Michael Hoefler
Michael Hoefler

Reputation: 93

How to use react navigation outside of a screen

I would like to make my app move to the next page when a code is entered correctly, but I have been having much trouble doing so. I am working in a file names AccessForm.js , which is not a screen but is a component that is included in the access code screen. I tried using this.props.navigation.navigate('CreateAccountScreen');, but ran into the error "Undefined is not an object (evaluating 'this.props.navigation'). With some trial and error, I found out that I can only use react-navigation inside of an actual screen for some weird reason. After this, I made an attempt to use this.state and this.setState({})to keep track of a screen variable, and sync it to the actual access code screen, so i could use navigation. Unfortunately, this.setState also throws a "Undefined is not an object" error. I have pasted an abbreviated version of my code below. What would be the best way to achieve this navigating outside of a screen file issue?

App.js ---->

import { createStackNavigator, createAppContainer } from 'react-navigation';

import AccessScreen from './src/screens/AccessScreen';
import CreateAccountScreen from './src/screens/CreateAccountScreen';

const RootStack = createStackNavigator ({
    EnterAccessCode : {
        screen: AccessScreen
    CreateAccount : {
        screen: CreateAccountScreen
  headerMode: 'none'

const App = createAppContainer(RootStack);

export default App;

AccessForm.js ---->

import React from 'react';
import { StyleSheet, Text, View, TextInput, AlertIOS } from 'react-native';

var firebase = require("firebase");

if (!firebase.apps.length) { // Don't open more than one firebase session
  firebase.initializeApp({ // Initialize firebase connection
    apiKey: "key",
    authDomain: "domain",
    databaseURL: "url",
    storageBucket: "storage_bucket",

this.codesRef = firebase.database().ref('codes'); // A reference to the codes section in the db

// this.state = {
//   screen: 0
// };

export default class LoginForm extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    //this.checkCode = this.checkCode.bind(this); // throws error
  render() {
    return (
      <View style={styles.container} >
            placeholder='Access Code'
            onSubmitEditing={(text) => checkCode(text.nativeEvent.text)} // Checks the code entered

function checkCode(text) {
  var code = text; // Set entered code to the var "code"
  var identifier = ""; // Used to store unique code object identifier
  codesRef.once('value', function(db_snapshot) {
    let codeIsFound = false
    db_snapshot.forEach(function(code_snapshot) { // Cycle through available codes in db
      if (code == code_snapshot.val().value) { // Compare code to db code
        codeIsFound = true;
        identifier = code_snapshot.key; // Code object ID
    if (codeIsFound) {
      deleteCode(identifier); // Delete the code if used, maybe do this after account is created?
      //this.setState({screen: 1}); // this throws error
      //this.props.navigation.navigate('AccountCreateScreen'); // throws error
    } else { // wrong code
      // note to self : add error message based on state var
      AlertIOS.alert("We're Sorry...", "The code you entered was not found in the database! Please contact Mr. Gibson for further assistance.");

function deleteCode(id) { // delete a code from unique ID
  firebase.database().ref('codes/' + id).remove();

// stylesheet is below

Login.js ---->

import React from 'react';
import { StyleSheet, Text, View, Image, TextInput, KeyboardAvoidingView, Platform } from 'react-native';
import AccessForm from './AccessForm';

export default class App extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
            <View style={styles.logoContainer}>
                <Text style={styles.app_title}>MHS-Protect</Text>
                <Text>An app to keep MHS safe and in-touch.</Text>
            <KeyboardAvoidingView style={styles.container} behavior='padding'>
              <View style ={styles.formContainer}>

//styles below

Upvotes: 4

Views: 4941

Answers (3)

Md. Robi Ullah
Md. Robi Ullah

Reputation: 2172

Copy and paste(Reference) from: https://github.com/react-navigation/react-navigation/issues/1439#issuecomment-303661539

It works from me.

you can pass your top-level navigator ref to a service, and dispatch actions from that service.

