
Reputation: 397

How do I get react-native-inappbrowser-reborn to trigger success upon successful Facebook login

I'm trying to setup a manual flow for Facebook login, as per the docs at: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/manually-build-a-login-flow/

I've got my test Facebook app working as expected, i.e., I can login using a private web browser window fine. The URL I'm using is:


Now within my React-Native app, I'm using react-native-inappbrowser-reborn to present a SFAuthenticationSession on iOS. As per their docs (at https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-inappbrowser-reborn), I'm doing the following:

const redirectUri = "https://www.facebook.com/connect/login_success.html"
const url = "https://facebook.com/v3.3/dialog/oauth?client_id="+appId+"&display=popup&response_type=token&redirect_uri=https://www.facebook.com/connect/login_success.html"

.then(() => {
InAppBrowser.openAuth(url, redirectUri, {
    // iOS Properties
    dismissButtonStyle: 'cancel',
    // Android Properties
    showTitle: false,
    enableUrlBarHiding: true,
    enableDefaultShare: true,
.then((response) => {
    // Only gets to this point if user explicitly cancels.
    // So this does not trigger upon successful login.
// catch handlers follow

Using the above, my app correctly open up an in-app browser and I can login fine using a test user for my test app. Upon successful login though, I don't get redirected back to the .then completion handler. It just stays in the in-app browser view and I see the same message from Facebook that I see when logging in using a web browser. It says something like "Success. Please treat the url the same as you would a password", or something like that.

I may be missing something here, but I thought the purpose of passing redirectUri as an argument to openAuth was so that upon redirection to that URI, the completion handler would be triggered.

Question: How do I redirect back to the completion handler upon login success?

Upvotes: 5

Views: 6579

Answers (1)

Sercan Samet Savran
Sercan Samet Savran

Reputation: 945

I think that you already have a solution but thought it might be useful for someone else facing this issue. If you don't have a solution so far follow my instructions:

You can't directly redirect back to your application using deep link, since Facebook will not call a link `like myapplicationname://mycustompath´. It's only possible to call links using the https-protocol (https://...).

The solution I'd suggest you to use is to redirect using your own API (Facebook -> Your API -> Deep Link Redirection). You will understand why this is required in the most of the real world applications at the end of the instructions.

Starting from your react-native app call the authorize endpoint of Facebook with a redirection to your application and set the global deeplink of your app as redirect uri.

    InAppBrowser.openAuth("https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/authorize?client_id=YOURCLIENTID&redirect_uri=https://YOURDOMAIN:PORT/auth/facebook", "{YOURAPPSDEEPLINKNAME}://{SOMEPATHYOUWANTTOEND}")
    .then((response) => { 
         handleAuthorized(response, LOGINTYPE.FACEBOOK);

Now after login you'll be redirected to your API with the authorization code token as query parameter (e.g. https://YOURDOMAIN:PORT/auth/facebook?code=AVERYLONGCODESENTBYFACEBOOK)

Using this code token from the query parameter, you make another API Call to get the access_token for the user

{GET}: https://graph.facebook.com/v15.0/oauth/access_token?client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID&redirect_uri=https://YOURDOMAIN:PORT/auth/facebook&client_secret=YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET&code=AVERYLONGCODESENTBYFACEBOOK

Facebook's API will send you an answer as JSON with the access_token inside. You can make another call using the access token of the user, to get the userId and the username

{GET}: https://graph.facebook.com/me?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN_SENT_BY_FACEBOOK_IN_PREVIOUS_GET_REQUEST.

If you need the e-mail address for the user you have to make another call. Make sure you'd set the permission to read the e-mail address for your app on the developer portal of facebook. The following request will return you the id, name and the email of the user

{GET}: https://graph.facebook.com/USERIDFROMPREVIOUSREQUEST?fields=id,name,email&access_token=ACCESSTOKEN

I think you want to save all these information to a database and create a session in order to keep the user logged in and therefore all the requests described will be useful for you in a real application.

After doing all the backend stuff, you're ready for the redirection using deep link. To do that, set a meta-tag to redirect the inappbrowser to your application:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL={YOURAPPSDEEPLINKNAME}://{SOMEPATHYOUWANTTOEND}" />

Upvotes: 2

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