Reputation: 1587
I am trying to create a single org, single ca, single peer network, bootstrapped by the nodejs-sdk
. I have used this sample for reference.
When I try to instantiate()
the chaincode I get this error in the peer accessed by docker logs ax-peer
2019-06-02 13:21:51.395 UTC [ledgermgmt] CreateLedger -> INFO 028 Created ledger [default] with genesis block
2019-06-02 13:21:51.401 UTC [gossip.gossip] JoinChan -> INFO 029 Joining gossip network of channel default with 1 organizations
2019-06-02 13:21:51.401 UTC [gossip.gossip] learnAnchorPeers -> INFO 02a No configured anchor peers of AxOrgMSP for channel default to learn about
2019-06-02 13:21:51.529 UTC [gossip.state] NewGossipStateProvider -> INFO 02b Updating metadata information, current ledger sequence is at = 0, next expected block is = 1
2019-06-02 13:21:51.531 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 02c system chaincode lscc/default( deployed
2019-06-02 13:21:51.532 UTC [cscc] Init -> INFO 02d Init CSCC
2019-06-02 13:21:51.532 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 02e system chaincode cscc/default( deployed
2019-06-02 13:21:51.532 UTC [qscc] Init -> INFO 02f Init QSCC
2019-06-02 13:21:51.532 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 030 system chaincode qscc/default( deployed
2019-06-02 13:21:51.532 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 031 system chaincode (+lifecycle, disabled
2019-06-02 13:21:51.533 UTC [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 032 [][4f292791] Exit chaincode: name:"cscc" (656ms)
2019-06-02 13:21:51.533 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 033 unary call completed grpc.service=protos.Endorser grpc.method=ProcessProposal grpc.peer_address= grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=657.290863ms
2019-06-02 13:21:51.541 UTC [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 034 [][3ae34d18] Entry chaincode: name:"lscc"
2019-06-02 13:21:51.542 UTC [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 035 [][3ae34d18] Exit chaincode: name:"lscc" (0ms)
2019-06-02 13:21:51.542 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 036 unary call completed grpc.service=protos.Endorser grpc.method=ProcessProposal grpc.peer_address= grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=940.979µs
2019-06-02 13:21:51.550 UTC [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 037 [default][17bf8e2d] Entry chaincode: name:"lscc"
2019-06-02 13:21:51.550 UTC [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 038 [default][17bf8e2d] Exit chaincode: name:"lscc" (1ms)
2019-06-02 13:21:51.550 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 039 unary call completed grpc.service=protos.Endorser grpc.method=ProcessProposal grpc.peer_address= grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=1.690033ms
2019-06-02 13:21:51.709 UTC [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 03a [][bc977c1f] Entry chaincode: name:"lscc"
2019-06-02 13:21:51.710 UTC [lscc] executeInstall -> INFO 03b Installed Chaincode [ax-chaincode] Version [v2] to peer
2019-06-02 13:21:51.710 UTC [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 03c [][bc977c1f] Exit chaincode: name:"lscc" (1ms)
2019-06-02 13:21:51.710 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 03d unary call completed grpc.service=protos.Endorser grpc.method=ProcessProposal grpc.peer_address= grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=1.329134ms
2019-06-02 13:21:51.738 UTC [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 03e [default][c3bbc09e] Entry chaincode: name:"lscc"
2019-06-02 13:21:57.532 UTC [gossip.election] beLeader -> INFO 03f 7da5b667471b7350114ff369dd11eda7255c2c9de61dc64915fa01b0ca730def : Becoming a leader
2019-06-02 13:21:57.532 UTC [gossip.service] func1 -> INFO 040 Elected as a leader, starting delivery service for channel default
2019-06-02 13:22:10.692 UTC [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 041 [default][c3bbc09e] Exit chaincode: name:"lscc" (18954ms)
2019-06-02 13:22:10.692 UTC [endorser] SimulateProposal -> ERRO 042 [default][c3bbc09e] failed to invoke chaincode name:"lscc" , error: container exited with 1*RuntimeLauncher).Launch.func1
chaincode registration failed
