with some help I was able to realize a stacked bar dagramm the way I need t to be. Only one part is missing: A marker which represents the median. Sadly, I couldnt come up with any ideas of how to add one and couldnt find any help in the internet. This picture shows my diagramm and how I want to add a marker the way it is shown. It doesnt have to be that way, a swaure or sth else would do the job too.
code to generate the plot: (breite is a excel sheet that i imported. you can use testw and delete the testw = breite to test the code)
% testw = [0.3568 0.452 0.494 0.2982 0.3892 0.675 0.576 0.489 0.745 0.225 ...
% 0.3568 0.452 0.494 0.2982 0.3892 0.675 0.576 0.489 0.745 0.225 ...
% 0.3568 0.452 0.494 0.2982 0.3892 0.675 0.576 0.489 0.745 0.225 ...
% 0.3568 0.452 0.494 0.2982 0.3892 0.675 0.576 0.489 0.745 0.225 ...
% 0.3568 0.452 0.494 0.2982 0.3892 0.675 0.576 0.489 0.745 0.225 ...
% 0.3568 0.452 0.494 0.2982 0.3892 0.675 0.576 0.489 0.745 0.225 ...
% 0.3568 0.452 0.494 0.2982 0.3892 0.675 0.576 0.489 0.745 0.225 ...
% 0.3568 0.452 0.494 0.2982 0.3892 0.675 0.576 0.489 0.745 0.225 ...
% 0.3568 0.452 0.494 0.2982 0.3892 0.675 0.576 0.489 0.745 0.225 ...
% 0.3568 0.452 0.494 0.2982 0.3892 0.675 0.576 0.489 0.745 0.225 ];
testw = breite;
gerundet = round(testw,1);
maximum = max(gerundet),1;
anzahl = ceil(maximum / 0.1);
werte = zeros([1 anzahl]);
sz = size(werte);
haeufigkeit = zeros(sz);
for i= 1:anzahl
werte(i) = 0.1*i;
wertebereich = zeros(sz);
for i = 1:anzahl
wertebereich(i) = 0.1;
for i = 1:10000
if gerundet(i) <= 0.2
haeufigkeit(1) = haeufigkeit(1) + 1
for j = 2:anzahl
if gerundet(i) >= werte(j-1) && gerundet(i) < werte(j)
haeufigkeit(j) = haeufigkeit(j) + 1
prozentual = zeros(sz);
for i = 1:anzahl
prozentual(i) = haeufigkeit(i)/sum(haeufigkeit)
grauwerte = zeros(sz);
for i = 1:anzahl
grauwerte(i) = round(1-1*prozentual(i),3);
colormap gray
b = bar([wertebereich; nan(size(wertebereich))],'stacked');
% colorbar('Direction','reverse')
colorbar('Ticks',[0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 ,0.8, 1],...
'TickLabels',{'100%','80%','60%','40%','20%', '0%'})
for i = 1:anzahl
b(1,i).FaceColor = [grauwerte(i) grauwerte(i) grauwerte(i)];
b(1,i).EdgeColor = 'none';
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Views: 49
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If I understand correctly, just add something like this after your code:
hold on
med = median(gerundet);
plot([.5 1.5], [med med], '-', 'color', [.2 .6 1], 'linewidth', 2)
Upvotes: 2