Reputation: 7
I am calculation visual image based on a paper and then optimize my parameters which are focal length, rotation and translation. For that reason I am creating cost function by travelling all the pixel bw real image and virtual image. In my ceres cost functions I basically subtracted normalized virtual image from normalized real image. the Virtual Image is calculated in evaluation_callback functor and the cost is calculated in cost function functor. The problem stems from cost functor. Optimization is terminated at first iteration because gradient is equals to 0. I am using ceres::Central for gradient calculation but virtual image creator functor just called once every iteration. However I need that functor to be called for f(x+h) and f(x-h) seperately.When I calculate normalized real image and normalized virtual image by 9 neighbours I have continuing iteration but every iteration takes 25 second which is not acceptable for my case. I need this evaluation_callback function but I could not make it work.
I look at the evaluation_callbacks definition. it is written that "NOTE: Evaluation callbacks are incompatible with inner iterations."
struct RcpAndFpOptimizer {
RcpAndFpOptimizer(cv::Mat &V, const cv::Mat I, int i,int j,double width, double height) : V_(V), I_(I), i_(i),
j_(j), width_(width), height_(height){}
bool operator()(const double* const fp, const double* const rotation, const double* const translation, double* residuals) const {
double intensity =<double>(j_, i_);
double tmp = (double)<double>(j_,i_)-(double)intensity;
residuals[0] = tmp;
//std::cout<<"pixels(i,j): "<<i_<<" "<<j_<<" residual: "<<residuals[0]<<std::endl;
return true;
const cv::Mat S_;
cv::Mat& V_;
const cv::Mat I_;
const int i_,j_;
double width_, height_;
virtual void PrepareForEvaluation(bool evaluateJacobians, bool newEvaluationPoint)
std::cout<<"evaluation jacobian is called"<<std::endl;
if (newEvaluationPoint)
// do your stuff here, e.g. calculate integral image
//Mat V(height_, width_, CV_8UC1);
std::cout<<"preperation is called"<<std::endl;
Intrinsic<double> intrinsicC = INTRINSIC_CAMERA;
Intrinsic<double> intrinsicP= {(double)fP_[0],(double)fP_[0], double(width_/2), double(height_/2), 0, 0};
//Convertion of array to point3d
Point3d bDist = Point3d(translation_[0],translation_[1], translation_[2]);
//Convertion euler array to rotation matrix
const Mat eulerAngles = (cv::Mat_<double>(3,1) << rotArray_[0], rotArray_[1], rotArray_[2]);
Mat rotM = rcpFinder::euler2rot(eulerAngles);
Mat tempVImg(height_, width_, CV_8UC1);
for (int i = 0; i < width_; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < height_ ; ++j) {
//std::cout<<"Virtual current x and y pixels: "<<i<<" "<<j<<std::endl;
Point3d unprojPRay = rcpFinder::unprojectPoints(Point2i(i,j),intrinsicC);
//Assigning the intensity from images<uchar>(j, i)= rcpFinder::genVirtualImg(S_, intrinsicP, bDist, unprojPRay,
planeNormalAndDistance_, rotM);
auto pixelIntensity =<uchar>(Point(j, i));
//std::cout<<"pixel intensity "<< pixelIntensity<<std::endl;
//imshow("Virtual", tempVImg);
Mat integralV;
cv::integral(tempVImg, integralV);
//std::cout<<"integral image type is "<<integralV.type()<<std::endl;
rcpFinder::normalizePixelsImg(tempVImg, integralV, V_);
/*imshow("Normalized Img", V_);
// stuff here
const cv::Mat S_;
cv::Mat& V_;
int width_, height_;
map<int, vector<Point3d>> planeNormalAndDistance_;
double *translation_;
double* rotArray_;
double* fP_;
//Calling functors is like following
cv::Mat integralImgI;
cv::integral(im1, integralImgI);
cv::Mat normalizedRealImg;
rcpFinder::normalizePixelsImg(im1, integralImgI, normalizedRealImg);
Mat normalizedVirtualImg;
//ceres::CostFunction* total_cost_function = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < width-1; ++i) {
for (int j = 1; j < height-1 ; ++j) {
ceres::CostFunction* cost_function =
new ceres::NumericDiffCostFunction<RcpAndFpOptimizer, ceres::CENTRAL, 1, 1, 3, 3>(
new RcpAndFpOptimizer(normalizedVirtualImg, normalizedRealImg, i, j, width, height));
problem.AddResidualBlock(cost_function, NULL, fp, rotationArray, translation);
ceres::Solver::Options options;
options.minimizer_progress_to_stdout = true;
options.max_num_iterations = 50;
options.update_state_every_iteration = true;
options.evaluation_callback = (new evaluation_callback_functor(S, normalizedVirtualImg,width, height,
mapNormalAndDist, translation,rotationArray, fp));
ceres::Solver::Summary summary;
ceres::Solve(options, &problem, &summary);
std::cout << summary.BriefReport() << "\n";
I expected to ceres solver run more than one iteration at least and gradient should start from some values and must be decreasing by iteration.
I normalized the pizels with 9 neighbours. The current solution I have found calculating just 9 pixels of virtual image in cost functor and use them for one pixel normalization but that is too slow. I have 640x480 pixels and 9 times calculation for every pixel. Plus jacobian and gradient calculation in NumericalCOstFunction is too much. That's why I want to calculate virtual image in evaluation_callback functor and normalized it inside of that function and useing normalized image in cost functor. Thank you for your help.
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You cannot call evaluationcallback with inneriterations!topic/ceres-solver/zjQLIaSuAdQ
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