l3 = tf.add(tf.matmul(l2, hidden_3_layer['weights']), hidden_3_layer['biases'])
    l3 = tf.nn.tanh(l3)

    l4 = tf.add(tf.matmul(l3, hidden_4_layer['weights']), hidden_4_layer['biases'])
    l4 = tf.nn.tanh(l4)

    l5 = tf.add(tf.matmul(l4, hidden_5_layer['weights']), hidden_5_layer['biases'])
    l5 = tf.nn.tanh(l5)

    l6 = tf.add(tf.matmul(l5, hidden_6_layer['weights']), hidden_6_layer['biases'])
    l6 = tf.nn.tanh(l6)   

    l7 = tf.add(tf.matmul(l6, hidden_7_layer['weights']), hidden_7_layer['biases'])
    l7 = tf.nn.tanh(l7)

    l8 = tf.add(tf.matmul(l7, hidden_8_layer['weights']), hidden_8_layer['biases'])
    l8 = tf.nn.tanh(l8)

    l9 = tf.add(tf.matmul(l8, hidden_9_layer['weights']), hidden_9_layer['biases'])
    l9 = tf.nn.tanh(l9)

    l10 = tf.add(tf.matmul(l9, hidden_10_layer['weights']), hidden_10_layer['biases'])
    l10 = tf.nn.tanh(l10)

    l11 = tf.add(tf.matmul(l10, hidden_11_layer['weights']), hidden_11_layer['biases'])
    l11 = tf.nn.tanh(l11)

    l12 = tf.add(tf.matmul(l11, hidden_12_layer['weights']), hidden_12_layer['biases'])
    l12 = tf.nn.tanh(l12)   

    l13 = tf.add(tf.matmul(l12, hidden_13_layer['weights']), hidden_13_layer['biases'])
    l13 = tf.nn.relu(l13)

    output = tf.add(tf.matmul(l13, output_layer['weights']), output_layer['biases'], name='output')

    return output

batch_size = 16
nints = 2
h = 1.0/nints

# Feed batch data
def get_batch(inputX, inputY, batch_size):
    duration = len(inputX)
    for i in range(0,duration//batch_size):
        idx = i*batch_size + np.random.randint(0,10,(1))[0]

        # test points
        xTest = np.zeros([nints*batch_size+2,1])
        for j in range(0,nints):
            xTest[1+j*batch_size:j*batch_size+batch_size+1] = np.random.uniform(a+j*h,a+(j+1)*h,[batch_size,1])

        # append boundary points
        xTest[0] = a
        xTest[-1] = b

        # source term
        returnY = xTest

        # weights
        cost_weights = np.ones((nints*batch_size+2,1))
        cost_weights[0] = 0.0
        cost_weights[-1] = 0.0

        returnPhi = np.zeros([nints*batch_size+2,1])
        for j in range(0,nints*batch_size+2):
            if (xTest[j] < 0.5):
                returnPhi[j] = (xTest[j]-a)/h
                returnPhi[j] = (b-xTest[j])/h

        yield xTest, returnY, returnPhi, cost_weights

# Routine to train the neural network
def train_neural_network_batch(x_ph, predict=False):
    prediction = neural_network_model(x_ph)
    pred_dx = tf.gradients(prediction, x_ph)
    pred_dx2 = tf.gradients(tf.gradients(prediction, x_ph),x_ph)

    # initial residuals
    r = np.zeros([nints-1,1])

    # try computing with indexed placeholder as a test
    for i in range(0,nints-1):
        r[i] = tf.reduce_mean(y_ph[:, 1:2, :])

    # boundary terms
    cost += 20.0*((A-u[0])**2 + (B-u[-1])**2)/2.0

    optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learn_rate).minimize(cost)

    # cycles feed forward + backprop
    hm_epochs = 500

    with tf.Session() as sess:

        # Train in each epoch with the whole data
        for epoch in range(hm_epochs):

            epoch_loss = 0
            for step in range(N//batch_size):
                for inputX, inputY, inputPhi, weights in get_batch(x, y, batch_size):
                    _, l =[optimizer,cost], feed_dict={x_ph:inputX, y_ph:inputY, w_ph:weights, phi_ph:inputPhi})
                    epoch_loss += l
            if epoch %10 == 0:
                print('Epoch', epoch, 'completed out of', hm_epochs, 'loss:', epoch_loss)

        # Predict a new input by adding a random number, to check whether the network has actually learned
        x_valid = x + 0.0*np.random.normal(scale=0.1,size=(1))
        return,{x_ph:x_valid}), x_valid

# Train network
pred, time = train_neural_network_batch(x_ph)
mypred = pred.reshape(N,1)

u = mypred

# exact solution
ue = (x-x**3)/6.0

# Numerical solution vs. exact solution
fig = plt.figure()
plt.plot(time, u, label='NN solution')
plt.plot(time, ue, label='Exact solution')

fig = plt.figure()
plt.plot(time, abs(u - ue))
plt.ylabel('$|u_{N}(x) - u_{exact}(x)|$')
plt.title('Pointwise Error of NN Approx')

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Views: 95

Answers (1)


Reputation: 719

I'm not sure I fully understand your question but I can give it a try. First thing first, I assume that by partition you mean, for example, that if x has the shape [_batch_, a, b] and the partitions are along the 'a' axis, then elements a_0 to a_c are the first partition, a_{c+1} to a_d are the second and so forth. Am I correct?

In this case you could just index your placeholder. This, corresponding to my above example and your code-snip, would look something like

tf.reduce_mean(some_function(x[:, i:i+c, :]))

Another question will be regarding the need to partition in first place. Can't you just make your model output the partitions as different variables? What does your model look like? Does this 'arbitary number of subdomain' stay constant per model or can it change for different iterations?

One last thing, if you're new to Tensorflow it might worth it to start with Tensorflow 2.0. They've changed quite a bit there and starting with it would prevent you having to learn both tf.v1 and tf.v2 in a short time.

Upvotes: 1

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