// App.js

import NavigatorService from './services/navigator';

const Navigator = StackNavigator({ /* ... */ })

class App extends Component {
  // ...

  render(): {
    return (
        ref={navigatorRef => {
// services/navigator.js
// @flow

import { NavigationActions } from 'react-navigation';
import type { NavigationParams, NavigationRoute } from 'react-navigation';

let _container; // eslint-disable-line

function setContainer(container: Object) {
  _container = container;

function reset(routeName: string, params?: NavigationParams) {
      index: 0,
      actions: [
          type: 'Navigation/NAVIGATE',

function navigate(routeName: string, params?: NavigationParams) {
      type: 'Navigation/NAVIGATE',

function navigateDeep(actions: { routeName: string, params?: NavigationParams }[]) {
      (prevAction, action): any =>
          type: 'Navigation/NAVIGATE',
          routeName: action.routeName,
          params: action.params,
          action: prevAction,

function getCurrentRoute(): NavigationRoute | null {
  if (!_container || !_container.state.nav) {
    return null;

  return _container.state.nav.routes[_container.state.nav.index] || null;

export default {

and then you can use Navigator service everywhere.


import NavigatorService from './services/navigator';


Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 604

import React from 'react';
import { StyleSheet, Text, View, TextInput, AlertIOS } from 'react-native';

var firebase = require('firebase');

if (!firebase.apps.length) {
  // Don't open more than one firebase session
    // Initialize firebase connection
    apiKey: 'key',
    authDomain: 'domain',
    databaseURL: 'url',
    storageBucket: 'storage_bucket',

export default class LoginForm extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.codesRef = firebase.database().ref('codes'); // A reference to the codes section in the db

  checkCode = text => {
    var code = text; // Set entered code to the var "code"
    var identifier = ''; // Used to store unique code object identifier
    this.codesRef.once('value', function(db_snapshot) {
      let codeIsFound = false;
      db_snapshot.forEach(function(code_snapshot) {
        // Cycle through available codes in db
        if (code == code_snapshot.val().value) {
          // Compare code to db code
          codeIsFound = true;
          identifier = code_snapshot.key; // Code object ID
      if (codeIsFound) {
        this.deleteCode(identifier); // Delete the code if used, maybe do this after account is created?
      } else {
        // wrong code
        // note to self : add error message based on state var
          "We're Sorry...",
          'The code you entered was not found in the database! Please contact Mr. Gibson for further assistance.'

  deleteCode = id => {
      .ref('codes/' + id)

  render() {
    return (
      <View style={styles.container}>
          placeholder="Access Code"
          onSubmitEditing={text => this.checkCode(text.nativeEvent.text)} // Checks the code entered

Upvotes: 2

Huy Ngo
Huy Ngo

Reputation: 382

You should have navigation object in your props. By default, react navigation will pass navigation to all screens but other components. To do this, you have two options:
1. Pass navigation props from your screen to every child components (not recommended).
2. Use withNavigation as mention in document here https://reactnavigation.org/docs/en/connecting-navigation-prop.html

import React from 'react';
import { Button } from 'react-native';
import { withNavigation } from 'react-navigation';

class MyBackButton extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <Button title="Back" onPress={() => { this.props.navigation.goBack() }} />;

// withNavigation returns a component that wraps MyBackButton and passes in the
// navigation prop
export default withNavigation(MyBackButton);

Edit: The checkCode method does not belong to your LoginForm. You need to:
1. Make it part of LoginForm .
2. Remember to use bind or arrow function definition. Otherwise, your this inside function is not defined.

import { withNavigation } from 'react-navigation';
class LoginForm extends React.Component {
    checkCode = (text) => {
export default withNavigation(LoginForm);

You can read more about bind or arrow method here https://medium.com/shoutem/react-to-bind-or-not-to-bind-7bf58327e22a

Upvotes: 1

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