

Convert from data.json to cheshire

I am completely new to Clojure. I still struggle with reading functions sometimes.

I am trying to change this function to use checkshire. Here is my attempt :

defn- json->messages [json]
(let [records          ( (cheshire/decode
                                                :key-fn key-reader
                                                :value-fn value-reader))
    add-origin-queue (fn [record]
                       (let [event-source-arn ( record)
                             queue-name       (arn->queue-name event-source-arn)]
                         (assoc record queue-name)))]
(map add-origin-queue records)))

The function key-reader function:

(def ^:private
(memoize (fn [key]
         (let [kebab-key (if (= "md5OfBody" key)
                           (csk/->kebab-case key))]
           (keyword "" kebab-key)))))

The function :

(def ^:private
(memoize (fn [key value]
         (if (= key

I than call the function like so :

(json->messages msg)

msg is a json string.

However I am getting the error below with that attempt :

Execution error (ArityException) at tech.matterindustries.titan.ion.lambda.sqs-receive/json->messages (sqs_receive.clj:36). Wrong number of args (5) passed to: cheshire.core/parse-smile

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Views: 378

Answers (1)

Alan Thompson
Alan Thompson

Reputation: 29958

You are sending the wrong number of args to cheshire.core/parse-smile. Do you have a piece of sample data?

Please also keep your code clean & formatted, like this:

(defn- json->messages
  (let [records          ( (cheshire/decode json :key-fn key-reader :value-fn value-reader))
        add-origin-queue (fn [record]
                           (let [event-source-arn ( record)
                                 queue-name       (arn->queue-name event-source-arn)]
                             (assoc record queue-name)))]
    (map add-origin-queue records)))

I could not find decode in the Cheshire docs, but in the source it has this:

(def decode "Alias to parse-string for clojure-json users" parse-string)

I am disappointed in their incomplete docs.

A quick google shows the docs:

(parse-string string & [key-fn array-coerce-fn])

Returns the Clojure object corresponding to the given JSON-encoded string.
An optional key-fn argument can be either true (to coerce keys to keywords),
false to leave them as strings, or a function to provide custom coercion.

The array-coerce-fn is an optional function taking the name of an array field,
and returning the collection to be used for array values.

This may not be clear. What it means is there are 3 legal ways to call parse-string:

(parse-string  <json-str>)
(parse-string  <json-str>  <key-fn>)
(parse-string  <json-str>  <key-fn>  <array-coerce-fn>)

So you can call it with 1, 2, or 3 args. You cannot add in :key-fn or :value-fn map keys, as in your example.

Please also note that your key-reader and value-reader look like they do not match what cheshire/read-string is expecting.

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