Reputation: 53
I am trying to migrate my Cucumber automation project from cucumber (info.cukes ) to cucumber (io.cucumber)
During this process, i having trouble with migrating extend reports. Could you please help me with what I am missing?
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Runner class:
package CucumberWithAfterStep.AfterStepPOC;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import com.cucumber.listener.Reporter;
import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;
import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber;
@CucumberOptions(features = "src/test/resources/features", glue = { "testSteps" }, plugin = { "pretty",
"html:target/cucumber", "json:target/cucumber.json" , "com.cucumber.listener.ExtentCucumberFormatter:target/cucumber-reports/report.html" },
monochrome = true,
tags = {"@WAC003 "}, dryRun = false)
public class MainRunnerTest {
public static void writeExtentReport() {
Reporter.loadXMLConfig(new File(FileReaderManager.getInstance().getConfigReader().getReportConfigPath()));
cucumber.runtime.CucumberException: Couldn't load plugin class: com.cucumber.listener.ExtentCucumberFormatter. It does not implement
cucumber.api.Plugin at cucumber.runtime.formatter.PluginFactory.loadClass( at cucumber.runtime.formatter.PluginFactory.pluginClass( at cucumber.runtime.formatter.PluginFactory.getPluginClass( at cucumber.runtime.formatter.PluginFactory.isStepDefinitionReporterName( at cucumber.runtime.RuntimeOptions$ParsedPluginData.addPluginName( at cucumber.runtime.RuntimeOptions.parse( at cucumber.runtime.RuntimeOptions.(
Upvotes: 1
Views: 6259
Reputation: 1938
I had the same issue. you can use the following combination of dependencies, Cucumber-core 4.2.0 Cucumber-java 4.2.0 Cucumber-junit 4.2.0 extentreports-cucumber4-adapter 1.0.7
Please note Cucumber-extntsreport which is developed by vimalselvam is not supporting cucumber version 4. Because cucumber 4 is using event based reporting, not the formatter. so remove this dependency. cucumber-extentsreport 3.0.2
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1996
There are 2 ways of implementing extent report in Cucumber
1. Using Cucumber-JVM 4 adapter for Extent Framework(extentreports-cucumber4-adapter) & below are the steps to implement -
Add adapter dependency under POM.XML
Add the com.aventstack.extentreports.cucumber.adapter.ExtentCucumberAdapter plugin to the runner.
@CucumberOptions(plugin = {"com.aventstack.extentreports.cucumber.adapter.ExtentCucumberAdapter:"})
public class RunCukesTest {
// ..
Report Output Directory - ../Project Directory/test-output/HtmlReport
2. Adding aventstack dependency under POM.XML
In this workflow, Do not Add the com.aventstack.extentreports.cucumber.adapter.ExtentCucumberAdapter plugin to the runner.
Upvotes: 1