Reputation: 586
I was writing my code with Control.Monad.Writer.Lazy
using (,) [String]
as my writer monad. But I found that (>>=)
and (>>)
are too strict with the monoid operator? They cause infinte loop with this code for example:
type Wrtr a = ([String], a)
writer (x, w) = (w, x)
main :: IO ()
main = do
let one = writer ((), ["goodbye"])
let w = foldr1 (>>) $ repeat one
let (log, _) = w
mapM_ putStrLn . take 5 $ log
This code will loop endlessly and never print anything and it's bad for me. So for now I'm using this naive implementation of the same monad, which seems to be fine and lazy:
data Writer w a = Writer w a
instance Functor (Writer w) where
fmap f (Writer w x) = Writer w (f x)
instance Monoid w => Applicative (Writer w) where
pure x = Writer mempty x
(Writer w1 f) <*> (Writer w2 x) = Writer (w1 <> w2) (f x)
instance Monoid w => Monad (Writer w) where
return = pure
(Writer w1 x) >>= f =
let (Writer w2 y) = f x
in Writer (w1 <> w2) y
writer (x, w) = Writer w x
(You have to define functor and applicative instances because of monoid constraint)
If you then run the code with the same exact main
function as above, it will print "goodbye" five times and exit.
So the question is: why are tuples so strict? Or if it's not strictness, what is it and why is it there?
BTW I'm using ghc 8.6.4 and everything else whihch comes with stack lts-13.19
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Views: 334
Reputation: 29193
That's because your Writer
violates the monad laws. Look at this law:
-- forall (f :: a -> Writer m b) (x :: a).
return x >>= f = f x
-- basically f (id x) = f x, which we should agree is pretty important!
But, alas, it doesn't hold! let f = undefined
! (or f = const undefined
; they are indistinguishable if you don't use seq
return x >>= undefined
= Writer mempty x >>= undefined
= let (Writer m y) = undefined
in Writer (mempty <> m) y
= Writer (mempty <> undefined) undefined
Yet, by law,
return x >>= undefined
= undefined x
= undefined
These are not equivalent, therefore your lazy Monad
instance is unlawful (and yes, I believe so is the one in mtl
). However, Fast and Loose Reasoning is Morally Correct, so we generally just accept it. The idea is that a lazy Writer
monad generally follows the laws its supposed to, as long as you keep infinite or bottoming values out of it, but it breaks down at those edge cases. In contrast, the strict implementation is completely lawful, and that is why it is in base
. However, as you've discovered, when lazy Writer
s break the law, they do it in a useful manner, so we place the lazy implementation in mtl
Here is a demo of this behavior. Notice that the lazy version produces a Writer "
in the output before blowing up, while both the strict version and the specification given by the law don't do so.
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instance Monoid a => Monad ((,) a) where
(u, a) >>= k = case k a of (v, b) -> (u <> v, b)
and this means they are strict because of the case
(unlike your let (Writer w2 y) = f x
foldr1 (>>) $ repeat one
= one >> foldr1 (>>) (repeat one)
= (["goodbye"], ()) >>= \_ -> foldr1 (>>) (repeat one)
= case ((\_ -> foldr1 (>>) (repeat one)) ()) of (v, b) -> (["goodbye"] <> v, b)
= case (foldr1 (>>) (repeat one)) of (v, b) -> (["goodbye"] <> v, b)
and this actually forces the nested (foldr1 (>>) ...)
before you can ever access the ["goodbye"] <> v
This is because case
pattern matching is forcing but let
patterns are lazy. Your code in effect writes the above as
= let (v, b) = foldr1 (>>) (repeat one) in (["goodbye"] <> v, b)
and all is fine and lazy.
Upvotes: 4