
Reputation: 119

PowerShell XML Node Value from another file IF other Nodes -match

I have a script that's generating a xml file based on a .csv that's going to act as payload through a webservice (RESTapi).

The payload requires me to generate some GUIDs which is fine as long as I'm generating new ones. In order to successfully update data through the API i need to specify a GUID that already exist on each user in the receiving system.

So the first thing I do is a GET request to the system to export all users. I then check users in my generated .xml file against the .xml from the GET request.

If users match, I want to extract the GUID that's existing in the export to my generated output. And this is where I'm stuck.

For example I've would match:




And since "aa" is a match, I would like this output:


This is my working code for producing everything, except getting that GUID from another .xml if two nodes are matching.

$docTemplate = @'
    <PAGE id="8">
  $($certs -join "`n")

# Per-certificate template.
$entryTemplate = @'
      <FIELD id="21">
      <FIELD id="36">
      <FIELD id="22">$($cert.ExpireDate)

$cvData = Import-Csv demo.csv -Delimiter ';' | Group-Object Identifier -ov grp | ForEach-Object {

  $certs = foreach ($cert in $_.Group) {

$rootTemplate = @'
$($cvData -join "`n")
$output = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($rootTemplate) | Set-Content -LiteralPath 'cvoutput.xml'

$xmlFile = '.\cvoutput.xml'
[xml]$xmlDoc = Get-Content $xmlFile

#Add Record GUID
foreach ($element in $xmlDoc.CVs.CV.PAGE.RECORD)
    [string]$element.GUID = New-Guid

#Check if Node exists (certifications require a GUID in the Cert Data Node)
foreach ($element in $xmlDoc.CVs.CV.PAGE.RECORD.FIELD | Where-Object  {$ -match "Certifications"}) {
  [string]$element.DATA.GUID = New-Guid


Upvotes: 0

Views: 527

Answers (2)


Reputation: 119

Just like @sage-pourpre suggests the:
$Nodes = $XML.SelectNodes('//CV') | Select @{'Name' = 'EmployeeID' ; 'Expression' = { $_.EMPLOYEE.USERNAME } }, GUID

foreach ($emp in $xmlDoc.CVs.CV ) { $Guid = $Nodes | Where EmployeeID -eq ($emp.EMPLOYEE.IDENTIFIER) | Select -First 1 [string]$emp.GUID = $Guid.GUID }

Solves the problem.

Thank you!

Upvotes: 0

Sage Pourpre
Sage Pourpre

Reputation: 10333

If I got the gist correctly, you want to either create a new guid or use an existing guid that you get from a XML file containing a list of all existing users / guids.

Here's a minimal example on how you would read a file (I used a here string for the example instead), parse it as a list of user / guid, then check whether or not the user received is in the existing XML and get the corresponding GUID or create a new one.


$OutTemplate = @"

$AllUsers = @"

#   From File 
#   $XML = [xml](Get-Content -Path 'PathToXML.xml' -Raw)

$XML = [xml]$Allusers
$Nodes = $XML.SelectNodes('//CV') | Select @{'Name' = 'EmployeeID' ; 'Expression' = { $_.EMPLOYEE.USERNAME } }, GUID

# Instead of a fixed array, you'd have your received users here.
$Employees = @('aa', 'csd', 'ee')

foreach ($emp in $employees) {
    $Guid = $Nodes | Where EmployeeID -eq ($emp) | Select -First 1
    if ($Guid -eq $null) {
        $Guid = New-Guid
        $Color = 'DarkMagenta'
    else {
        $Color = 'Cyan'
        $Guid = $Guid.Guid

    $OutElement = $OutTemplate -f $guid, $emp

    Write-Host $OutElement -ForegroundColor $Color


The important part of this example is the :

$Nodes = $XML.SelectNodes('//CV') | Select @{'Name' = 'EmployeeID' ; 'Expression' = { $_.EMPLOYEE.USERNAME } }, GUID

From there, you have your list of existing user GUID and you can process all records against it and decide whether to use an existing GUID or create a new one.

Upvotes: 1

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