Reputation: 169

How send reply from listener

I am working on homework to my studies with Java and RabbitMQ. I am not familiar much with Spring and RabbitMQ, but I can't handle this problem.

I have 2 single application.

First one, which produces the message (bolid application) I created a producer of the message (bolid), which every 10 seconds send a message to listeners

public class BolidApplication implements CommandLineRunner {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(BolidApplication.class, args);

    private RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate;

    public void run(String... args) throws Exception {

        Bolid bolid = new Bolid();
        int i = 10;
        while (true) {
            bolid.setData(new Date());
            rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend("RaceExchange", "raceRouting", bolid.toString());
            rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend("MonitorExchange", "raceRouting", bolid.toString());
            i += 10;

So, I create 2 queue (RaceQueue and MonitorQueue), define exchange and bind them.

I have 2 listeners: RaceListener and MonitorListener.

There is the code of my listeners:

And the second application, which is listeners.

public class RabbitConfig {
    private static final String RACE_QUEUE = "RaceQueue";
    private static final String MONITOR_QUEUE = "MonitorQueue";

    Queue myQueue() {
        return new Queue(RACE_QUEUE, true);

    Queue monitorQueue() {
        return new Queue(MONITOR_QUEUE, true);

    Exchange myExchange() { 
        return ExchangeBuilder.topicExchange("RaceExchange")

    Exchange monitorExchange() { 
        return ExchangeBuilder.topicExchange("MonitorExchange")

    Binding binding() {
//        return new Binding(MY_QUEUE, Binding.DestinationType.QUEUE, "MyTopicExchange", "topic", null)
        return BindingBuilder

    Binding monitorBinding() {
        return BindingBuilder

    ConnectionFactory connectionFactory() {
        CachingConnectionFactory cachingConnectionFactory = new CachingConnectionFactory("localhost");
        return cachingConnectionFactory;

    MessageListenerContainer rabbitRaceListener() {
        SimpleMessageListenerContainer simpleMessageListenerContainer = new SimpleMessageListenerContainer();
        simpleMessageListenerContainer.setupMessageListener(new RabbitRaceListener());
        return simpleMessageListenerContainer;

    MessageListenerContainer rabbitMonitorListener() {

        SimpleMessageListenerContainer simpleMessageListenerContainer = new SimpleMessageListenerContainer();
        simpleMessageListenerContainer.setupMessageListener(new RabbitMonitorListener());
        return simpleMessageListenerContainer;

From MonitorListener I want to use reply pattern to reply message to my first application (bolid application). So Bolid application can receive my message.

My Code for MonitorListener:

public class RabbitMonitorListener implements MessageListener {
    private RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate;
    public void onMessage(Message message) {
        String[] splitted = new String(message.getBody()).split("\\|");
        int oilTemperature = Integer.parseInt(splitted[1].split(" ")[2]);
        int engineTemperature = Integer.parseInt(splitted[2].split(" ")[2]);
        int tirePressure = Integer.parseInt(splitted[3].split(" ")[2]);

        System.out.println("message2 = [" + new String(message.getBody()) + "]");

        if (oilTemperature > 120 || engineTemperature > 120 || tirePressure > 12) {
            System.out.println("SEND REPLY TO BOLID!");
        if (oilTemperature > 150 || engineTemperature > 150 || tirePressure > 17) {
            System.out.println("SEND RELY TO BOLID!");

How can I achieve that? So here I can send the message go back to bolid and on the bolid application I can read it?

EDIT: I did some research, I want to do it like this way:

public class RabbitMonitorListener implements MessageListener {
    private RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate;

    public void onMessage(Message message) {
        String[] splitted = new String(message.getBody()).split("\\|");
        int oilTemperature = Integer.parseInt(splitted[1].split(" ")[2]);
        int engineTemperature = Integer.parseInt(splitted[2].split(" ")[2]);
        int tirePressure = Integer.parseInt(splitted[3].split(" ")[2]);
        String response = "Hello";
        MessageProperties properties = new MessageProperties();
        Message responseMessage = new Message(response.getBytes(), properties);
        rabbitTemplate.send(message.getMessageProperties().getReplyTo(), responseMessage);

        System.out.println("message2 = [" + new String(message.getBody()) + "]");

        if (oilTemperature > 120 || engineTemperature > 120 || tirePressure > 12) {
            System.out.println("WARN MECHANICS");

        if (oilTemperature > 150 || engineTemperature > 150 || tirePressure > 17) {
            System.out.println("WARN MECHANICS");

but the rabbitTemplate is null here, so I can't @Autowired it here. How can I have access to rabbitTemplate and method send in MessageListener?

Upvotes: 2

Views: 1899

Answers (1)

Gary Russell
Gary Russell

Reputation: 174554

new RabbitRaceListener() - that must be a @Bean too, to get auto wiring.

However, you are over-complicating things; the framework can take care of all of this for you.

See Request/Reply Messaging for the client side - and use convertSendAndReceive() or convertSendAndReceiveAsType().

On the server side, see Annotation-driven Listener Endpoints.

@RabbitListener(queues = "request")
public String handle(String in) {
    return in.toUpperCase();

Upvotes: 2

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