Reputation: 53348
I tried to extend TraversableLike with my own methods, but I failed.
First, see what I wanna achieve:
class RichList[A](steps: List[A]) {
def step(f: (A, A) => A): List[A] = {
def loop(ret: List[A], steps: List[A]): List[A] = steps match {
case _ :: Nil => ret.reverse.tail
case _ => loop(f(steps.tail.head, steps.head) :: ret, steps.tail)
loop(List(steps.head), steps)
implicit def listToRichList[A](l: List[A]) = new RichList(l)
val f = (n: Int) => n * (2*n - 1)
val fs = (1 to 10) map f
fs.toList step (_ - _)
This code works fine and it calculates me the differences between the list elements. But I wanna have such a code that works with Seq
, Set
etc. and not only with List
I tried this:
class RichT[A, CC[X] <: TraversableLike[X, CC[X]]](steps: CC[A]) {
def step(f: (A, A) => A): CC[A] = {
def loop(ret: CC[A], steps: CC[A]): CC[A] =
if (steps.size > 1) loop(ret ++ f(steps.tail.head, steps.head), steps.tail)
else ret.tail
loop(CC(steps.head), steps)
implicit def tToRichT[A, CC[X] <: TraversableLike[X, CC[X]]](t: CC[A]) = new RichT(t)
There are several errors. Either the implicit conversion nor the ++-method
work. Also, I don't know how to create a new type CC - see the call of the loop.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 415
Reputation: 53348
Based on Rex' comment I have written following code:
class RichIter[A, C[A] <: Iterable[A]](ca: C[A]) {
import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
def step(f: (A, A) => A)(implicit cbfc: CanBuildFrom[C[A], A, C[A]]): C[A] = {
val iter = ca.iterator
val as = cbfc()
if (iter.hasNext) {
var olda =
as += olda
while (iter.hasNext) {
val a =
as += f(a, olda)
olda = a
implicit def iterToRichIter[A, C[A] <: Iterable[A]](ca: C[A]) = new RichIter[A, C](ca)
val f = (n: Int) => n * (2*n - 1)
val fs = (1 to 10) map f
fs step (_ - _)
This works as expected.
Upvotes: 2