Reputation: 15239
I try to make a test project using the Redis Server, installed on a Linux Ubuntu Virtual Machine, via a Virtual Box.
The Linux machine is linked with the local network via the Virtual Box's Bridged Adapter, the Virtual Box running on my development Windows 7 Machine.
The Linux Machine is a new one, just created, I did the
sudo ufw enable
and then restarted the redis server (on linux).
Now here is my try from Windows
C:\Users\my-user>nmap -p 6379
Starting Nmap 7.70 ( ) at ...
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.0010s latency).
6379/tcp filtered redis
MAC Address: 08:00:27:98:94:49 (Oracle VirtualBox virtual NIC)
I created a new .NET MVC project with my Visual Studio 2017, and here is the controller's code:
using StackExchange.Redis;
using System.Web.Mvc;
namespace RedisClient.Controllers
public class HomeController : Controller
public struct Server {
public const string IP = "";
public const int Port = 6379;
public ActionResult Index() { return View(); }
public ActionResult About()
ConnectionMultiplexer redis =
IDatabase db = redis.GetDatabase();
string value = "abcdefg";
db.StringSet("mykey", value);
value = db.StringGet("mykey");
ViewBag.Message = $"The value is '{value}'";
return View();
public ActionResult Contact() { return View(); }
So, when I click on the "About" link I obtain the following error on the .Connect
It was not possible to connect to the redis server(s). UnableToConnect on, Initializing/NotStarted, last: NONE, origin: BeginConnectAsync, outstanding: 0, last-read: 0s ago, last-write: 0s ago, keep-alive: 60s, state: Connecting, mgr: 10 of 10 available, last-heartbeat: never, global: 0s ago, v: 2.0.601.3402
The output of
var log = new StringWriter();
ConnectionMultiplexer redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(
$"{Server.IP}:{Server.Port},abortConnect=False", log);
var logOutput = log.ToString();
is the following:,abortConnect=False
1 unique nodes specified
Requesting tie-break from > __Booksleeve_TieBreak...
Allowing endpoints 00:00:05 to respond...
Awaiting task completion, IOCP: (Busy=0,Free=1000,Min=4,Max=1000), WORKER: (Busy=1,Free=8190,Min=4,Max=8191)
Not all tasks completed cleanly (from ReconfigureAsync#1524, timeout 5000ms), IOCP: (Busy=0,Free=1000,Min=4,Max=1000), WORKER: (Busy=4,Free=8187,Min=4,Max=8191) did not respond
Waiting for tiebreakers...
Awaiting task completion, IOCP: (Busy=0,Free=1000,Min=4,Max=1000), WORKER: (Busy=4,Free=8187,Min=4,Max=8191)
connection failed: (Subscription, UnableToConnect): UnableToConnect on, Initializing/NotStarted, last: NONE, origin: BeginConnectAsync, outstanding: 0, last-read: 5s ago, last-write: 5s ago, keep-alive: 60s, state: Connecting, mgr: 10 of 10 available, last-heartbeat: never, global: 0s ago, v: 2.0.601.3402
connection failed: (Interactive, UnableToConnect): UnableToConnect on, Initializing/NotStarted, last: NONE, origin: BeginConnectAsync, outstanding: 0, last-read: 5s ago, last-write: 5s ago, keep-alive: 60s, state: Connecting, mgr: 10 of 10 available, last-heartbeat: never, global: 0s ago, v: 2.0.601.3402
Finished awaiting tasks, IOCP: (Busy=2,Free=998,Min=4,Max=1000), WORKER: (Busy=4,Free=8187,Min=4,Max=8191) failed to nominate (Faulted)
> UnableToConnect on, Initializing/NotStarted, last: NONE, origin: BeginConnectAsync, outstanding: 0, last-read: 5s ago, last-write: 5s ago, keep-alive: 60s, state: Connecting, mgr: 10 of 10 available, last-heartbeat: never, global: 0s ago, v: 2.0.601.3402
No masters detected Standalone v2.0.0, master; keep-alive: 00:01:00; int: Connecting; sub: Connecting; not in use: DidNotRespond int ops=0, qu=0, qs=0, qc=0, wr=0, socks=2; sub ops=0, qu=0, qs=0, qc=0, wr=0, socks=2
Circular op-count snapshot; int: 0 (0,00 ops/s; spans 10s); sub: 0 (0,00 ops/s; spans 10s)
Sync timeouts: 0; async timeouts: 0; fire and forget: 0; last heartbeat: -1s ago
resetting failing connections to retry...
retrying; attempts left: 2...
1 unique nodes specified
Requesting tie-break from > __Booksleeve_TieBreak...
Allowing endpoints 00:00:05 to respond...
Awaiting task completion, IOCP: (Busy=1,Free=999,Min=4,Max=1000), WORKER: (Busy=2,Free=8189,Min=4,Max=8191)
Not all tasks completed cleanly (from ReconfigureAsync#1524, timeout 5000ms), IOCP: (Busy=0,Free=1000,Min=4,Max=1000), WORKER: (Busy=2,Free=8189,Min=4,Max=8191) did not respond
Waiting for tiebreakers...
