Reputation: 9360
I have the following type that i want to be an instance of Monoid
typeclass.I do not know how to set a parametrized field to the identity.Is there any way when using parametrized type to get the identity of that type ?
data Tree a=Leaf a | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) |Empty deriving (Eq,Show)
instance Monoid Tree where
mappend a Empty=a
mappend a b=Node (identity) x y
As you can see i need the simple field to be set to the identity of the parameter type.
mappend::Tree Int
mappend (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2)=Node 0 (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2)
mappend::Tree []
mappend (Leaf [1,2])(Leaf [2,3])=Node [] (Leaf [1,2])(Leaf [2,3])
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Views: 80
Reputation: 476699
This can only happen if a
itself is a Monoid
type as well, so we can write this as:
instance Monoid a => Monoid (Tree a) where
mempty = Empty
mappend Empty a = a
mappend a Empty = a
mappend a b = Node mempty a b
The above will not work for an Int
, since an Int
is not a Monoid
. There are two very popular candidates (ℕ, +, 0), and (ℕ, ×, 1). You can however make use of Sum
which is the representation of the former monoid.
The mempty
in the body of the last line is thus not the mempty
we are defining, but the mempty
of type a
That being said, if you define a Monoid Tree
like that, it means that you consider a Node mempty (Node mempty a b) c == Node mempty a (Node mempty b c)
, since this is required by the monoid laws. So the deriving Eq
is not completely in "harmony" here with the mappend
. The mappend
operator (in mathematics typically denoted as ⊕), should satisfy the condition ∀ a,b,c∈ S: a⊕(b⊕c) = (a⊕b)⊕c.
You either should implement Eq
yourself differently, or you should try to come up with another structure for your monoid.
Upvotes: 9
Reputation: 48591
This is not an answer, but it's far too long for a comment. As Willem Van Onsem suggests, your Monoid
instance isn't lawful. I suspect you probably want one of two things:
The free magma over a type can be defined
data Magma a = Branch (Magma a) (Magma a) | Leaf a | Empty
deriving Show
This isn't naturally a monoid, but it's sometimes useful to pretend it's one:
instance Monoid (Magma a) where
mempty = Empty
mappend = Branch
-- For recent GHC, add this instance
instance Semigroup (Magma a) where
(<>) = Branch
This can be used with a fold to gain insight into the structure of that fold. To get a sense of how this works, compare the results of applying foldMap Leaf
to [1..20]
, Data.Sequence.fromList [1..20]
, and Data.Set.fromList [1..20]
Consider generalizing your tree to allow different types in the internal nodes than in the leaves:
data Tree a b = Node a (Tree a b) (Tree a b) | Leaf b
deriving (Show, Eq)
(This turns out to be the free monad over the functor Tree a
, defined
data TreeF a b = NodeF a b b
but we don't really need to get into the details of what that means.)
The monad operation for the Tree a
monad is a sort of "grafting", where the leaves are replaced by trees.
instance Functor (Tree a) where
fmap f (Leaf b) = Leaf (f b)
fmap f (Node a l r) = Node a (fmap f l) (fmap f r)
instance Applicative (Tree a) where
pure = Leaf
(<*>) = ap
liftA2 = liftM2
instance Monad (Tree a) where
Leaf b >>= f = f b
Node a l r >>= f = Node a (l >>= f) (r >>= f)
You can think of >>=
as supporting a sort of vertical appending, where the tree grows downward from its leaves.
Upvotes: 2