In JavaFx I have a LineChart lc
for which I create and add a series,
It displays just fine, but seems to sample all data points to fit the whole domain into the chart.
Is there a way to force the LineChart to just display the last 10 data points, say, of the series?
Ultimately I would like to create a way to pan the chart contents so that a window of the data is displayed, as a function of pan position.
I found this SO post but it removes data, which means I would then need to add it back. I would rather keep all data in the series if possible, and set the usable range of that series if possible.
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Views: 518
I worked out the solution myself using the standard fx libraries.
So long as the horizontal axis is a NumberAxis
, you can use the setLowerBound()
and setUpperBound()
Combined with a scrollbar this works perfectly.
For example,
final static int MAX_DISPLAY = 100
LineChart<Number, Number> lineChart;
ScrollBar scroller;
scroller.setMax(1000 - MAX_DISPLAY);
scroller.valueProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Number>() {
public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Number> observableValue, Number number, Number t1) {
double pos = scroller.getValue();
NumberAxis na = (NumberAxis)lineChart.getXAxis();
na.setUpperBound(pos + MAX_DISPLAY);
Note - if using Scene Builder, your LineChart x-axis will default to CatergoryAxis, so make sure to edit the .fxml file and change it to NumberAxis manually.
Additionally, for my use case since the x-axis represents Unix epoch times, you can convert the Number
values into something else using the following code (in my case a date formatted string),
NumberAxis xAxis = (NumberAxis)lineChart.getXAxis();
xAxis.setTickLabelFormatter(new StringConverter<Number>() {
public String toString(Number object) {
return convertToDate(object.longValue());
public Number fromString(String string) {
return 0;
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