Reputation: 789
I am trying to get the folder size for some S3 folders with scala
from my command line EMR.
I have JSON data stored as GZ files in S3. I find I can count the number of JSON records within my files:"s3://mybucket/subfolder/subsubfolder/").count
But now I need to know how much GB that data accounts for.
I am finding options to get the size for distinct files, but not for a whole folder all up.
Upvotes: 4
Views: 2689
Reputation: 29227
I am finding options to get the size for distinct files, but not for a whole folder all up.
Solution :
Get the s3 access by FileSystem
val fs = FileSystem.get(new URI(ipPath), spark.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration)
Note :
new URI
is important other wise it will connect to hadoop file system path instread of s3 file system(object store :-)) path . using new URI you are giving schemes3://
will give display sizes of file system in GB MB etc...
* recursively print file sizes
* @param filePath
* @param fs
* @return
def getDisplaysizesOfS3Files(filePath: org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path, fs: org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem): scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[String] = {
val fileList = new scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[String]
val fileStatus = fs.listStatus(filePath)
for (fileStat <- fileStatus) {
println(s"file path Name : ${fileStat.getPath.toString} length is ${fileStat.getLen}")
if (fileStat.isDirectory) fileList ++= (getDisplaysizesOfS3Files(fileStat.getPath, fs))
else if (fileStat.getLen > 0 && !fileStat.getPath.toString.isEmpty) {
println("fileStat.getPath.toString" + fileStat.getPath.toString)
fileList += fileStat.getPath.toString
val size = fileStat.getLen
val display =
println(" length zero files \n " + fileStat)
println("Name = " + fileStat.getPath().getName());
println("Size = " + size);
println("Display = " + display);
} else if (fileStat.getLen == 0) {
println(" length zero files \n " + fileStat)
based on your requirement, you can modify the code... you can sum up all the distinct files.
Option 2 : Simple and crispy using getContentSummary
implicit val spark = SparkSession.builder().appName("ObjectSummary").getOrCreate()
* getDisplaysizesOfS3Files
* @param path
* @param spark [[org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession]]
def getDisplaysizesOfS3Files(path: String)( implicit spark: org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession): Unit = {
val filePath = new org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path(path)
val fileSystem = filePath.getFileSystem(spark.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration)
val size = fileSystem.getContentSummary(filePath).getLength
val display =
println("path = " + path);
println("Size = " + size);
println("Display = " + display);
Note : Any option showed above will work for local or hdfs or s3 as well
Upvotes: 5