Awaiting task completion, IOCP: (Busy=0,Free=1000,Min=4,Max=1000), WORKER: (Busy=2,Free=8189,Min=4,Max=8191)
Not all tasks completed cleanly (from NominatePreferredMaster#1761, timeout 50ms), IOCP: (Busy=0,Free=1000,Min=4,Max=1000), WORKER: (Busy=2,Free=8189,Min=4,Max=8191) failed to nominate (WaitingForActivation)
No masters detected Standalone v2.0.0, master; keep-alive: 00:01:00; int: Disconnected; sub: Disconnected; not in use: DidNotRespond int ops=0, qu=0, qs=0, qc=0, wr=0, socks=2; sub ops=0, qu=0, qs=0, qc=0, wr=0, socks=2
Circular op-count snapshot; int: 0 (0,00 ops/s; spans 10s); sub: 0 (0,00 ops/s; spans 10s)
Sync timeouts: 0; async timeouts: 0; fire and forget: 0; last heartbeat: -1s ago
resetting failing connections to retry...
retrying; attempts left: 1...
1 unique nodes specified
Requesting tie-break from > __Booksleeve_TieBreak...
Allowing endpoints 00:00:05 to respond...
Awaiting task completion, IOCP: (Busy=0,Free=1000,Min=4,Max=1000), WORKER: (Busy=2,Free=8189,Min=4,Max=8191)
Not all tasks completed cleanly (from ReconfigureAsync#1524, timeout 5000ms), IOCP: (Busy=0,Free=1000,Min=4,Max=1000), WORKER: (Busy=5,Free=8186,Min=4,Max=8191) did not respond
Waiting for tiebreakers...
Awaiting task completion, IOCP: (Busy=0,Free=1000,Min=4,Max=1000), WORKER: (Busy=5,Free=8186,Min=4,Max=8191)
Finished awaiting tasks, IOCP: (Busy=0,Free=1000,Min=4,Max=1000), WORKER: (Busy=2,Free=8189,Min=4,Max=8191) failed to nominate (Faulted)
> UnableToConnect on, Initializing/NotStarted, last: NONE, origin: BeginConnectAsync, outstanding: 0, last-read: 5s ago, last-write: 5s ago, keep-alive: 60s, state: Connecting, mgr: 10 of 10 available, last-heartbeat: never, global: 10s ago, v: 2.0.601.3402
No masters detected Standalone v2.0.0, master; keep-alive: 00:01:00; int: Disconnected; sub: Disconnected; not in use: DidNotRespond int ops=0, qu=0, qs=0, qc=0, wr=0, socks=3; sub ops=0, qu=0, qs=0, qc=0, wr=0, socks=3
Circular op-count snapshot; int: 0 (0,00 ops/s; spans 10s); sub: 0 (0,00 ops/s; spans 10s)
Sync timeouts: 0; async timeouts: 0; fire and forget: 0; last heartbeat: -1s ago
Starting heartbeat...
In my .csproj file I have, among others
<Reference Include="System.Buffers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51, processorArchitecture=MSIL">
<Reference Include="System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, processorArchitecture=MSIL">
<Reference Include="System.Numerics.Vectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, processorArchitecture=MSIL">
The related SuperUser question with another details is here.
Upvotes: 5
Views: 16695
Reputation: 15239
Thank to this SF answer I were able to make communicate the host Windows and virtual Linux machines.
The steps I did:
On the Redis Server (Linux) machine:
1) ss -tlnp 'sport == :6379'
if you find
or ::1
in these lines, you've should edit the redis.config file, comment the bind ::1
in the config file (if not already), and don't forget to restart redis after changing of the configuration.
If you see something like
, follow the next step.
2) Check the protected mode
of Redis in the same config file, if is enabled and you want to keep it, you can use requirepass <yourConnectionPassToUseOnClientConnectionString>
in the Redis config file.
3) Check your client IP address (in my case the windows client computer).
Add it to the Linux iptables
iptables -A INPUT --src <clientIpAddress> -p tcp --dport 6379 -j ACCEPT
3') in order to make this added entry persistent, see how to save the iptables state here.
On the Client (Windows) machine:
4) use the above password in the connection string to connect to the Linux Redis Server
ConnectionMultiplexer redis =
5*) optionally, you can add the you can get Windows builds from choco (install it on Windows), to test the connection from the client Windows, using cmd
redis-cli -h <LinuxServerIP> -p 6379 ping
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 1063894
This is probably better to ask on the library github; the question I'll ask then is: please do:
var log = new StringWriter();
ConnectionMultiplexer redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(
$"{Server.IP}:{Server.Port},abortConnect=False", log);
var logOutput = log.ToString();
and tell us what logOutput
My guess is that either:
The latter one is probably more likely, and the usual fix is to add explicit <PackageReference>
references to:
<PackageReference Include="System.Buffers" Version="4.5.0" />
<PackageReference Include="System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe" Version="4.5.2" />
and probably also (because ... reasons)
<PackageReference Include="System.Numerics.Vectors" Version="4.5.0" />
Basically, nuget has some problems with transitive dependencies and the above Microsoft libraries. This is outside of my control.
Upvotes: 1