Reputation: 1073
I have a .bat file to execute in a windows server 2012 R2 machine. Problem is that I need to add an "if not equals" but when I try to execute it the code does not work. I know that problem is in the if because I tried without the if and it works.
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set anno=%date:~6,4%
set mese=%date:~3,2%
set giorno=%date:~0,2%
set ore=%time:~0,2%
set minuti=%time:~3,2%
set secondi=%time:~6,2%
mkdir "E:\Presenze\%anno%%mese%%giorno%%ore%%minuti%%secondi%"
move \\gbjob09\Info-Bit\Sql_Ges\PRESENZE\2019\*.old "E:\Presenze\%anno%%mese%%giorno%%ore%%minuti%%secondi%"
cd "E:\Presenze\%anno%%mese%%giorno%%ore%%minuti%%secondi%"
for /f %%a in ('dir /b *.old') do (
set originalname=%%a
set timbrnumber=!originalname:~4,4!
if NOT %timbrnumber% == "0584" (
if NOT %timbrnumber% == "0585" (
set shortname=9!originalname:~4,4!
echo !shortname!
for /f "tokens=*" %%b in (%%a) do (
echo %%b!shortname!>> "Presenze.txt"
copy "E:\Presenze\%anno%%mese%%giorno%%ore%%minuti%%secondi%\Presenze.txt" "E:\Presenze\presenze.txt"
Like you can see the problem is only this really small part:
if NOT %timbrnumber% == "0584" (
I already tried to remove the double if but it still does not work.
I know that the old code (this one) works:
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set anno=%date:~6,4%
set mese=%date:~3,2%
set giorno=%date:~0,2%
set ore=%time:~0,2%
set minuti=%time:~3,2%
set secondi=%time:~6,2%
mkdir "E:\Presenze\%anno%%mese%%giorno%%ore%%minuti%%secondi%"
move \\gbjob09\Info-Bit\Sql_Ges\PRESENZE\2019\*.old "E:\Presenze\%anno%%mese%%giorno%%ore%%minuti%%secondi%"
cd "E:\Presenze\%anno%%mese%%giorno%%ore%%minuti%%secondi%"
for /f %%a in ('dir /b *.old') do (
set originalname=%%a
set shortname=9!originalname:~4,4!
echo !shortname!
for /f "tokens=*" %%b in (%%a) do (
echo %%b!shortname!>> "Presenze.txt"
copy "E:\Presenze\%anno%%mese%%giorno%%ore%%minuti%%secondi%\Presenze.txt" "E:\Presenze\presenze.txt"
I only added a variable:
set timbrnumber=!originalname:~4,4!
that should work (it shouold get 4 characters after exclude 4 characters of the originalname variable) like shortname print 9 and 4 characters after exclude 4 characters of the originalname variable, but I'm not really sure because I don't really know windows batch (this is the first time that I use it and the original code was not mine). After that I only need to check if timbrnumber is not "0584" and it's not "0585" but everything I tried was a fail.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 6182
In short, as your variable is being set
and used inside a code block and double quoting is required both sides of the ==
, this section should fix your issue:
if NOT "1!timbrnumber! == "10584" (
if NOT "!1timbrnumber!" == "10585" (
which can be better written as:
if 1!timbrnumber! neq 10584 (
if 1!timbrnumber! neq 10585 (
Another observation, your time
set ore=%time:~0,2%
set minuti=%time:~3,2%
set secondi=%time:~6,2%
can be better created as:
set mytime=%time::=%
echo %mytime:0,6%
Upvotes: 1