Surya prakash Patel
Surya prakash Patel

Reputation: 1522

Change text "searching" in jquery select2

I am using select2 with ajax option, and when ajax runs, a text "searching" appearing until ajax get success. I want to change this text(see in attached image).enter image description here

My code is:(reference from

      ajax: {
        url: "get_store_data.php?type=employee_data",
        dataType: 'json',
        delay: 250,
        data: function (params) {
          return {
            phrase: params.term, // search term,
            store_name: jQuery("#store_name").val(),
            page: 1

        processResults: function (data, params) {
            // console.log(data);
 = || 1;

          return {
            results: {
                return {
            pagination: {
              more: 0
        placeholder: 'Search for a member id',
        cache: true
      escapeMarkup: function (markup) { return markup; }, 
      minimumInputLength: 1

Upvotes: 6

Views: 14768

Answers (4)


Reputation: 555

If understand you correctly, you want to change the text that appears whilst you are waiting (for the Ajax to complete. That text disappears after it completes. By default the text is "Searching...". The code below will change it to "Something else...".

    language: {
        searching: function() {
            return "Something else...";
    ajax: {
        url: "get_store_data.php?type=employee_data",
        // etc.

See the Select2 v4 documentation concerning Translation objects.

Upvotes: 16


Reputation: 366

This is a translation issue I guess. Try to include translation file and edit the text inside it. Create a file for ex en.js, place the code:

    (function () {
if (jQuery && jQuery.fn && jQuery.fn.select2 && jQuery.fn.select2.amd) var e = jQuery.fn.select2.amd;
return e.define("select2/i18n/en", [], function () {
    return {
        errorLoading: function () {
            return "The results could not be loaded."
        }, inputTooLong: function (e) {
            var t = e.input.length - e.maximum, n = "Please delete " + t + " character";
            return t != 1 && (n += "s"), n
        }, inputTooShort: function (e) {
            var t = e.minimum - e.input.length, n = "Please enter " + t + " or more characters";
            return n
        }, loadingMore: function () {
            return "Loading more results…"
        }, maximumSelected: function (e) {
            var t = "You can only select " + e.maximum + " item";
            return e.maximum != 1 && (t += "s"), t
        }, noResults: function () {
            return "No results found"
        }, searching: function () {
            return "Searching…"
        }, removeAllItems: function () {
            return "Remove all items"
}), {define: e.define, require: e.require}})();

And edit those strings with translation you actually need.

Do not forget to include it right after the select2.js

And you probably will need to set language: "en" parameter too

Upvotes: 0

Surya prakash Patel
Surya prakash Patel

Reputation: 1522

I did not find any options so edited select2.min file. find searching:function(){return"Searching"}}}) and change text here. It's working for me.

Changed to:


Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 45

Use This. It's Help For You.

    ajax: {
      type: 'get',
      url: 'get_store_data.php?type=employee_data',
      delay: 300,
      dataType: 'json',
      data: function (params) {
        return {
          search: params.term
      processResults: function (data) {
        return {
          results: $.map(data, function (obj) {
            return {
              text: obj.text,
    minimumInputLength: 2,
    placeholder: "Please Select",
    escapeMarkup: function (m) {
      return m;

Upvotes: 0

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