
Reputation: 3302

extjs how to pass parameters to a web rest api request

I'm now trying to connect Extjs with a web rest api apart from my project. This is my view:

    Ext.define('mycomponents.view.comboselview', {
        extend: 'Ext.container.Container',
        id: 'comboview',
        alias: 'widget.comboview',
        xtype: 'comboview',
        requires: [
        items: [
                xtype: 'combobox',
                reference: 'levels',
                publishes: 'value',
                fieldLabel: 'Choices',
                displayField: 'description',
                anchor: '-15',
                store: {
                    type: 'levels'
                minChars: 0,
                queryMode: 'local',
                typeAhead: true,
                labelWidth: 100,
                labelAlign : 'right',
                width: 265,
                allowBlank: false
        initComponent: function () {
            var that = this;
            console.log('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>>>', that.up());

Here is my model:

        Ext.define('mycomponents.model.comboselmodel', {
            extend: '',
            fields: [
                     name: 'id',
                     mapping: 'pk'
                     name: 'description',
                     type: 'string',
                     mapping: 'description'
                     name: 'levelid',
                     type: 'integer',
                     mapping: 'levelid'

and my store:

Ext.define('', {
    extend: '',
    alias: 'store.levels',
    model: 'mycomponents.model.comboselmodel',
    storeId: 'levels',
    restful: true,
    autoLoad: true,
    proxy: {
        type: 'ajax',
        headers: {
           'Accept': '*/*',
           'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
           'Content-Type': 'application/json',
           'Authorization': localStorage.token
        extraParamas: {
           sort: 'description',
           filter: {
               idlevel: {
                   'null': -1
        reader: new{
        writer: new{
        actionMethods: {
           read: 'GET'
        api: {
           read: 'apiurl',
           create: 'apiurl',
           update: 'apiurl',
           destroy: 'apiurl'
        autoSave: true
    constructor: function (config) {
        console.log('I am entering here!!!')

I'm trying to fetch resources from my apiurl which is a web rest api. I need to send some parameters, this code returns me the desired data, but this approach ignores the extraParamas at all. I can't tell that I went into the documentation and found how to use Extjs with a rest api becasue I was unable to find how to do that in the official documentation, so, I've been googleing for a solution and what I've made so far is getting code snippets from here and there. My question: how to send paramenters to a rest api? what am I doing wrong?

Upvotes: 0

Views: 1271

Answers (1)

Matheus Hatje
Matheus Hatje

Reputation: 987

There's a typo in your code, extraParamas, when it should be extraParams

Upvotes: 1

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