2019-06-02 13:22:10.693 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 043 unary call completed grpc.service=protos.Endorser grpc.method=ProcessProposal grpc.peer_address= grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=18.955253529s
No additional logs are being registered by the orderer. My code is as follows
const createClientInstance = async () => {
let myClient = new client();
const ordererConfig = {
hostname: 'orderer0',
url: 'grpc://localhost:7050',
pem: readCryptoFile('ordererOrg.pem')
const orderer = myClient.newOrderer(ordererConfig.url, {
pem: ordererConfig.pem,
'ssl-target-name-override': ordererConfig.hostname
let peerConfig = {
hostname: 'ax-peer',
url: 'grpc://localhost:7051',
eventHubUrl: 'grpc://localhost:7053',
pem: readCryptoFile('axOrg.pem')
const defaultPeer = myClient.newPeer(peerConfig.url, {
pem: peerConfig.pem,
'ssl-target-name-override': peerConfig.hostname
myClient.setStateStore(await client.newDefaultKeyValueStore({
path: './ax-peer'
let user = await myClient.getUserContext('admin', true);
if (user && user.isEnrolled()) {
console.log('Existing admin user used');
} else {
let url = 'http://localhost:7054'
const ca = new CAClient(url, {
verify: false
let enrollmentID = 'admin';
let enrollmentSecret = 'adminpw';
const enrollment = await ca.enroll({
enrollmentID: 'admin',
enrollmentSecret: 'adminpw'
user = new User(enrollmentID, myClient);
await user.setEnrollment(enrollment.key, enrollment.certificate, 'AxOrgMSP');
await myClient.setUserContext(user);
let adminUser = await myClient.createUser({
username: `Admin@ax-peer`,
mspid: 'AxOrgMSP',
cryptoContent: {
privateKeyPEM: readCryptoFile('[email protected]'),
signedCertPEM: readCryptoFile('[email protected]')
let channelRes = await myClient.queryChannels(defaultPeer);
// Create a new channel. Does not make you join it though
let txId = myClient.newTransactionID();
let envelope_bytes = fs.readFileSync('./channel.tx');
var channelConfig = myClient.extractChannelConfig(envelope_bytes);
let signature = myClient.signChannelConfig(channelConfig);
const request = {
name: 'default',
orderer: orderer,
config: channelConfig,
signatures: [signature],
txId: txId
await myClient.createChannel(request);
let channel = myClient.newChannel('default');
const genesisBlock = await channel.getGenesisBlock({ txId: myClient.newTransactionID() });
let res = await channel.joinChannel({
targets: [defaultPeer],
txId: myClient.newTransactionID(),
block: genesisBlock
}, 120000);
const installReq = {
targets: [ defaultPeer ],
chaincodePath: ccPath,
chaincodeVersion: 'v2',
chaincodeType: 'node'
let installRes = await myClient.installChaincode(installReq, 120000);
let instantiateResponse = await channel.sendInstantiateProposal({
targets: [ defaultPeer ],
chaincodeId: 'ax-chaincode',
chaincodeVersion: 'v2',
chaincodeType: 'node',
txId: myClient.newTransactionID()
// This fails
Since the language is node
I have to provide the absolute path to the chaincode. My folder structure is
- chaincode
- src
- ax-chaincode
- package.json
- index.js (fabric-contract-api used)
- server
- index.js (where I am calling the above code)
If I run client.queryInstalledChaincodes(defaultPeer)
then it returns this log so I guess the chaincode is being installed.
{ chaincodes:
[ { name: 'ax-chaincode',
version: 'v2',
path: '/home/varun/Algorythmix/Core-Projects/ax-boilerplate/chaincode/src/ax-chaincode',
input: '',
escc: '',
vscc: '',
id: [Object] } ] }
How do I fix this? I want to stick to using nodejs
and not change my chaincode to golang
. The example also pulls the certificates and stores it in the root folder so it can be accessed without having to do docker exec -it bash
Upvotes: 4
Views: 5043
Reputation: 1587
So as per the suggestion by Gari, I added the command in my peer-base.yaml
file. The code still did not work but in docker logs ax-peer
a more descriptive error popped up that said fabric-chaincode-node
not found. Upon inspection it seems apart from installing fabric-contract-api
, I also have to install fabric-shim
in the chaincode folder. This was added as a requirement in latest Fabric as per this document.
Since fabric-contract-api
extends fabric-shim
so I did not include it, now that I have the chaincode is being installed.
EDIT- 2020
The documents for nodejs SDK have shifted. The release notes and new dependencies for fabric-contract-api
can be found at this link which states the fabric-shim
is now fabric-shim-api
Upvotes: 4