Reputation: 1658
I am using OverlayEntry and I want entry to remove on Back Press.
OverlayEntry overlayEntry;
overlayEntry = OverlayEntry(builder: (c) {
return FullScreenLoader(
loaderText: "Placing Order",
},maintainState: true);
and Inside FullScreenLoader Build
method I have used onWillScope
but still it is not working.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new WillPopScope(
onWillPop: _onWillPop,
Future<bool> _onWillPop() {
return "" ?? false;
I just want to detect physical back press button so that I can remove the overlay on Back Press.
AM I missing something? Or it is not possible with overLay?
Upvotes: 10
Views: 5482
Reputation: 33
I know this post is older. But I had a similar problem. In my case I didn't want the underlying page to pop but only the overlay. I achieved this by using BackButtonListener.
class DismissibleOverlay extends StatelessWidget {
final Widget child;
final OverlayEntry overlayEntry;
const DismissibleOverlay({Key? key, required this.child, required this.overlayEntry}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return BackButtonListener(
onBackButtonPressed: () async { overlayEntry.remove(); return Future.value(true);},
child: Dismissible(
onDismissed: (dismissDirection) => overlayEntry.remove(),
direction: DismissDirection.vertical,
key: Key(''),
child: ColorfulSafeArea(child: child)
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 75
The way you try it should work. Use WillPopScope to detect the back press and remove the overlay if it is visible.
Here is a working sample code. Keep a global reference to the overlay entry and add the WillPopScope in the build method of the state class:
class _XYZState extends State<XYZ> {
OverlayEntry _detailsOverlayEntry;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container(
child: WillPopScope(
onWillPop: _onWillPop,
child: GoogleMap(
mapType: MapType.normal,
initialCameraPosition: _kFallbackInitialCameraPosition,
polylines: _polylines.toSet(),
myLocationEnabled: false,
myLocationButtonEnabled: false,
onMapCreated: (GoogleMapController controller) {
Future<bool> _onWillPop() {
if(_detailsOverlayEntry != null){
_detailsOverlayEntry = null;
return Future.value(false);
return Future.value(true);
Like you can see, the _detailsOverlayEntry == null
condition check is used to check whether the overlay entry is visible. In case it is visible, remove it and set the reference to null.
The next time back is pressed, it will pop the route.
Upvotes: 4