Reputation: 93
I have a few processes that utilize the CFSpreadsheet tag to import and then manipulate Excel data. This works great for .XLS & .XLSX files, however, it doesn't work if the data is sent as a .CSV file since CFSpreadsheet apparently was never updated to import .CSV files. At the end of the day I just want a simple pre-processor that takes a .CSV file and re-writes it as an .XLSX file so that my other process can take it from there.
My environment is the developer edition of Coldfusion 2018 and I've tried importing the data manually (which can work if I know all of the column definitions---but I won't always know that). My latest attempt has been with Ben Nadel's CSVToArray function ( ) which works---I can easily get the .CSV file into an array---but I can't figure out how to go from that array to something like a query that I can write a spreadsheet with using CFSpreadsheet.
Here's an EXAMPLE:
<!--- This include is the function from Ben Nadel referenced above --->
<cfinclude template="Function_CSVtoArray.cfm">
<cfset result = csvToArray(file="TEST_File.csv") />
<cfdump var="#result#" label="TESTING">
<!--- *** The above WORKS up to this point ***--->
<!--- Create a new query. --->
<cfset qPartsTwo = QueryNew( "" ) />
<!--- Loop over keys in the struct. --->
<cfloop index="strKey" list="#StructKeyList(result)#" delimiters=",">
<!--- Add column to new query with default values. --->
<cfset QueryAddColumn(qPartsTwo,strKey,"VARCHAR",objParts[strKey]) />
<!--- This code FAILS with a "You have attempted to dereference a scalar variable of type class coldfusion.runtime.Array as a structure with members" error message --->
I'd like to end up at something like this (although right now "result" is an array of some kind and not a query):
<cfspreadsheet action="write" filename="<my path>\TEST.xlsx" query="result">
Any ideas would be appreciated!
Upvotes: 4
Views: 2173
Reputation: 6550
It looks like your UDF returns a multi-dimensional array, not an array of structures. Instead of trying to coerce the array into a query object, try using spreadsheet functions to write the array data to an xlsx file.
DEMO / Sample data
result = [ ["First Name", "Last Name", "Address"]
, ["John", "Doe", "123 Anywhere Ave"]
, ["Mary", "Smith", "456 Somewhere Street"]
, ["Charles", "Doe", "789 Anywhere Court"]
// create spreadsheet
xlsx = SpreadSheetNew("The Results", true);
// populate with array data
SpreadSheetAddRows( xlsx, result );
// save to file
SpreadSheetWrite( xlsx, "c:/path/to/test.xlsx", true );
.. or as James A Mohler suggested, you could also use member functions:
xlsx = SpreadSheetNew("The Results", true);
xlsx.addRows( result );
xlsx.write( "c:/path/to/test.xlsx", true );
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 167
If you already have an array of structures from CSVToArray. Can you then use the ArrayOfStructuresToQuery function:
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 11120
I bet you could do something like this
<cfinclude template="Function_CSVtoArray.cfm">
<cfset result = csvToArray(file="TEST_File.csv") />
<cfdump var="#result#" label="TESTING">
<!--- setup the columns that you need --->
<cfset qPartsTwo = queryNew("id,name,amount","Integer,Varchar,Integer", result) />
<cfspreadsheet action="write" filename="<my path>\TEST.xlsx" query="result">
looks like it makes an array of structs.
Upvotes: 1