Reputation: 215
I am running the script using Cucumber in BDD Framework and I am using Extent Reports plugin to create the execution report.
I've created the test runner class as below:
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass;
import com.vimalselvam.cucumber.listener.Reporter;
import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;
import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber;
features = "C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\Cucumber - BDD\\CucumberPOM\\src\\main\\java\\com\\qa\\features\\DemoSite.feature"//path of the feature files
,glue = {"com/qa/stepDefinitions"} //path of the step definition files
,plugin = {"com.cucumber.listener.ExtentCucumberFormatter:target/html/ExtentReport.html"}
// ,plugin = {"pretty","html:test-output","json:json_output/cucumber.json","junit:junit_output/cucumber.xml"} //to generate diff types of reporting
,monochrome =true //display the console output in a proper readable format
,strict=true //it will check if any step is not defined in step definition file
,dryRun = false //to check the mapping is proper btw feature file and step defn file
//,tags = {"@FuntionalTest" , "~@SmokeTest" , "~@End2EndTest"}
public class TestRunner {
public static void writeExtentReport() {
Reporter.loadXMLConfig(new File("config/extent-config.xml"));
I have included the below dependency for the Extent report in the POM.xml file:
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
when I execute the above runner class im getting error - cucumber.runtime.CucumberException: Couldn't load plugin class: com.cucumber.listener.ExtentCucumberFormatter
Upvotes: 0
Views: 22287
Reputation: 43
I'm having this similar issue, and to solve it I've changed the plugin in @CucumberOptions
plugin = { "com.vimalselvam.cucumber.listener.ExtentCucumberFormatter:path/report.html"}
But still, I'm facing another issues right now. I hope this helps
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 1938
com.vimalselvam.cucumber.listener.ExtentCucumberFormatter is not supported in Cucumber version 4. If you are using cucumber 4, you have to use Cucumber Extent Adapter as plugin. see detailed documentation as how to use it in your framework here -
Upvotes: 2