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Since I am not a front-end developer and I am building a web app from scratch, I have downloaded a bootstrap template and tried to integrate it into a simple Angular project (generated by Angular CLI).
What I did is:
Copy the index.html file of the template in app.component.html:
Parallelism by HTML5 UP | @ajlkn
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<h2>You really got me</h2>
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<h2>Ad Infinitum</h2>
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<h2>Kingdom of the Wind</h2>
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<h2>The Pursuit</h2>
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<article class="item thumb span-3"><h2>Kingdom of the Wind</h2><a href="assets/images/fulls/05.jpg" class="image"><img src="assets/images/thumbs/05.jpg" alt=""></a></article>
<article class="item thumb span-1"><h2>The Pursuit</h2><a href="assets/images/fulls/06.jpg" class="image"><img src="assets/images/thumbs/06.jpg" alt=""></a></article>
<article class="item thumb span-2"><h2>Boundless</h2><a href="assets/images/fulls/07.jpg" class="image"><img src="assets/images/thumbs/07.jpg" alt=""></a></article>
<article class="item thumb span-2"><h2>The Spectators</h2><a href="assets/images/fulls/08.jpg" class="image"><img src="assets/images/thumbs/08.jpg" alt=""></a></article>
<article class="item thumb span-1"><h2>You really got me</h2><a href="assets/images/fulls/01.jpg" class="image"><img src="assets/images/thumbs/01.jpg" alt=""></a></article>
<article class="item thumb span-2"><h2>Ad Infinitum</h2><a href="assets/images/fulls/02.jpg" class="image"><img src="assets/images/thumbs/02.jpg" alt=""></a></article>
<article class="item thumb span-1"><h2>Different.</h2><a href="assets/images/fulls/03.jpg" class="image"><img src="assets/images/thumbs/03.jpg" alt=""></a></article>
<article class="item thumb span-2"><h2>Kingdom of the Wind</h2><a href="assets/images/fulls/05.jpg" class="image"><img src="assets/images/thumbs/05.jpg" alt=""></a></article>
<article class="item thumb span-1"><h2>Elysium</h2><a href="assets/images/fulls/04.jpg" class="image"><img src="assets/images/thumbs/04.jpg" alt=""></a></article>
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And of course I have copied the assets of the template into the assets folder and modified the files paths.
This kindof works.
So here are my questions:
Upvotes: 2
Views: 7822
Reputation: 37
Here is a angular bootstrap starter code. It contains 3 layouts to start with. Built with latest angular and bootstrap.
Source code: Ready to use Angular Bootstrap Template
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 61
For Angular 2+, similar question is answered here
Yes it is possible but you will have to do 'some' tweaking.
First of all import all your js script plug-ins through npm if they are available there.
npm install (plug-in name) --save
OR You can add those script js files in project and Then you will have to edit your angular.json to include js plug-ins (js & css) for example as below:
"styles": ["styles.css", "assets/css/noscript.css"], "scripts":["assets/js/jquery.min.js","assets/js/jquery.poptrox.min.js","assets/js/browser.min.js","assets/js/breakpoints.min.js","assets/js/util.js","assets/js/main.js"],
Put the path to styles & scripts in to array
Then you should add main template css file in to predefined styles.css (You can add all your main.css contents in style.css which is automatically created while project creation)
Next you should break up your page(s) in to component(s) (view components and 'tag' components).
Now about custom app dev:
Add your custom - js in to .component.js - css in to .component.css - html in to .component.html
Have a look at this, I've created a sample app with your template. You can edit it further.
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 878
There are two ways to implement specifically,
If you are stuck anywhere I can help you :)
Hey I'm using very similar my own solution for my projects. (2nd way)
Answers to your questions,
You don't need to copy whole page. You can break into component when you import bootstrap resource into index.html. For example you can have a one header.componenet and one footer.componenet and a body.componenet so it is easier to maintain.
You are doing it slightly wrongly because you don't implement it in angular way.
Upvotes: 3