Reputation: 3
No read permission on 'MSysObjects' (Error No: -2147217911) when Using Microsoft Excel VBA to Query Access accdb files only - mdb works fine
Using Microsoft Excel VBA to Query Access.
With an mdb file this connection string opens the mdb file fine and the SQL String returns the tables I want.
Connection String: Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="C:\My Files\Word\ADA II Text\Chapters\9 -
8\Access\ADAIICH9TEST.mdb";User Id=admin;Password=;
SQL String: SELECT MSysObjects.Name From MSysObjects WHERE MSysObjects.Name Not Like "MSyS*" And Type=1 AND
Flags=0 ORDER BY MSysObjects.Name;
With an accdb file this connection string opens the accdb file fine but the SQL throws the following error:
Error No: -2147217911 Error Desc: Record(s) cannot be read; no read permission on 'MSysObjects'.
Why does it have access to MSysObjects when reading the mdb file but not the accdb file? How do I grant access either programmatically or from within the Access File?
I have already tried executing the following statements prior to running the SQL:
'cn.Execute "GRANT SELECT ON MSysObjects TO Admin;"
They throw the error: Error No: -2147467259 Error Desc: Cannot open the Microsoft Access database engine workgroup information
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Views: 1184
Within Access you need to give permission for the default user to access the table.
In the immediate window with Access execute
CurrentProject.Connection.Execute "GRANT SELECT ON MSysObjects TO Admin;"
And your SQL will work after that.
You might want to change your connection string. IIRC Jet won't work after Access 2003 so try
Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source="C:\...ADAIICH9TEST.accdb;
Upvotes: 1