Rene Chan
Rene Chan

Reputation: 985

Reading broken CSV lines from R

I need to read a csv file which has broken rows for some reasons. The are about 60,000 rows and some of then are just broken from the previous raw. I would like to find how i can read the table and convert it into a proper dataframe with

I am reading the file this way: 
All_transactions <- read.csv(paste("/Users/Match/Data/MenuReport/", 04-01-new_file.csv, sep=""), skip=6, sep=",")

I am skipping the first 6 rows which contain random text.

ABC, 01052019, 4510, Food, Dry
CDE, 01052019, 222, Drink
, Cold
FGH, 01052019, 345, Food, Dry
IJK, 01052019, 234, Food
, Cold

I did notice that the wrong rows seem to start with a comma

I would like to be able to clean them this way:

ABC, 01052019, 4510, Food, Dry
CDE, 01052019, 222, Drink, Cold
FGH, 01052019, 345, Food, Dry
IJK, 01052019, 234, Food, Cold

Then put them in a dataframe.

Upvotes: 2

Views: 1049

Answers (4)


Reputation: 313

The other solutions are probably better, but you could also use a monstrous piece of function code like this (this relies heavily on the rest of your data following your sample data pattern):


df <- read_csv(file = "YOUR_FILE", skip = 6)

process_df <- function(x) {
  for (row in 1:nrow(x)) {
    if(sum([row,]) == 1)) {
      if (rowSums(![row+1,])) == 1) {
        x[row, which([row,]))] <- x[row+1,which(![3,]))]
  x <- x[rowSums(![,])) > 1,]


Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 161

Simple solution using base R: Read using readLines, skip first 6, and process further:

dat = readLines('your_file')
dat = dat[7:length(dat)]
csv_dat = read.csv(textConnection(dat[!grepl("^,",dat)]))

Upvotes: 1



The easiest way would be to read in the contents of the CSV as single character string using readrs read_file, then replace pattern newline + comma with a comma:


# Read in broken CSV as single character string.
file_string <- read_file("broken_csv.csv")

# Replace patter `\\n,` with `,`, then read string as CSV.
df <- read_csv(gsub("\\n,", ",", file_string), skip = 6)


#### OUTPUT ####

# A tibble: 4 x 5
  Product Date     Quantity Categorie sector
  <chr>   <chr>       <dbl> <chr>     <chr> 
1 ABC     01052019     4510 Food      Dry   
2 CDE     01052019      222 Drink     Cold  
3 FGH     01052019      345 Food      Dry   
4 IJK     01052019      234 Food      Cold  

Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 6441

There are probably several ways to do this..

UPDATE: Try this then. With the skip=argument in scan()you can specify how many rows to skip.

file <- scan("C:/Users/skupfer/Documents/bisher.txt", strip.white = TRUE, sep = ",",
             what = list("character"), skip = 1)

file_mat <- matrix(file[[1]][file[[1]] != ""], ncol = 5, byrow = TRUE)

file_df <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

file_df$Quantity <- as.integer(file_mat[,3])

> file_df
  Product     Date Quantity Categorie sector
1     ABC 01052019     4510      Food    Dry
2     CDE 01052019      222     Drink   Cold
3     FGH 01052019      345      Food    Dry
4     IJK 01052019      234      Food   Cold

Upvotes: 2

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