Reputation: 1679
In Kotlin with JUnit5 we can use assertFailsWith
In Java with JUnit5 you can use assertThrows
In Java, if I want to separate the declaration of an executable from the execution itself, in order to clarify the tests in a Given-Then-When form, we can use JUnit5 assertThrows
like this:
@DisplayName("display() with wrong argument command should fail" )
void displayWithWrongArgument() {
// Given a wrong argument
String arg = "FAKE_ID"
// When we call display() with the wrong argument
Executable exec = () -> sut.display(arg);
// Then it should throw an IllegalArgumentException
assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, exec);
In Kotlin we can use assertFailsWith
fun `display() with wrong argument command should fail`() {
// Given a wrong argument
val arg = "FAKE_ID"
// When we call display() with the wrong argument
// ***executable declaration should go here ***
// Then it should throw an IllegalArgumentException
assertFailsWith<CrudException> { sut.display(arg) }
But, how we can separate the declaration and the execution in Kotlin with assertFailsWith
Upvotes: 11
Views: 14051
Reputation: 339
I really agree with p3quod's claim on the Given/When/Then (or Arrange/Act/Assert) pattern.
My way in Kotlin:
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertThrows
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import org.junit.jupiter.api.function.Executable
fun `display() with wrong argument command should fail`() {
// Given a wrong argument
val arg = "FAKE_ID"
// When we call display() with the wrong argument
val executable = Executable { sut.display(arg) }
// Then it should throw an IllegalArgumentException
assertThrows(, executable)
Is there a better way, more Kotlin like, let me know.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 7220
in my example you can do like this :
fun divide() {
{ MathUtils.divide(1, 0) },
"divide by zero should trow"
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 33651
Just declare a variable like you did in Java:
fun `display() with wrong argument command should fail`() {
// Given a wrong argument
val arg = "FAKE_ID"
// When we call display() with the wrong argument
val block: () -> Unit = { sut.display(arg) }
// Then it should throw an IllegalArgumentException
assertFailsWith<CrudException>(block = block)
Upvotes: 12