Reputation: 65
I have stock price data containing Open, High, Low,Close prices on a daily basis. I am creating a new column "signal", which will take the values "signal" or "none" based on some conditions.
Every time df['signal']=="signal"
,we have to compare it with the previous 3 occurrences of df['signal']=="signal"
. let us imagine the current occurrence to be the 4th signal. So, the previous occurrence of df['signal']=="signal"
would be the 3rd signal, the even previous would the 2nd signal and the signal previous to that would be the first signal.
I need to check if the minimum value of df['low']between signal 4 and signal 3 is GREATER THAN the minimum value of df['low'] between signal 1 and signal 2.
If it is greater, I need a new column df['trade']=="Buy".
Sample data
No Open High Low Close signal Trade
1 75 95 65 50 signal
2 78 94 74 77 none
3 83 91 81 84 none
4 91 101 88 93 signal
5 104 121 95 103 none
6 101 111 99 105 none
7 97 108 95 101 signal
8 103 113 102 106 none
9 108 128 105 114 signal BUY
10 104 114 99 102 none
11 110 130 105 115 signal BUY
12 112 122 110 115 none
13 118 145 112 123 none
14 123 143 71 133 signal NONE
15 130 150 120 140 none
In the sample data above, in Line no 9, df['Trade']=="BUY" happens since the minimum value of df['Low']=95 between this df['signal']="signal" and previous df['signal']="signal" IS GREATER THAN the minimum value of df['Low']= 65 between the previous two occurences of df['signal']="signal".
Similarly, in Line no 14, df['Trade']="None" happened because the minimum value of df['Low']=71 between this signal and previous signal is NOT GREATER THAN the minimum value of df['Low']=99 between the previous two signals.
I need help with the code to implement this.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import bisect as bs
df = pd.read_csv("Nifty.csv")
cols = ['No', 'Low', 'signal']
df['5EMA'] = df['Close'].ewm(span=5).mean()
df['10EMA'] = df['Close'].ewm(span=10).mean()
condition1 = df['5EMA'].shift(1) < df['10EMA'].shift(1)
condition2 = df['5EMA'] > df['10EMA']
df['signal'] = np.where(condition1 & condition2, 'signal', None)
df1 = pd.concat([df[cols], df.loc[df.signal=='signal',cols].assign(signal='temp')]) \
.sort_values(['No', 'signal'],ascending=[1,0])
df1['g'] = (df1.signal == 'signal').cumsum()
df1['Low_min'] = df1.groupby('g').Low.transform('min')
s = df1.groupby('g').Low.min()
buy = s[s.shift(1) > s.shift(3)].index.tolist()
m1 = df1.signal.eq('signal') &
m2 = df1.g.isin(buy) & m1
df1['trade'] =[m2, m1], ['Buy', 'None'], '')
df['trade'] = ''[df1.signal=='signal',"trade"])
Upvotes: 0
Views: 424
Reputation: 14008
Your problem can be simplified after some extra temporary rows are added. I set up a new dataframe which contains only required fields from the original df, and cloned all rows labelled as 'signal' but renamed to 'temp' df.loc[df.signal=='signal',cols].assign(signal='temp')
. The sorted rows will then be grouped-labeled by using the "signal" and cumsum(). see below code:
str="""No Open High Low Close signal
1 75 95 65 50 signal
2 78 94 74 77 none
3 83 91 81 84 none
4 91 101 88 93 signal
5 104 121 95 103 none
6 101 111 99 105 none
7 97 108 95 101 signal
8 103 113 102 106 none
9 108 128 105 114 signal
10 104 114 99 102 none
11 110 130 105 115 signal
12 112 122 110 115 none
13 118 145 112 123 none
14 123 143 71 133 signal
15 130 150 120 140 none"""
df = pd.read_csv(, sep='\s+')
# cols which are used in this task
cols = ['No', 'Low', 'signal']
# create a new dataframe, cloned all 'signal' rows but rename signal to 'temp', sort the rows
df1 = pd.concat([df[cols], df.loc[df.signal=='signal',cols].assign(signal='temp')]) \
.sort_values(['No', 'signal'],ascending=[1,0])
# set up group-number with cumsum() and get min() value from each group
df1['g'] = (df1.signal == 'signal').cumsum()
# the following field just for reference, no need for calculation
df1['Low_min'] = df1.groupby('g').Low.transform('min')
The new dataframe df1
will looks like the following. Except the first and last group, every group now starts with a 'signal' and ends with a 'temp' (which is also 'signal'):
Based on your description, for Line no 9 (yellow backgroud, the first item in df1.g==4), we can check df1.loc[df1.g==3, "Low_min"]
(red bordered) against
df1.loc[df1.g==1, "Low_min"]
(green bordered)
if we have the following:
s = df1.groupby('g').Low.min()
the list of buy group should satisfy s.shift(1) > s.shift(3)
buy = s[s.shift(1) > s.shift(3)].index.tolist()
So, let's set up conditions:
# m1: row marked with signal
# skip the first 3 groups which do not have enough signals
m1 = df1.signal.eq('signal') &
# m2: m1 plus must in buy list
m2 = df1.g.isin(buy) & m1
df1['trade'] =[m2, m1], ['Buy', 'None'], '')
#In [36]: df1
# No Low signal g Low_min trade
#0 1 65 temp 0 65
#0 1 65 signal 1 65
#1 2 74 none 1 65
#2 3 81 none 1 65
#3 4 88 temp 1 65
#3 4 88 signal 2 88
#4 5 95 none 2 88
#5 6 99 none 2 88
#6 7 95 temp 2 88
#6 7 95 signal 3 95
#7 8 102 none 3 95
#8 9 105 temp 3 95
#8 9 105 signal 4 99 Buy
#9 10 99 none 4 99
#10 11 105 temp 4 99
#10 11 105 signal 5 71 Buy
#11 12 110 none 5 71
#12 13 112 none 5 71
#13 14 71 temp 5 71
#13 14 71 signal 6 71 None
#14 15 120 none 6 71
After we have, we can update the original dataframe:
# set up column `trade` with EMPTY as default and update
# the field based on (using the index)
df['trade'] = ''[df1.signal=='signal',"trade"])
Upvotes: 2