Reputation: 1959
I am trying to get the last call duration on my xamarin.forms app. On android part I am using dependency service.I can get the call duration. How to pass the duration to shared code back?
My Implementation on Android
class Dialer : ICallerDialer
public void GetCallLogs()
string queryFilter = String.Format("{0}={1}", CallLog.Calls.Type, (int)CallType.Outgoing);
string querySorter = String.Format("{0} desc ", CallLog.Calls.Date);
ICursor queryData1 = Android.App.Application.Context.ContentResolver.Query(CallLog.Calls.ContentUri, null, queryFilter ,null, querySorter);
int number = queryData1.GetColumnIndex(CallLog.Calls.Number);
int duration1 = queryData1.GetColumnIndex(CallLog.Calls.Duration);
if (queryData1.MoveToFirst() == true)
String phNumber = queryData1.GetString(number);
String callDuration = queryData1.GetString(duration1);
How to pass this to Shared code back?
My Interface
public interface ICallerDialer
void GetCallLogs();
Dependency call when button click
async void btnCall_Clicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
//How to get duration here?
Any help is appreciated.
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Views: 219
Reputation: 905
Just change the return type of your method to string type.
class Dialer : ICallerDialer
public string GetCallLogs()
string queryFilter = String.Format("{0}={1}", CallLog.Calls.Type, (int)CallType.Outgoing);
string querySorter = String.Format("{0} desc ", CallLog.Calls.Date);
ICursor queryData1 = Android.App.Application.Context.ContentResolver.Query(CallLog.Calls.ContentUri, null, queryFilter ,null, querySorter);
int number = queryData1.GetColumnIndex(CallLog.Calls.Number);
int duration1 = queryData1.GetColumnIndex(CallLog.Calls.Duration);
if (queryData1.MoveToFirst() == true)
String phNumber = queryData1.GetString(number);
String callDuration = queryData1.GetString(duration1);
return callDuration;
return string.Empty;
public interface ICallerDialer
string GetCallLogs();
Dependency call when button click
async void btnCall_Clicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
var duration = DependencyService.Get<ICallerDialer>().GetCallLogs();
Upvotes: 1