Reputation: 323
My kivy application uses buttons, and these buttons correspond with json elements in a separate json file.
This would be button Eight
"Eight": {
"action": "Eight",
"delay": 1.55975283E9,
"seconds": 0,
"score": 0,
"delta": 1.55974682E9,
"grace_sec": 6000
When I press the button the score will add a value of 1 every time. However, when I add another button the score is reset to 0.
I'm really not sure what it is because at one point my code didn't do this. I must have changed something without noticing. I believe that the problem may have to do with kivy's store
function but I am not sure.
I will include all code that I believe may be affecting the json file.
class MainApp(App):
def build(self): # build() returns an instance = JsonStore("streak.json") # file that stores the streaks:
Clock.schedule_interval(self.check_streak, 1/30.) # used to call functions dynamicaly
Clock.schedule_interval(self.score_gone, 1/30.)
Clock.schedule_interval(self.update_high, 1/30.)
return presentation
This function is longer but I'm only including the part that adds a score of 1.
def check_streak(self, dt):
for child in reversed(self.root.screen_two.ids.streak_zone.children):
name =
with open("streak.json", "r") as read_file:
data = json.load(read_file)
for key in data.keys():
if key == name:
delay = data.get(key, {}).get('delay') # get value of nested key 'delay'
self.honey = data[key]['delta']
elif delay > time.time() > self.honey: # on time (green)
child.background_normal = ''
child.background_color = [0, 1, 0, .95]
# add 1 to score and store in json file
def add_score(self, obj):
name =
with open("streak.json", "r") as file:
read = json.load(file)
for key in read.keys():
if key == name:
with open("streak.json", "r+") as f:
data = json.load(f)
grace_sec = data.get(key, {}).get('grace_sec')
new_delay = time.time() + grace_sec
data[key]['delay'] = new_delay
seconds = data.get(key, {}).get('seconds')
new_delta = time.time() + seconds
data[key]['delta'] = new_delta
json.dump(data, f, indent=4)
I'm including this because its an instance of the main app and is always being called on due to the Clock
function but I don't think its the cause of the problem so you can ignore if thats the case.
# changes score to 0 and stores in json file
def score_gone(self, dt):
for child in self.root.screen_two.ids.streak_zone.children:
name =
color = child.background_color
with open("streak.json", "r") as file:
read = json.load(file)
if color == [1, 0, 0, .95]: # red
if read[name]['score'] != 0: #stops slow down from Clock
with open("streak.json", "r+") as f: # fix score not reseting to 0
data = json.load(f)
data[name]['score'] = 0
json.dump(data, f, indent=4)
elif read[name]['score'] == 0: #stops slow down from Clock
This is the function that creates the streak from text input in a previous page.
# creates the Streak object
def create(self):
# store streak attributes inside "streak.json", action=self.streak.action,
delay=grace, seconds=total,
score=0, delta=self.count, grace_sec=grace_sec)
self.change_screen(self) # changes to screen that displays buttons
This function displays the buttons.
# display the names of the streaks in a list on PageTwo
def display_btn(self):
no_data = "You have no stored streaks!"
popup_2 = Popup(title="No Streaks!", content=Label(text=no_data),
size_hint=(None, None), size=(300, 100))
with open("streak.json", "r") as read_file:
data = json.load(read_file)
for value in data.values():
if value['delta'] is not None:
print(f"action={value['action']}, delta={value['delta']}, grace={value['delay']}")
streak_button = StreakButton(id=(value['action']), text=(value['action'] + " " + "[" + str(value['score']) + "]"),
color=(0,0,0,1), size=(400, 50),
size_hint=(None, None))
All of the button widgets are deleted when leaving the page and display_btn
is called when entering the page. What's weird to me is how the program remembers what the score value is before adding a new button even though the json file updates to the new score. If I were to add a score of 1 to the button Eight
then close out of the program; The application would remember that the value was 1. So if I added a value of 2 and then added a new button the value of Eight
's score would reset to 1 because that was its value before I closed the application.
This is all of the code in create
it is used to gather data from text input inside of a page. The math that your seeing is simply turning the input into seconds for a later function that compares the time (I'm not sure if this necessary)
def create(self):
obj = self.root.get_screen('one') # get info from ScreenOne
self.streak = Streak(obj.ids.action_entry.text, obj.ids.delay_entry.text,
obj.ids.day_entry.text, obj.ids.hour_entry.text,
empty_error = "Make sure to fill out all boxes!" # not in use yet
popup = Popup(title="Not filled", content=Label(text=empty_error),
size_hint=(None, None), size=(300, 100))
# error handling and calculating total seconds
parsed = False
total = ((int( * 86400) + (int(self.streak.hour) * 3600) +
(int(self.streak.minute) * 60)) # convert into seconds
self.current_time = time.time()
self.count = self.current_time + total
grace = (int(self.streak.delay) * 60) + self.count # aka delay
grace_sec = (int(self.streak.delay) * 60) + total
parsed = True
# delete later just used to test
print("[seconds:", total, ']', "[action:", self.streak.action, ']',
"[grace:", grace, ']')
# store streak attributes inside "streak.json", action=self.streak.action,
delay=grace, seconds=total,
score=0, delta=self.count, grace_sec=grace_sec)
except ValueError as error:
create uses an instance of Streak
class Streak():
def __init__(self, action, delay, day, hour, minute, score=0, delta=0):
self.action = action
self.delay = delay = day
self.hour = hour
self.minute = minute
self.score = score = delta
Upvotes: 0
Views: 98
Reputation: 16011
The JSON file being reset because
was populated in the build()
method with the image before the add. Add = JsonStore("streak.json")
into create()
def create(self): = JsonStore("streak.json")
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 13
json resets when you add new info you need to add the info before with the new one that what i think its causing the problem
Upvotes: 0