Reputation: 1049
I'm trying to define Relation a b as a Category instance. It seems to me that the composer operator is well defined and respects the associative law. When it comes to the id, I can't find a correct definition. What am I doing wrong?
import Data.Map as M
import Data.Set as S
import Control.Category as Cat
newtype Relation a b = R (Map a (Set b)) deriving (Show, Eq)
-- instance Cat.Category Relation where
-- id =
-- (.) = (°)
-- r1
-- > R (fromList [(10,fromList "abef"),(30,fromList "GRTXa")])
r1 = R $ M.fromList [(10,S.fromList "abfe"),(30,S.fromList "aXGRT")]
r2 = R $ M.fromList [('a',S.fromList [Just "Apple",Just "Ask"]),('b',S.fromList [Just "book",Just "brother"]),('T',S.fromList [Just "Table"]),('?',S.fromList [Just "Apple",Just "brother"])]
-- ex. r1 ° r2 = R (fromList [(10,fromList [Just "Apple",Just "Ask",Just "book",Just "brother"]),(30,fromList [Just "Apple",Just "Ask",Just "Table"])])
(°) :: (Ord a, Ord k, Ord b) => Relation a k -> Relation k b -> Relation a b
R mp1 ° R mp2
| M.null mp1 || M.null mp2 = R M.empty
| otherwise = R $ M.foldrWithKey (\k s acc -> M.insert k (S.foldr (\x acc2 -> case M.lookup x mp2 of
Nothing -> acc2
Just s2 -> S.union s2 acc2
) S.empty s) acc
) M.empty mp1
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Views: 121
Reputation: 33519
cannot be an instance of Category
as luqui points out in the comments, Relation
only represents finite relations (when viewed as sets of pairs), but the identity relation on an infinite set is infinite;
composition is not defined on all types, only on instances of Ord
Here's one way to address those issues and make Relation
an instance of Category
instances.This can be done using GADTs.
data Relation a b where
Id :: Relation a a
R :: (Ord a, Ord b) => Map a (Set b) -> Relation a b
instance Category Relation where
id = Id
Id . r = r
r . Id = r
R r1 . R r2 = ...
Upvotes: 7