Reputation: 727
I have a smoothed line (a simplified abstraction of a coastline) that is a linestring
and I want to measure the length of the line at frequent intervals along it. I can create the smoothed line, and measure its length:
# create bounding box for the line
bbox <- extent(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
# get coarse outline of the US
usamap <- rnaturalearth::ne_countries(scale = "small", country = "united states of america", returnclass = "sf")[1] %>%
# crop to extent of the bbox and get rid of a border line that isn't coastal
bbox2 <- st_set_crs(st_as_sf(as(raster::extent(-80, -74, 42, 45.5), "SpatialPolygons")), st_crs(usamap))
cropmap <- usamap %>%
st_crop(bbox) %>%
# smooth the line
smoothmap <- cropmap %>%
smoothr::smooth(method="ksmooth", smoothness=8)
# measure the line length
st_length(smoothmap) # I get 1855956m
I'm going to be "snapping" sample sites to points along this line, and I need to know how far they are along the coastline. However, I can't figure out how to measure the length of the line at intervals along the coastline. The interval size isn't terribly important so long as it's at relatively fine resolution, perhaps every 1km or every 0.01 degree.
What I would like to produce is a dataframe with x,y columns containing the lat/lon of points along the line, and a "length" column containing the distance along the line (from the origin to that point). Here are some of the things I've tried:
Iterating over bounding boxes. I tried cropping the line with smaller and smaller bounding boxes (using regular intervals in lat/lon), but because the line bends "backward" around -76, 38, some of the cropped boxes don't encompass the complete line segment that I expected. This approach works for the top right half of the line, but not for the bottom left half--that just returns lengths of zero.
Cropping the extent before implementing the smoother, and then measuring the line. Since the smoother function does not produce the same shape if it is only measuring a segment of the original line, this doesn't actually measure distance along the same line.
Getting the coordinates of the linestring
with st_coordinates
, trimming off one row (one point on the line), and recasting the remaining coordinates as a linestring
. This approach does not produce a single linestring
but instead a chain of points (since st_cast
doesn't know how to connect them again), so it can't be measured normally.
It would be ideal to "edit" the geometry of smoothmap
to delete one row of coordinates at a time, repeatedly measure the line, and write out the end point coordinates and the line length to a dataframe. However, I'm not sure if it's possible to edit a sf object's coordinates without turning it into a dataframe.
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Views: 2396
Reputation: 117
I believe you need sf::st_line_sample
# Transform to metric
smoothmap_utm <- st_transform(smoothmap, 3857)
# Get samples at every kilometer
smoothmap_samples <- st_line_sample(smoothmap_utm, density = 1/1000)
# Transform back to a sf data.frame
smoothmaps_points <- map(smoothmap_samples, function(x) data.frame(geometry = st_geometry(x))) %>%
map_df( %>% st_sf() %>%
st_cast("POINT") %>%
st_set_crs(3857) %>%
mapview(smoothmaps_points) + mapview(smoothmap)
Getting to your desired output:
# Function to transform sf to lon,lat
sfc_as_cols <- function(x, names = c("lon","lat")) {
stopifnot(inherits(x,"sf") && inherits(sf::st_geometry(x),"sfc_POINT"))
ret <- sf::st_coordinates(x)
ret <- tibble::as_tibble(ret)
stopifnot(length(names) == ncol(ret))
x <- x[ , !names(x) %in% names]
ret <- setNames(ret,names)
ui <- dplyr::bind_cols(x,ret)
st_set_geometry(ui, NULL)
smoothmaps_points_xy <- sfc_as_cols(smoothmaps_points) %>%
mutate(dist = cumsum(c(0, rep(1000, times = n() - 1))))
lon lat dist
1 -67.06836 44.99794 0
2 -67.07521 44.99383 1000
3 -67.08206 44.98972 2000
4 -67.08891 44.98560 3000
5 -67.09575 44.98149 4000
6 -67.10260 44.97737 5000
But if your ultimate goal is to get points distance in a path, I would recommend checking rgeos::gProject
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Reputation: 47146
If I understand your question, I think you can do this:
x <- as(smoothmap, "Spatial")
g <- geom(x)
d <- pointDistance(g[-nrow(g), c("x", "y")], g[-1, c("x", "y")], lonlat=TRUE)
gg <- data.frame(g[, c('x','y')], seglength=c(d, 0))
gg$lengthfromhere <- rev(cumsum(rev(gg[,"seglength"])))
# x y seglength lengthfromhere
#1 -67.06494 45.00000 70850.765 1855956
#2 -67.74832 44.58805 2405.180 1785105
#3 -67.77221 44.57474 2490.175 1782700
#4 -67.79692 44.56095 2577.254 1780210
#5 -67.82248 44.54667 2666.340 1777633
#6 -67.84890 44.53189 2757.336 1774967
# x y seglength lengthfromhere
#539 -79.09383 33.34224 2580.481 111543.5
#540 -79.11531 33.32753 2542.557 108963.0
#541 -79.13648 33.31306 2512.564 106420.5
#542 -79.15739 33.29874 2479.949 103907.9
#543 -79.17802 33.28460 101427.939 101427.9
#544 -80.00000 32.68751 0.000 0.0
Upvotes: 2