David Makovoz
David Makovoz

Reputation: 1908

Discrepancies in gensim doc2vec embedding vectors

I use gensim Doc2Vec package to train doc2vec embeddings. I would expect that two models trained with the identical parameters and data would have very close values of the doc2vec vectors. However, in my experience it is only true with doc2vec trained in the PV-DBOW without training word embedding (dbow_words = 0). For PV-DM and for PV-DBOW with dbow_words = 1, i.e. every case the word embedding are trained along with doc2vec, the doc2vec embedding vectors for identically trained models are fairly different.

Here is my code

    from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
    from gensim import models
    import scipy.spatial.distance as distance
    import numpy as np
    from nltk.corpus import stopwords
    from string import punctuation
    def clean_text(texts,  min_length = 2):
        clean = []
        #don't remove apostrophes
        translator = str.maketrans(punctuation.replace('\'',' '), ' '*len(punctuation))
        for text in texts:
            text = text.translate(translator)
            tokens = text.split()
            # remove not alphabetic tokens
            tokens = [word.lower() for word in tokens if word.isalpha()]
            # filter out stop words
            stop_words = stopwords.words('english')
            tokens = [w for w in tokens if not w in stop_words]
            # filter out short tokens
            tokens = [word for word in tokens if len(word) >= min_length]
            tokens = ' '.join(tokens)
        return clean
    def tag_text(all_text, tag_type =''):
        tagged_text = []
        for i, text in enumerate(all_text):
            tag = tag_type + '_' + str(i)
            tagged_text.append(models.doc2vec.TaggedDocument(text.split(), [tag]))
        return tagged_text

    def train_docvec(dm, dbow_words, min_count, epochs, training_data):
        model = models.Doc2Vec(dm=dm, dbow_words = dbow_words, min_count = min_count)
        model.train(training_data, total_examples=len(training_data), epochs=epochs)    
        return model

    def compare_vectors(vector1, vector2):
        cos_distances = []
        for i in range(len(vector1)):
            d = distance.cosine(vector1[i], vector2[i])
        print (np.median(cos_distances))
        print (np.std(cos_distances))    

    dataset = fetch_20newsgroups(shuffle=True, random_state=1,remove=('headers', 'footers', 'quotes'))
    n_samples = len(dataset.data)
    data = clean_text(dataset.data)
    tagged_data = tag_text(data)
    data_labels = dataset.target
    data_label_names = dataset.target_names

    model_dbow1 = train_docvec(0, 0, 4, 30, tagged_data)
    model_dbow2 = train_docvec(0, 0, 4, 30, tagged_data)
    model_dbow3 = train_docvec(0, 1, 4, 30, tagged_data)
    model_dbow4 = train_docvec(0, 1, 4, 30, tagged_data)
    model_dm1 = train_docvec(1, 0, 4, 30, tagged_data)
    model_dm2 = train_docvec(1, 0, 4, 30, tagged_data)

    compare_vectors(model_dbow1.docvecs, model_dbow2.docvecs)
    > 0.07795828580856323
    > 0.02610614028793008

    compare_vectors(model_dbow1.docvecs, model_dbow3.docvecs)
    > 0.6476179957389832
    > 0.14797587172616306

    compare_vectors(model_dbow3.docvecs, model_dbow4.docvecs)
    > 0.19878000020980835
    > 0.06362519480831186

    compare_vectors(model_dm1.docvecs, model_dm2.docvecs)
    > 0.13536489009857178
    > 0.045365127475424386

    compare_vectors(model_dbow1.docvecs, model_dm1.docvecs)
    > 0.6358324736356735
    > 0.15150255674571805


I tried, as suggested by gojomo, to compare the differences between the vectors, and, unfortunately, those are even worse:

def compare_vector_differences(vector1, vector2):
    diff1 = []
    diff2 = []
    for i in range(len(vector1)-1):
        diff1.append( vector1[i+1] - vector1[i])
    for i in range(len(vector2)-1):
        diff2[i].append(vector2[i+1] - vector2[i])
    cos_distances = []
    for i in range(len(diff1)):
        d = distance.cosine(diff1[i], diff2[i])
    print (np.median(cos_distances))
    print (np.std(cos_distances))    

compare_vector_differences(model_dbow1.docvecs, model_dbow2.docvecs)
> 0.1134452223777771
> 0.02676398444178949

compare_vector_differences(model_dbow1.docvecs, model_dbow3.docvecs)
> 0.8464127033948898
> 0.11423789350773429

compare_vector_differences(model_dbow4.docvecs, model_dbow3.docvecs)

> 0.27400463819503784
> 0.05984108730423529


This time, after I finally understood gojomo, the things look fine.

def compare_distance_differences(vector1, vector2):
    diff1 = []
    diff2 = []
    for i in range(len(vector1)-1):
        diff1.append( distance.cosine(vector1[i+1], vector1[i]))
    for i in range(len(vector2)-1):
        diff2.append( distance.cosine(vector2[i+1], vector2[i]))
    diff_distances = []
    for i in range(len(diff1)):
        diff_distances.append(abs(diff1[i] - diff2[i]))
    print (np.median(diff_distances))
    print (np.std(diff_distances))    

compare_distance_differences(model_dbow1.docvecs, model_dbow2.docvecs)

compare_distance_differences(model_dbow1.docvecs, model_dbow3.docvecs)

compare_distance_differences(model_dbow3.docvecs, model_dbow4.docvecs)

Upvotes: 0

Views: 305

Answers (1)


Reputation: 54153

The doc-vectors (or word-vectors) of Doc2Vec & Word2Vec models are only meaningfully comparable to other vectors that were co-trained, in the same interleaved training sessions.

Otherwise, randomness introduced by the algorithms (random-initialization & random-sampling) and by slight differences in training ordering (from multithreading) will cause the trained positions of individual vectors to wander to arbitrarily different positions. Their relative distances/directions, to other vectors that shared interleaved training, should be about as equally-useful from one model to the next.

But there's no one right place for such a vector, and measuring the differences between the vector for document '1' (or word 'foo') in one model, and the corresponding vector in another model, isn't reflective of anything the models/algorithms are trained to provide.

There's more information in the Gensim FAQ:

Q11: I've trained my Word2Vec/Doc2Vec/etc model repeatedly using the exact same text corpus, but the vectors are different each time. Is there a bug or have I made a mistake?

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