Reputation: 99
I have built an Angular 6 App for a client. The client currently hosts a mysql db on Dreamhost. There is an existing DB and I need to determine how to connect my app to the existing database to query for data. I know that querying the DB directly is opening the client up for sql injection so I need to implement a service. However, I am primarily a front end developer and am lost on the backend service needed to connect to the DB.
The app is Written in Angular 6 and will be deployed to both Andriod and iOS. Please advise the best service or tutorial to implement a web service that can be consumed by the app and provide a json response. The app currently gets data from an embedded json file that is generated by a query from the db and deployed with the app. I am trying to establish "live" updates between the database and the app
I have created a php rest service that I am attempting to get installed on the Dreamhost mysql vps:
Having server admin create a folder api/ on the VPS. Inside there will be three folders, with one file in each: api/config api/objects api/guest
class Database{
// specify your own database credentials
private $host = "localhost";
private $db_name = "**************";
private $username = "**************";
private $password = "**************";
public $conn;
// get the database connection
public function getConnection(){
$this->conn = null;
$this->conn = new PDO("mysql:host=" . $this->host . ";dbname="
. $this->db_name, $this->username, $this->password);
$this->conn->exec("set names utf8");
}catch(PDOException $exception){
echo "Connection error: " . $exception->getMessage();
return $this->conn;
class Guest{
// database connection and table name
private $conn;
private $table_name = "guests";
// object properties
public $id;
public $name;
public $bio;
public $image;
public $type;
// constructor with $db as database connection
public function __construct($db){
$this->conn = $db;
// required header
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8");
// include database and object files
include_once '../config/database.php';
include_once '../objects/category.php';
// instantiate database and category object
$database = new Database();
$db = $database->getConnection();
// initialize object
$guest = new Guest($db);
// query categorys
$stmt = $guest->read();
$num = $stmt->rowCount();
// check if more than 0 record found
// guest array
// retrieve our table contents
// fetch() is faster than fetchAll()
while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
// extract row
// this will make $row['name'] to
// just $name only
"id" => $id,
"name" => $name,
"bio" => html_entity_decode($bio),
"image" => $image,
"type" => $type
array_push($guest_arr["records"], $guest_item);
// set response code - 200 OK
// show guests data in json format
echo json_encode($guest_arr);
} else {
// set response code - 404 Not found
// tell the user no guest was found
echo json_encode(
array("message" => "No guests found.")
// no guests found will be here
// read guests
function read(){
// select all query
$query = "SELECT as name,,,, p.image, p.type
" . $this->table_name . " p
categories c
ON =
// prepare query statement
$stmt = $this->conn->prepare($query);
// execute query
return $stmt;
I removed actual username/password/dbname from code for privacy but a user account with select & index access has been created for the app/services
The current server is a VPS so I assume that once I have this script installed in a folder named api/ that I can put the following address in my browser and hit this "service":
I will adjust the sql as I am not sure it is going to be correct, but here is the first pass at turning the basic script into a PHP Restful service
For the first pass I really just need to query the guest table for the included informtaion.
ok, got the service installed and here is my current server response: please adivse:
Uncaught Error: Using $this when not in object context in /home/libertycon/ Line 74: $stmt = $this->conn->prepare($query);
My PHP is rather terrible, but I can't see any problems in the read.php file so I don't know why it can't find the method that is obviously there...
Upvotes: 0
Views: 407
Reputation: 774
you need to learn abit how REST api works, here's a starting point for this:
Upvotes: 1