Reputation: 391
I have a directive in AngularJS and I have used the Directive in html page. The directive expects a parameter which is provied hard coded
<md-button class="md-button md-raised md-theme-white list pull-right">
<i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o ng-scope" aria-hidden="true" select-organization-list="Advertiser" click-from="ClickFromSearch" onselect-Custom-Event="OpenModalOrganizationList(org, 'documentCompany')" ng-model='org'></i>
<md-tooltip md-direction="buttom">
Select Advertiser
how can i pass the variable in that directive select-organization-list
I tried by defining the variable the in angularJS vm.CompanyType = "Advertiser";
and in html like select-organization-list="vm.CompanyType"
it dosen't works the value in directive goes as "vm.CompanyType" not "Advertiser"? How can I fix this ??
Here is my Directive
function ($rootScope, $mdDialog, organizationService, $parse, $localStorage, sharedServices, organizationFactory) {
return {
restrict: "A",
scope: {
ngModel: "=?",
//isolatedExpression: '&'
onselectCustomEvent: "&"
template: "<div></div>",
// controller: "crudgridController as vm",
link: function (scope, element, $attrs) {
//var CompanyType = $attrs.selectOrganizationList || null;
function (e) {
scope.OpenModalAddContract_OrganizationList = function (ev, valueFor) {
var mynewscope = $rootScope.$new();
scope.itemsOrganization = [];
var te = this;
te.Search = [];
te.Search.PageSize = 10;
te.Search.SearchClick = $attrs.clickFrom;
te.Search.MediaSearch = $attrs.clickFrom;
te.Search.Retired = false;
//////Swoyuj: When clicked from add/edit Contract Page, "PopupOrganization DivisionID" should be "Contract DivisionID"
//if ($attrs.clickFrom == "Contract") {
// te.Search.DivisionID = parseInt($attrs.divisionId);
// te.Search.DivisionIDList = [$attrs.divisionId];
if ($attrs.selectOrganizationList == "AdAgency") {
te.Search.CompanyType = "AA";
if ($attrs.selectOrganizationList == "Advertiser") {
te.Search.CompanyTypeList = ['AA', 'AD']
if ($attrs.selectOrganizationList == "Billboard") {
te.Search.CompanyType = "BO";
if ($attrs.selectOrganizationList == "All") {
te.Search.CompanyType = "";
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Views: 1256
Reputation: 134
You can also pass the value from the HTML directly.
<i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o ng-scope" aria-hidden="true" CompanyType="{{vm.companyType}}" click-from="ClickFromSearch" onselect-Custom-Event="OpenModalOrganizationList(org, 'documentCompany')" ng-model='org'></i>
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 256
Try this.
restrict: 'EA',
scope: {
CompanyType: '='
then you should be able to access your variable by "scope.CompanyType" in your directive.
<i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o ng-scope" aria-hidden="true" CompanyType="Advertiser" click-from="ClickFromSearch" onselect-Custom-Event="OpenModalOrganizationList(org, 'documentCompany')" ng-model='org'></i>
Upvotes: 2