Reputation: 2039
I am trying to follow the implementation of the countdown problem shown in this video ( and I thought it would be a good problem to try and run in parallel?
data Op =
| Sub
| Mul
| Div deriving (Eq)
data Expr =
Val Int
| App Op Expr Expr
--{ helper functions }
solutions' :: [Int] -> Int -> [Expr]
solutions' ns n =
[e | ns' <- choices ns, (e, m) <- results ns', m == n]
I tried following some other posts on how to do this and came up with something like this
instance NFData Op where
rnf Add = Add `deepseq` ()
rnf Sub = Sub `deepseq` ()
rnf Mul = Mul `deepseq` ()
rnf Div = Div `deepseq` ()
instance NFData Expr where
rnf (Val a) = a `deepseq` ()
rnf (App o l r) = (rnf o) `deepseq` (rnf l) `deepseq` (rnf r)
solutions' :: [Int] -> Int -> [Expr]
solutions' ns n =
([e | ns' <- choices ns, (e, m) <- results ns', m == n]
`using` parList rdeepseq)
It compiles but the program crashes when i try and run it. To be honest I was really just guessing on what I wrote.
How do I get this to run in parallel?
when I run in GHCI
>λ= r = (solutions' [1,3,7,10,25,50] 765)
(0.00 secs, 0 bytes)
>λ= mapM_ print r
*** Exception: stack overflow
if i compile with
ghc ./Countdown.hs +RTS -N8 -s
and then run the executable, it does not terminate.
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Views: 300
Reputation: 29193
Ok, so I just clicked at a random timestamp in the video, and by sheer luck I got a slide that describes what's wrong.
For our example, only about 5 million of the 33 million possible expressions are valid.
So, this means that you are evaluating
_fiveMillionList `using` parList rdeepseq
Now, the way (`using` parList _strat)
works is that it immediately forces the entire spine of the list. When you begin evaluating your expression, parList
forces all the cells of the list to exist. Further, as @DavidFletcher notes, your parallelism is actually useless. Because the filtration is underneath the using
, forcing the entire spine of the list also forces all 33 million Expr
s to exist, because you need to know how many elements passed the (==)
test, so you need to create the Expr
s to test them. They don't need to all exist simultaneously, but, in the end, 5 million of them (not counting the Expr
s recursively contained in them), plus 5 million (:)
constructors, will be held in memory. To add insult to injury, you proceed to create 5 million more objects in the form of dud sparks. And, all of this is being orchestrated by 5 million calls to the Eval
monad's (>>=)
function. I'm not sure which one of these exactly is sitting resident in memory for long enough to cause a stack overflow, but I'm fairly sure that parList
is the culprit.
Perhaps try a more reasonable Strategy
. I think you are pretty much forced into using parBuffer
, because you need laziness. Using parBuffer n strat
, if you evaluate a (:)
-cell, then the strategy ensures that the next n - 1
elements have been sparked. So, essentially, it "runs ahead" of any consumer that starts at the head of the list, maintaining a buffer of parallely-evaluated elements. Something like parBuffer 1000 rdeepseq
should be fine.
Your NFData
instances could use some work. They aren't the problem, but they don't really demonstrate a sound understanding of how evaluation works. I'll just leave them here:
instance NFData Op where
-- (seq/deepseq) x y is defined by
-- "if you want to evaluate (seq/deepseq) x y to WHNF, then you must
-- evaluate x to WHNF/NF, then evaluate y to WHNF."
-- but e.g. Add is already in WHNF and NF, so seq Add and deeqseq Add are no-ops
-- the actual evaluation is already finished by the case in rnf's equations
-- you could even write rnf x = x `seq` (), but I think it's best to be explicit
rnf Add = ()
rnf Sub = ()
rnf Mul = ()
rnf Div = ()
instance NFData Expr where
rnf (Val a) = a `deepseq` ()
-- rnf o, rnf l :: ()
-- WHNF and NF are the same thing for the type (); all constructors are nullary
-- therefore (deepseq (rnf x) y) = seq (rnf x) y
-- but then seq (rnf x) y = deepseq x y {by definition}
rnf (App o l r) = o `deepseq` l `deepseq` rnf r
Upvotes: 1